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       Festival funds scholarships, civic donations

                             Julie Brown
                              Staff Writer

         Many students have benefited dur-
       ing the past six decades from the
       Rotary Chicken Barbeque proceeds,
       thanks to volunteers who serve nearly
       11,000 barbeque chicken dinners on
       Chicken Sunday.
         David Batts, chair of the Plymouth
       Noon Rotary Club Foundation, noted
       that nearly 70 percent of money raised
       from the Plymouth Fall Festival bar-
       beque supports student scholarships.                                                      Photo by Helen Yancy
         “Volunteering is a way of giving  setup the Saturday before the Sunday,  an auto industry career, added of youth
       back,” Batts said of the 400-500 volun-  Sept. 8, event.               volunteering, “It helps them grow. It's
       teers who assist in the chicken bar-  Batts said he gets, “Self-satisfaction.  the big picture of helping other people
       beque, in the 64th year.           I like watching young people learn. A  succeed who may not have the same
         Interact, the Rotary high school arm  lot of them have a good time. They get  opportunity.”
       at Plymouth-Canton Educational Park,  a lot out of it, especially if you take the  Some $70,000 is raised from the bar-
       has barbeque volunteers and high   time to explain it.”                beque annually. Vocational and merit
       school sports teams help, too, with  Batts, in money management after  scholarships are awarded from pro-
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