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       the games which will continue from 6  the Michigan Gaming Commission,  available for sale.
       until 9 p.m. This year, there will be  payouts will be structured and will be  Plymouth-Canton Little League is
       three special Grand Slam Bingo     $60 for a single Bingo, $40 for a double  the only youth baseball and softball
       games, one at 6:45, another at 7:45 and  Bingo, $100 for a Grand Slam Single  program in Plymouth and Canton char-
       the third at 8:45 p.m.             Line Bingo and $550 for a Grand Slam  tered by Little League International,
         Gerber said the event has a group of  Coverall.                      the same organization that hosts the
       avid players who attend every year   All players must be at least 18 years  Little League World Series. The group
       along with the Little League families  of age and have a valid identification  offers supervised baseball programs
       who come to play. She said the event  and any children younger than 18 must  for boys and girls of all skill levels, ages
       takes a great deal more planning and  remain with an adult at all times.  5 through 14. In addition to the regular
       organization that people might expect  Children are not allowed to play Bingo,  spring baseball and softball season, the
       for the event which has become the  but they may sit with an adult player.  league offers additional playing oppor-
       second-largest annual fundraiser for  Bingo sheets will be sold at the begin-  tunities through baseball and softball
       the group.                         ning of each round and single and dou-  clinics and tournament play. Plymouth-
         “It's all hands on deck for Bingo  ble games are priced at $1 per sheet.  Canton Little League operates T-Ball,
       night,” she said.                  The Grand Slam sheets are $5 each or  Machine Pitch, Minor, Major, and
         Players can come and go and play  $10 for three sheets.              Junior divisions according to Little
       for any amount of time as games will  Payment must be in cash, organizers  League International. For more infor-
       be continuously called during the  stressed and the sheets must be     mation, email plycanlittleleague@
       three hours. This year, due to rules of  marked with a dabber. Those will be
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