Page 12 - CLB2023
P. 12


                            International Festival

                                                            Saturday, June 17
                                                            11:30 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
                                                            Location: Heritage Park-Canton LIVE! Stage
                                                            1150 Canton Center Road South

                                                              The Canton Liberty Fest will once again host an
                                                            International Stage in 2023. Festival goers are encouraged to
                                                            check out a wide range of multicultural-based entertain-
                                                            ment representing countries across the globe, including
                                                            China, India, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Ireland, Poland, Sri
                                                            Lanka, and the United States.
                                                              This is a great opportunity for the many diverse cultural
                                                            groups in Canton and the metro Detroit area to share their
                                                            heritage and traditions through music and dance. The color-
                                                            ful costumes, exotic instruments, amazing vocalists, and tal-
                                                            ented dancers performing beautiful choreography will
                                                            transport visitors around the world.
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