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November 25, 2021                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Police shooting of dog remains under investigation

           The internal investigation by  Brock  when the officer fired                                                            now I don't have that. They took
        Inkster police into the shooting  four times, striking the animal.                       ”                                 that from me,” Brock said.
        of dog by an officer is ongoing,  “They took my best friend                   I've got bills I've got to pay.                “The members of the Inkster
        according to an official state-  from me. Four times they shot                                                             Police Department are without
        ment from the department.      him. Everything just happened                      I lost out on work.                      question saddened by the loss of
           A 4-year-old mastiff, owned  so fast,” Brock said. He claims                  I lost my best friend.                    anyone's pet, and we send our
        by Inkster resident Brad Brock,  the dog walked past another                                                               sympathy to the owner, however,
        was shot and killed by an Inkster  person at the scene and was        I lost something that helps me through life.         it is incumbent of pet owners to
        officer earlier this month.    “hyper and happy and then he                                                                be responsible with their ani-
        According to Brock, the dog was  walked next to me and they (the                                                           mals. In this instance, you have
        shot as it approached the officer,  police officer) shot him.”  he was still wagging his tail. He  I've got to pay. I lost out on work.  a pet owner who had a dog near
        attempting, Brock said, to greet  Inkster police said that the  was still wagging his tail. He was  I lost my best friend. I lost some-  the main thoroughfare, with
        him.                           officer feared for his life when  just such a loving dog. He was  thing that helps me through life.  high numbers of both vehicular
           Brock said the incident     the large dog walked toward    just such a loving boy,” Brock  The thing that helps me get  and pedestrian traffic, without a
        occurred after he made a 911   him. The officer's body camera  said.                        through life,” Brock said. Brock  leash. And without sufficient
        call to the police to report an  had stopped working prior to   Brock rushed Moose to a vet-  said the dog helped him cope  control of the animal. Again, this
        altercation at a nearby gas sta-  the incident, according to police  erinary clinic where the dog was  with the loss of his leg as the  investigation is ongoing.”
        tion on Michigan Avenue.  His  officials. Brock insisted that the  pronounced dead. Brock said he  result of a motorcycle accident.  Brock said he intends to con-
        dog, Moose, was not on a leash at  dog was gentle and posed no  is now in debt for the treatment  “He's been with me every step of  tact a lawyer about filing suit
        the time and was approaching   threat. “Even after he was shot  provided to his dog. “I've got bills  the way since my accident. And  against the department.
        Official holiday events scheduled in City of Romulus

           The traditional tree lighting ceremo-  place at the Romulus Historical Park
        ny in Romulus will begin with hot cocoa  Pavilion, 11147 Hunt St. and officials
        and snacks before newly-elected Mayor  said there will be parking available
        Robert McCraight officially welcomes   throughout the downtown area and on
        Santa to the city.                     Hunt Street, on a first-come, first-serve
           The official dedication and presenta-  basis.
        tion of the key to the city to Santa is set to  Officials also reminded residents that
        take place at 6:30 p.m. and this year will  the Romulus Recreation Department
        include a holiday performance by the   Mother and Daughter Winter Fairytale
        Romulus High School Choir. Residents   "Par-Tea" is set for 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
        will be encouraged to join in singing car-  Saturday, Dec. 4 at the Romulus Athletic
        ols and there will be holiday vendors on  Center. This event includes the sampling
        site for gift shopping. Photos with Santa  of several teas, a light brunch and the
        will be available after the dedication for  opportunity to dress up for the occasion.
        $10 each.                              Reservations will accepted only until
           This year, the family-friendly, free  Nov. 29. Prices for the event are $20 for a
        event will also attempt to "Stuff the Bus"  couple, and $10 for an additional adult
        with non-perishable food donations to  and $5 for a child younger than 17.
        help the Romulus Helping Hand facility   Another traditional holiday celebra-
        in the city. There will be a school bus on  tion in the city, Brunch with Santa, is set
        site and those attending the free holiday  for 10:30 p.m. Dec. 11. Tickets for brunch
        event are encouraged to bring items to  are priced at $12 per child and include
        fill the bus for giving to the less fortunate  the meal, story time, a photo with Santa
        in the community.  Romulus Helping     and a special holiday craft. Adults can
        Hand is a food pantry and thrift shop  enjoy brunch for $5. Tickets must be pur-
        that helps local families in need, located  chased by Monday, Dec. 6 and are avail-  Last year, Santa Claus was virtually welcomed to Romulus by city officials and grade
        at 37510 West Huron River Dr.  Supplies  able in the Community Development   student Ezabella Brewer. This year, residents are invited to the free event at Romulus
        are running low and food donations are  Office at Romulus City Hall. The brunch,  Historical Park.
        needed, especially at this time of year.  which till take place at the Romulus  hours, organizers said.            Romulus Recreation Department. For
           The tree-lighting ceremony will take  Senior Center, will last for about two  Both events are organized by the  more information, call (734) 941-8665.
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