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Making a difference through working
       with “Kids Coalition Against Hunger”...

         The 2018 Greater Plymouth Service Project will host its
       3rd Annual Grand Food Packaging Event to benefit the
       “Kids Coalition Against Hunger” on Saturday, May 12,
       2018 from 8am to 3pm. The event will take place at the
       Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex (PARC). Again
       this year, the Coalition hopes to package  500,000 meals
       for hungry and needy children.
         “Our mission is to significantly reduce the number of
       hungry children in the USA and feed starving children
       throughout the world,” says Nick Schultz, Chairperson of
       the event. “We accomplish this by delivering a highly
       nutritious meal that was developed by food scientists to
       provide a rich source of easily digestible protein, carbo-
       hydrates, and vitamins needed by an undernourished
       child's body and mind.”
         One-third of the 500,000 meals will go to local com-  (Rotary,  Kiwanis & Lions), the Plymouth Chamber of
       munities where they are distributed to various food  Commerce, the Community Foundation of Plymouth,
       pantries (i.e. food banks, soup kitchens and backpack  PARC, and numerous churches, businesses and private
       programs at the schools). Another third will go to over 18  citizens and family foundations.
       different countries supported by the Kids Coalition    According to Chairman Schultz, “Raising the funds is
       Against Hunger. The final third is be stored in the KCAH  only one part of our work.  Our other important task is to
       Michigan warehouse for disaster relief support.      bring together a community of workers to do the actual
         To date, the Coalition has raised 2/3 of the  $70,000  packaging.”
       needed to purchase the ingredients for 500,000 kid's
       meals.  Contributions have come from local service clubs                               See KIDS, page 4

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