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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 1, 2018


        Canton clerk anticipates 50-60 percent turnout

           Canton Township Clerk       no incumbents, he noted.                                                                    voters. Turnout in 2014 was 42.8
        Michael Siegrist said by Oct. 23  Siegrist added the 11th                                ”                                 percent, turnout in 2010 was
        his office had issued 12,501   District Congressional race is         Many statewide analysts are expecting                44.9 percent. In Canton it was
        absentee ballots form the regis-  competitive.                                                                             48 percent, and 49 percent.
        tered voters in the township eli-  “Absentee voter turnout in        four million voters statewide which would             Canton could very easily see
        gible to vote Nov. 6.          the last two gubernatorial elec-      be roughly 54 percent of registered voters.           turnout of 60 percent in this
           Siegrist said he and his staff  tions (2010, 2014) was around                                                           election, which is what the
        have not heard of any particu-  9,000. We are looking at a poten-                                                          absentee vote numbers are
        lar races or issues at his office  tial 40 percent increase in                                                             hinting at.”
        counter that seem to be gener-  turnout for AVs. This has the  The turnout in the primary was  The anticipated voter         Canton voters can go to
        ating more interest than others  potential to be the highest  a 147 percent increase over   turnout across the state, to view a sam-
        on the ballot.                 turnout gubernatorial year gen-  2016 primary, 97 percent    Siegrist said, is expected to be  ple ballot and find their
           “Three statewide ballot pro-  eral election in decades.”   increase in turnout over the  heavy.                         precinct. Voters can also go to
        posals are drawing interest,”    He cited “a roughly 60 per-  2014 primary, 101 percent        “Many statewide analysts and view informa-
        along with the open races for  cent increase in AVs in the pri-  increase over the 2012 primary,  are expecting four million vot-  tion provided by the League of
        governor, secretary of state and  mary, so the trend of increases  and a 90 percent increase in  ers statewide which would be  Women Voters about each can-
        attorney general, which have   in absentee voters is consistent.  turnout over the 2010 primary.”  roughly 54 percent of registered  didate, Siegrist said.
        Lawsuit challenges incumbent's Canton residency

           A lawsuit filed by Canton   state and federal levels prompt-  Canton Township Clerk      be allowed to be re-elected, but
        Township resident Ace Kent     ed him to investigate the matter.  Michael Siegrist confirmed that  should be removed from office
        Herbert claims that current state  He said he discovered the docu-  Pagan registered to vote in  and that she and her husband be
        Rep. Kristy Pagan has defrauded  ments revealing that Pagan, 36,  Canton in 2012 and her husband  investigated for possible fraud
        the electorate and is not a resi-  and her husband, Karl Lopata,  registered in Canton last July.  and perjury.”
        dent of the 21st District, a   filed for a Homestead Tax        Herbert disagreed and said a   Pagan said she moved back to
        requirement for the office she  Exemption on the Ann Arbor    Google search claims that Lopata  Canton in 2011 and started her
        has held for two terms.        home as their “principal resi-  was registered to vote in Ann  own business, “dedicated to civic
           Pagan is being challenged by  dence” irked him. Such an    Arbor.                        and community engagement.”
        first-time candidate Darian    exemption is allowed by state    Pagan claims that only her     George Gostias, Herbert's
        Moore, a Republican, who has   law for a primary residence    husband signed for the principal  attorney who filed the suit
        lived in Canton for more than 23  occupied by the owner.      residence exemption and that  against the Wayne County
        years.                           Pagan, now in her second     while she is the co-owner of the  Elections Bureau seeking her
           Herbert's lawsuit claims that  term in the state Legislature, was  property, she did not seek the tax  removal from office, said that he
        Pagan, a Democrat, has claimed  originally a Belleville resident  deduction. She further stated  has every confidence that the
        an Ann Arbor address as her pri-  before her family moved to  that the home is “rental proper-  claims against Pagan are valid.         Rep. Kristy Pagan
        mary residence on tax filings by  Canton where she attended   ty” which also raised a red flag  “My client is deeply offended
        her husband taking a $2600     Plymouth-Canton schools and    for Herbert.                  that his state representative,  that votes for Pagan not be count-
        Homestead Tax Credit. Pagan    graduated from Salem High        He claims that if this is rental  Kristy Pagan, does not live in the  ed in the Nov. 6 election as she is
        and her husband listed the Ann  School before attending Western  property it should be registered  district she claims to represent.  not a qualified candidate under
        Arbor address as the primary   Michigan University.           with Ann Arbor which he claims  In 2016 she purchased a home in  state election law.
        residence on the mortgage appli-  She claims that Canton is and  is required.  He said there was  Ann Arbor.                 “I know it is too late to have
        cation of the $450,000 property,  always has been her home and  no such registration he could  “She claimed a Homestead    her name removed from the bal-
        Herbert claims in his suit.    dismisses Herbert's claims as a  find.                       Tax Exemption on that Ann      lot,” Herbert said, but I don't
           “That makes them Ann Arbor  political attack by Republicans  “It's clear that we are being  Arbor home, saving her more  think voters for her should
        residents or guilty of fraud,”  attempting to derail her cam-  lied to and the only reason  than $2,600 per year, all while  count,” Herbert said.
        Herbert said.                  paign.                         (Pagan) maintains an address in  claiming to still live in Canton.  The case is now before Wayne
           He said that rumors of Pagan's  “This is baseless and mislead-  Canton is to hide where she real-  She has committed perjury and  County Circuit Court Judge
        failure to live in the district have  ing,” she said. “I have always  ly lives with her husband,”  defrauded the people of  Robert Columbo although no
        been circulating for some time  claimed Canton as my resi-    Herbert said in a press release.  Michigan,” Gostias said.   hearing date on the matter had
        and recent scandals at both the  dence.”                      “I believe not only should she not  The complaint is requesting  been scheduled by press time.
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