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Being an Inspiration...Promoting Literacy

         The present-day library - and
       especially our own Plymouth District
       Library - offers numerous services,
       many 7 days a week and others 24/7.
       Over 900 visitors come to the library
       daily, with 2,000 going to the library's
       website each day
         Giving individuals what they need
       to begin reading, strengthen reading
       skills and tools to continue reading
       are all an important part of the
       library's role.  For individuals with
       diminishing eyesight, the library has
       many services.   The Chet Solowiej
       Low Vision Center offers large print
       books, a collection of assistive mag-
       nifiers, a Topaz HD Desktop Video
       Magnifier and a desktop computer
       with ZoomText Fusion software.
       Audio books are available in CD,
       mp3 and downloadable formats.
       Home delivery of books is available
       for anyone who cannot physically
       come to the library.  Arrangements
       can be made by contacting librarian
       Alice McCardell at 734-453-0750, ext                Computer Lab at Plymouth District Library
       240.                                 On all three levels of the library, a
         New parents or grandparents      librarian is on the desk every hour of
       should ask at the front desk for a  the day, to answer questions, guide
       Born to Read bag for their little one,  research, offer reading suggestions,
       provided free by the Friends of the  find items available in other libraries,
       library.  A canvas totebag, with a  and more
       brand new board book, and helpful    Technology instruction ranges
       information helps the littlest mem-  from entry level computer skill build-
       bers of our community begin a life-  ing, to software training, to exploring
       long love of books.   A child's first  smartphone capabilities.  This
       steps toward literacy are found in  instruction is offered through sched-
       play, puzzles, a puppet theatre, com-  uled classes or through a one-on-
       puter games, cozy corners to explore  one session with a librarian. The
       new books - all on the library's dedi-  library's computer lab will soon offer
       cated lower level for children.    Adobe Creative Cloud  - a high level
         The English Language Learners    graphics and video design product.
       conversation group, in conjunction   Financial literacy is addressed
       with the Plymouth Canton Literacy  through money management and
       Council, meets at the library every  personal info safety programs for          Puppet Theater at
       Monday morning - to learn the idioms  individuals, families, seniors and     Plymouth District Library
       and nuances of the English language  business owners                   or Plymouth Township.   To learn
       and American culture.   On the 2nd   The key to open all of this is a  more about the library, wander
       and 4th Mondays of the month, a    Plymouth District Library card, avail-  around the library's website, ply-
       special reading group for these    able at the front desk for anyone who or access the PDL
       learners takes place at 12 noon.   lives or works in the City of Plymouth  app with your smartphone or device.
                                   To connect, enrich and improve lives
                                through information, services and spaces.

                                            – Library mission statement 2018
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