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       Pets from page 19                  for students to gain confidence and  nity partners throughout the year,”
                                          scholarships via the essay and oratori-  Batcho, who will be the state governor
       pooch plus a custom race bib and par-  cal contests held annually in the win-  of the club next year, said.
       ticipant medal for the humans. All of  ter/spring as well as numerous fun and  For more information about the
       the entry funds will be used to sponsor  entertaining activities and projects  Optimist Club, visit plymouthcantonop-
       Optimist activities associated with  involving children, adults and commu-
       childhood health and wellness
       throughout the area. Specifically, this
       year there is an emphasis on making
       resources available to help youth and
       teens develop positive coping skills to
       alleviate mental health issues and
       reduce suicides in this demographic,
       Batcho said.
         The Optimist organization is the
       fourth largest service organization in
       the world and the Plymouth-Canton
       Club began serving the youth and com-
       munity in 1949.
         “We continue to offer opportunities
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