Page 6 - ICE2024
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Favorites from page 5 booths and wagons. The event also fea-
tures a Polish food booth inside the
and families something fun to do during Hotspot warming station. In addition, all
the colder weather. People can get out, the restaurants in the downtown area
enjoy the festival activities and see the will be offering some of their best menu
artists' work. It really is a good time for items during the festival.
everybody,” he said. The popular Downtown Development
Again this year, the Ice Throne in Authority (DDA) Bingo game will also
Kellogg Park will be the setting for hun- return this year. Visitors can stop in par-
dreds of family photos, Gietzen said. ticipating businesses and collect enough
Families have made the annual photo at stickers to get a bingo on their playing
the ice carving a tradition and return card which then makes them eligible for
every year, he added. a special prize from The Plymouth DDA.
As always, the festival will feature a James Gietzen This year, the Plymouth Ice Festival is
place to sit and warm up at the Hot Spot set for 5 until 10 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2, from
located in The Gathering across from viewing. The Hot Spot is open during 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3
Kellogg Park. Each year, Ehlers Heating official hours of the festival, Gietzen said, and from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Sunday,
and Cooling provides the warmth at the and is always popular. Feb. 4.
site which features local vendors, busi- Festival visitors usually can't resist the For more information, visit www.ply-
nesses, product demonstrations, a sitting fresh roasted almonds, elephant ears or on social media
area to allow for a respite from sculpture and mini donuts available at the food @PlymouthIceFestival.