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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 2, 2021

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                      ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Resident seeks more accessible area restrooms

           The lack of public comfort  the National Action Network in                                                                Councilwoman      Virginia
        conveniences brought one resi-  Western Wayne started by the                             ”                                 Williams noted that this really
        dent to the most recent meeting  Rev. Al Sharpton in 1991.                   I'm not trying to push this off,              was a state issue as there are,
        of the Romulus City Council.     “As Martin Luther King, Jr.                                                               according to the city attorney,
           Keilani Hadden spoke to the  said, 'I am tired of marching for                but legally this is the                   not a lot of state statures requir-
        members of the city council to  rights that should have been give              responsibility of the state.                ing restroom facilities. She sug-
        ask their help in accommodating  to us at birth',” she said. Hadden                                                        gested Hadden contact State
        the public with “clean, open   said she was well aware that                                                                Rep. Alex Garza or State Sen.
        restrooms in restaurants” in   many businesses are subjected                                                               Ericka Geiss.
        local businesses, particularly gas  to the use of opioids and other  nesses have toilet paper avail-  Her concerns were seconded  “I'm not trying to push this off,
        stations and restaurants. While  drugs in their restrooms and  able and that intercoms might  by  Councilman     William   but legally this is the responsibil-
        Hadden said that Romulus usu-  that “businesses don't want to  be installed to provide recorded  Wadsworth who said he found it  ity of the state,” she said.
        ally does have provisions for the  find someone on the floor or a  warnings limited the amount of  distressing when he goes to a gas  Hadden said that she under-
        comfort of the public, the lack of  dirty restroom with needles.  time a user is in the facility. “It  station and spends $50 at the  stood that and that she came to
        such facilities is a real problem  That's a reason businesses don't  could announce 'your 3 or 5 min-  pump and then is told that the  the city first as she “didn't want
        in rural areas, particularly those  want to open restroom in Black  utes are up or 2 minutes left',”  lavatory facility is out of order.  to go barking up the wrong tree.
        serving Black communities.     areas,” she said.              she said. Hadden suggested this  “That's a bad thing for a senior  Romulus is great. We have clean
           Hadden said she has lived in  She said there were some     recording could keep clerks   citizen,” he said. He added that  bathrooms,” she said. She sug-
        Romulus since 1990 and was a   solutions that business could  from having to interface with the  the city has some control when  gested that others interested in
        1995 graduate of Romulus High  employ such as hourly cleanings  users and avoid confrontations.   developers come to the city  helping promote the issue of
        School prior to graduating from  and offering sanitizers outside  “Can Romulus open more    seeking permits and plans for a  opening more lavatory facilities
        Michigan State University. She  or wipes of some kind for cus-  bathrooms when the pandemic  new project. They are told about  contact    her        at
        said she was a member of the   tomers to use to sanitize the  mandate is lifted?” she asked  bathroom     requirements, or www.lani-
        communications committee of    area. She suggested that busi-  the council members.         Wadsworth said.      
        Romulus council OK’s purchase of 2 CPR machines

           The     Romulus      Fire     “We can save brains as well
        Department will soon have      as hearts by keeping the blood
        some extra help when patients  flowing,” she explained. She
        in distress need cardiopul-    noted that few people are aware
        monary resuscitation (CPR).    of how intense and tiring per-
           Members of the city council  forming CPR is. The machine,
        approved the purchase of two   she said, provides 102 compres-
        new automated CPR devices for  sions at 2.1 inches in depth
        the fire department use in emer-  which research determined was
        gency situations after seeing a  optimum in most cases. She
        demonstration of the device.   explained that the machine
           “This is basically an extra set  could be updated remotely
        of hands for firefighters when  should there be innovations or
        we are on one of our most inten-  changes to operating proce-
        sive calls,” explained Fire Chief  dures. Training, she said, would
        Ken Krause during the meeting.  be available and performed by
        During a presentation of the   her as she is a “nearby resi-
        device by a representative of the  dent.”
        manufacturer, Stryker, council   Councilwoman Tina Talley
        members saw the plastic disc   asked how the manufacturer
        provide motorized compres-     could be confident of the correct  ous questions regarding the  them back,” Smith said. She  Robert McCraight had been in
        sions to a mannequin torso,    compressions for each individ-  machine and it's effectiveness  explained that CPR would have  contact with the Beaumont
        Stryker representative Jamie   ual. Smith said research showed  on heart patients and pacemak-  been started by firefighters on  Foundation and that the
        Smith explained that the device  that the device will fit 95 percent  er users along with the possibili-  the scene prior to engaging the  machines may be funded by a
        is designed to provide consistent  of the population and demon-  ty of the machine breaking a  machine and if ribs were bro-  grant.
        compressions to keep blood flow  strated the device beginning  patient's ribs.              ken, that would probably have    Councilmembers unanimous-
        to the brain during medical    slowly and then increasing       “The people this machine is  happened prior to the use of the  ly approved the purchase and
        emergency treatment by EMTs    depth of the compressions.     used on are clinically dead and  machine.                    thanked Smith for the demon-
        in the field.                    Councilmembers asked vari-   the EMTs are trying to bring     Krause also noted that Mayor  stration.

        Sumpter trustees approve police equipment purchase                                                                         Schools

           Members of the Sumpter      al fee, prompting his recom-   according to the manufacturer,  newer, later models the town-  FROM PAGE 1
        Township Board of Trustees     mendation to purchase the signs  20 to 25 local departments have  ship was purchasing have been
        approved two equipment pur-    from Evolis.                   started using them. This is a  improved so that there is no  questioned their motives in
        chases for the police depart-    The board also approved the  device used to restrain a sus-  gunshot noise upon firing of the  placing Edmondson on leave.
        ment during their meeting Nov.  purchase of three BolaWrap    pect before a taser is fired,” he  device.                      According to a board state-
        9.                             passive restraint devices in the  said. The shock of being      Trustee Matt Oddy comment-  ment, the audit was prompted
           Trustees authorized the     amount of $4,068. Luke         wrapped up disables a suspect,  ed that he felt the devices were  by the failure of Edmondson to
        expenditure of $5,779 for two  explained that these resistance  Luke said, without causing the  a “great, non-lethal-option” for  address problems in the district
        radar speed signs for the town-  units fire a Kevlar wrap around  pain of a taser or pepper spray.  the department.        business and financial opera-
        ship at the request of Director of  the legs of a suspect, disabling  Luke explained that this  Both purchases will be fully  tions.
        Public Safety/Police Chief Eric  them.                        device is mechanically activated  funded from the township share  An interim report from Clark
        Luke. In obtaining prices for the  “This is a great option for  using a dummy 380 round to  of drug forfeiture funds and will  Hill attorneys indicated a "possi-
        signs, Luke told the board,    officers,” Luke said. “The     propel the Kevlar rope onto the  not be a tax revenue expense,  ble violation of competitive bid-
        quotes from another vendor     devices just came out in 2019  legs of a suspect. He said the  Luke stressed. Board members  ding laws for supplies, materi-
        proved to be $1,000 higher in  and we have been watching      current model sounds like a   unanimously approved both      als, equipment and or for the
        price and included a $550 annu-  them for awhile. Currently,  gunshot when deployed but the  purchases.                    addition renovation or repair to
                                                                                                                                   district buildings." The report
        Santa arrives Saturday during winter parade                                                                                claims that Edmondson pur-
                                                                                                                                   chased "groups of items" in
                                                                                                                                   excess of the $25,288 limit of his
           Santa will officially arrive in  prizes will be awarded to floats  The parade will begin at  holiday season, Santa will greet  sole authority without taking the
        the Belleville area on Saturday,  judged to be the best in each to  Belleville High School at 5:15  children of all ages in the Fourth  purchase to the board members.
        Dec. 4 following the Winter Fest  those three categories along with  p.m. and travel along West  Street Square tent.          Parents have been highly
        parade.                        a prize for the Overall Best Float.  Columbia Avenue to Five Points  Santa will host breakfast from  critical of the contract paying
           The parade theme this year is  Following the parade, there will  and then along Main Street to the  10 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Sunday  McNatt $734 per day as interim
        A Christmas Carol, Christmas   be fireworks from the Denton   historical museum. Following a  before he straps on his skates to  superintendent, noting it is
        Past, Present and Future and   Road bridge.                   fireworks display welcoming the  join in the fun from 2 until 4 p.m.  more than Edmondson is paid.


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