Page 12 - ice2019
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       PARC from page 11                  said.                                 “We couldn't be more excited to
                                            The new space is designed, she    work in the newly-renovated theater
       Old photographs from various       said, for flexible use and technology  space, said Debby Ash, executive
       Plymouth High School yearbooks     has provided some key elements in the  director of the performing arts group.
       revealed there was a decorative    new space. Retractable auditorium-  “We were the first to perform in the
       proscenium arch above the stage, and  style seating was selected to accommo-  space back in August of 2015, just
       sections of the plaster moldings could  date events that may require tables  weeks after PARC had opened. We
       be seen from certain interior access  and chairs, such as dinner theater  look forward to many more years of
       points on the second floor, but no one  shows, class reunions, banquets and  providing quality entertainment with
       was entirely certain how much of the  similar events. New rooms overlook-  state-of-the-art facilities equipment.
       historic detail remained intact behind  ing the theater were added on the sec-  The newly-renovated theater will
       the layers of drywall and ceiling tiles.  ond floor to house the advanced sound  become a point of pride for this com-
         As demolition began, workers dis-  and light technology, including a cam-  munity and beyond.”
       covered the original proscenium arch,  era system with the ability to both  A grand opening of the Jack Wilcox
       moldings and column in place,      record and live-stream performances.  Theater will be scheduled within the
       although repair of missing plaster   Grieger said several performances  next weeks, Grieger said, when the
       details required meticulous care.  have been scheduled for 2022 in the  health threat of the pandemic has
       Those details were enhanced with a  theater including shows by Forever  abated. For more information, call
       coat of gold paint, a feature audience  After Productions, one of the first ten-  (734) 927-4090 or email info@ply-
       members are sure to notice, Grieger  ants to rent space at PARC.
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