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November 21, 2018                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                           NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Grant, loan to fund Bathey site clean-up

           The clean up of a former      The funding from the state     The 15-acre site is located on  have to obtain approval of the  ally connect to Main Street and
        manufacturing site in Plymouth  will be administered through  Mill Street near Amelia, south  site plan and a rezoning from  green space, walking paths and
        is being helped by funding from  the Plymouth Brownfield      of Main Street. Pulte Homes   members of the Plymouth City   benches and public amenities
        the Michigan Department of     Redevelopment Authority        has submitted a plan to con-  Commission.                    along Mill Street.
        Environmental Quality.         which will have oversight of the  struct townhomes on the south  The project, to be called Mill  Pulte will be responsible for
           The state agency recently   clean up at the site.          10 acres of the land expected to  Street Towns, will also include  the cleaning of the entire site
        announced that a $650,000 grant  The site of the plant, which  cost from $280,00-$320,000.   a pedestrian crosswalk on Mill  with remediation of the 10-
        has been awarded to the city to  manufactured baskets that held  The plan has been approved  Street to connect the homes to  acres where the construction of
        help with remediation at the   auto parts while they were plat-  by members of the Plymouth  neighborhoods access to loca-  the townhomes is proposed
        former site of the Bathey      ed or chemically tested, was   Planning Commission although  tions across the street. There  including the removal of con-
        Manufacturing Co. along with a  closed in the late 80s and has  a final remediation plan is still  will also be a walkway from the  taminated soil to be replaced by
        $1 million loan from the state.  been vacant for decades.     being finalized. The project will  development which will eventu-  clean soil.
        City files lawsuit against Northville school district

           The City of Northville and the  school building to make way for  “The city is not voicing an                         ”
        Northville Community School    the homes.                     opinion on whether the building                  The city is not voicing
        District are headed for a court-  City officials argued that the  should stay or go, but we are
        room showdown.                 property and school building is  requesting that the (school) dis-            an opinion on whether the
           Attorneys for the city filed a  located in the Northville Historic  trict follow the same rules that our  building should stay or go...
        lawsuit against the school district  District boundaries and therefore  residents follow, which require
        Nov. 9 seeking to halt the demoli-  the demolition requires a permit  them to seek HDC approval,”  State Historic Preservation Act  matter of jurisdiction and come to
        tion of Main Street Elementary  from the members of the Historic  Northville Mayor Ken Roth said  and  the  city's  Historic  a decision that would be a win/win
        School, where a plan to sell the  District Commission.        in a prepared statement.      Preservation Ordinance,” Roth  for the school district and the city,”
        property to a developer for the  School district officials, howev-  “The city's position is that  added.                   Gallagher said. “The decision the
        construction of four luxury homes  er, claimed that the district is  demolishing a building in a his-  Mary Kay Gallagher, superin-  school board made regarding the
        has been approved by members of  exempt from the ordinance    toric district for the purpose of  tendent of the Northville schools  Main Street School property came
        the board of education.  A pur-  requiring that permission citing  selling the land to a private devel-  said the lawsuit is regrettable.  after many months of collecting
        chase agreement included the   an opinion from the Michigan   oper to build four single-family  “Certainly, we had hoped that  input from the community and
        demolition of the 79-year-old  Attorney General in 1997.      homes is not exempt from the  we could agree to disagree on this  everyone who would be affected.”
        Mitchell                       know of ” was recovered,       lawn mower that was delivered  the pleasure of Price, reporting  quo type of case like Mitchell's',
                                       according to Tiderington, and
                                                                      to Mitchell's home.
                                                                                                                                   the defendant usually gives up
                                                                                                    to Mitchell. No charges have
                                       many of the items, clearly       Directly related to the case  been filed against Kidd.     valued information to the pros-
        FROM PAGE 1                    labeled “Plymouth Township”    are circumstances regarding      Heise said he would be rep-  ecution in exchange for a
                                       with a black marker, were      township seasonal employee    resenting the township and the  lighter sentence.
        was paid $16,476.79 while      found in Mitchell's garage by  Matthew Kidd, who was super-  board members with the sub-      According to Tiderington,
        absent from his job. He was sub-  authorities during the warrant  vised by Mitchell. Kidd was  mission of a Victim Impact  the penalty in Mitchell's case
        sequently terminated by newly-  search.  Floor tiles from the  paid a gross total of $19,623.80  Statement, as requested by the  under the subject federal cor-
        elected Supervisor Kurt Heise.    township park pavilion, a com-  for 661.5 hours of work in the  court.                   ruption laws is going to be
           Tiderington told the trustees  mercial lawn mower, a lawn  months of October, November      Mitchell was charged under  much lighter, “likely 36 to 48
        that during the ongoing investi-  blower and a 4-wheel drive  and December 2016, racking up  “information” which typically  months” prison time verses 10
        gation, Mitchell was “employed  John Deere Gator “worth about  more than 181 hours of over-  means the defendant is cooper-  years and a $250,000 fine.
        out of town.” Informed sources  $12,000,” were among the stolen  time in the off-season fall and  ating with the federal authori-  Tiderington said Mitchell could
        say he was living Rockford,    items.                         winter period. Records show   ties and has negotiated a plea  be sentences anywhere from
        Illinois and visiting Mexico     Tiderington also reported    Kidd was paid $22.44 an hour  deal. Mitchell pleaded guilty on  “probation to prison time.”
        where his wife was reportedly  that Mitchell had prepared     and time and one half for over-  Aug. 29, to “Count One of     Mitchell's sentencing hearing
        working for an automotive man-  fraudulent purchase orders,   time, receiving an average of  Information” under Federal    is set for Jan. 17, 2019 before
        ufacturing company.            one that had the appearance of  $1,635.31 weekly for his part-  Program Theft laws and will  Judge Terrence G. Berg in the
           All the missing property “we  a repair, but in reality was for a  time parks job. Kidd served at  not face a trial. In a quid-pro-  U.S. Federal Court in Detroit.
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