Page 9 - ICE2025
P. 9

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       Spectacular show

       Ice carving artistry expected to attract 100,000 visitors this year

         Visitors to the Plymouth Ice Show  The event is expected to see as   touch and pet the various animal vis-
       this year certainly won't be disap-  many as 100,000 visitors this year as  itors. The pony rides are especially
       pointed in the sculptures filling  the event continues to attract crowds  popular, Gietzen noted, as the ani-
       Kellogg Park and throughout the    from throughout the area.           mals are calm and well cared for.
       downtown area Jan. 31, Feb.1 and 2.    As the audiences and crowds     The petting farm and pony rides will
         James     Gietzen    of    JAG   grow, Gietzen continues to add fea-  be located next to the ice playground
       Entertainment who produces the     tures while ensuring the events fami-  this year.
       event each year, said there will be  lies have come to enjoy return each  A record crowd is expected again
       plenty of spectacular artwork dis-  year.                              this year at the Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and
       played on city sidewalks in front of  The tubing run, always one of the  Feb. 2 event unless Mother Nature
       nearly every business along with the  most popular events at the festival,  decides to send one of the 40- or 50-
       larger carvings on display in Kellogg  will be back along with the Family  degree temperature fluctuations
       Park. In addition, several traditional  Petting Farm and pony rides. Last  experienced in the area lately.
       festival features will be back to enter-  year, the animals attracted a large
       tain crowds.                       crowd of younger visitors, all eager to          See Crowds, page 10
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