Page 14 - BSF2019
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Crowning achievement
Annual Strawberry Queen to be named Friday night
Following a decades-long tradition,
five young women will vie for the title The queen will be chosen by a panel of local judges
of Belleville National Strawberry
Queen during special ceremonies and the contestants will be rated on their individual talent
beginning at 7:30 June 14 at Belleville performance, their participation in a group dance, their
High School.
The contestants this year, four sin- appearance and poise in evening wear and their answers
gle women between the ages of 16 and to questions posed during an on-stage interview.
20 who live in the Belleville area, each
hope to reign during the week-end of
festivities. The queen will be chosen was 18, served as the Strawberry with the Davenport University Dance
by a panel of local judges and the con- Queen. She is the daughter of Kristie team.
testants will be rated on their individ- Roberts and Joe Lewinski and is a full- First runner up last year was Taylor
ual talent performance, their partici- time business student at Davenport Williams, who was 17 at the time. She
pation in a group dance, their appear- University. She hopes to one day own a is the daughter of Dymple Christian.
ance and poise in evening wear and dance studio to work with young stu- Williams hopes to earn a Masters of
their answers to questions posed dur- dents helping them “develop and grow Business Administration degree and
ing an on-stage interview. in the art of dance.” own her own business and one of her
Last year, Madison Letwinski, who The former queen also participated special interests is in women's empow-