The Eagle 10 20 16 - page 6

Congregationmeets Sunday
Redeemer Lutheran Church offers
worship services at 11 a.m. Sunday at
Tyler Elementary School, 42200 Tyler
Road inBelleville.
For more information call (734)740-4230
or access
FreedomWalk registration open
Online registration for the Freedom
Walk/5K Run to benefit human trafficking
survivors is now available at
- The
event will begin at 11 a.m. Oct. 22 at
Skateland West in Westland. All $25 regis-
trations will fully support survivors of
human trafficking. Registration will begin
at the event at 11 and a Zumba warm up
will begin at 11:45 a.m. and the walk/run
start at noon.
Skateland West is located at 37550
CherryHill Road inWestland.
ResourceOpenHouse planned
Community Living Services in Wayne
will host free Resource Open House ses-
sions from 10 a.m. until noon and 6-8 p.m.
today, Oct. 20.
The sessions are designed to help par-
ents and caregivers of those with a disabil-
ity navigate the confusing mental health
This is an opportunity for parents and
caregivers of children and adult children
with intellectual and developmental dis-
abilities to ask questions about how a per-
son becomes eligible to receive mental
health services, Medicaid and Medicare,
community resources, alternatives to
guardianship, transportation, school tran-
sition, staffing, budgets, employment and
This event is open to the public and not
limited to those receiving services from
CLS. A few confirmed vendors include the
Alzheimer's Association, The Detroit-
Wayne Community Mental Health
Opportunities, CLS Peer Mentors, and the
CLSFamily Services department.
Community Living Services is located
at 35425Michigan Ave. West inWayne. It is
a nonprofit organization.
Legislator host final coffee hour
State Rep. Kurt Heise will be available
to meet with local residents and business
owners to talk about state government
from 8-9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 21,
during his monthly Coffee with Kurt. The
meeting will be at Crawford's Kitchen,
located at 542 Starkweather St. in
Heise is also available to meet with
constituents by appointment either in the
district or at his Lansing office. Residents
are invited to call toll free 1-855-REP-
KURT or email
to schedule an appointment.
The October Coffee With Kurt is sched-
uled to be Heise's final public constituent
event as State Representative before he
takes office as Plymouth Township super-
Pumpkin Palooza planned
The 6th Annual Pumpkin Palooza in
downtown Plymouth is planned for noon
until 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23.
The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce
sponsors the event and is looking for spon-
sors and businesses to participate in the
planned entertainment, games, candy
handouts and fun for children. There will
be a pets costume contest along with one
for children's costumes. All ages are wel-
Candy donations can be taken to the
chamber office. More information is avail-
able at (734) 453-1540.
Skeletons Are Alive inNorthville
The Fifth Annual Skeletons Are Alive
display is in full view on downtown
Northville streets, with more than 100
skeletons depicted in unique situations
fromtaking care of business towalking the
dogs, and everything inbetween.
These bare bones characters are sure
to provide amusement and amazement.
The skeletons will be on display through-
out downtown throughOct. 31.
Safe, Sound andSecure seminar offered
The Canton Public Safety Department
is partneringwithCantonLeisureServices
to bring back the annual Seniors: Safe,
Sound & Secure seminar from noon until
3 p.m.Wednesday, Nov. 2.
This year, the free seminar for senior
citizens includes guest speakers from
Comfort Keepers, Community Emergency
Response Team and the Canton police
and fire departments.
Lunch and dessert are provided. Space
is limited so pre-registration is required at
the Canton Senior Desk, (734) 394-5485
beforeOct. 26.
Senior seminar scheduled
The Inkster Task Force, Top Ladies of
Distinction, Michigan Metro Chapter and
Inkster Senior Services will present an
Information Forum from 11:30 until 1:30
p.m. Oct. 27 at the Dozier Recreation
Complex, 2025Middlebelt Road in Inkster.
Agenda items include the latest infor-
mation about senior issues; voter and
absentee ballot information; new recre-
ation complex programs; lunch; door
prizes and a best costume contest award.
For reservations or information, call
(313) 561-2382.
Documentary to be shown
Goshen: Places of Refuge For The
Running People, an 85 minute film that
depicts the diet and active lifestyle of the
indigenous Tarahumara, a light-footed
running tribe, will be show at Northville
townshipHall at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 27.
The tribe is renowned for their incredi-
ble long-distance running endurance and
prevention of modern chronic diseases.
Registration is required at the Northville
District Library, (248) 349-3020.
The showing is free and the film is
Inkster BooBash planned
Ghosts and goblins are expected to fill
theDozierRecreationComplexOct. 31.
The City of Inkster will host the Annual
Boo Bash from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31 and pro-
vide a fun-filled, safe alternative to tradi-
tional door-to-door trick or treating activi-
There will be games, prizes trick or
treat bags and refreshments for children
in the 6th grade and younger.
The event is free and open to all chil-
drenwithin the age limit.
Also planned for the evening is Trucks
with Treats from 7-9 p.m. with set up
beginning in the parking lot of the com-
plex beginning at 6:30. No unwrapped
candy or fruit will be allowed at the event
when children can go from "truck to trunk"
in the lot for treats to celebrate the holi-
The Dozier House of Horror will also
be available for children.
The events are made possible by pri-
vate donations and sponsors including
TRI and 2ByteEntertainment.
For more information, call (734)728-
The Dozier Complex is located at 2025
Middlebelt Road in Inkster.
WinterWonderland planned
The annual Plymouth Chamber of
Commerce Gala Auction will have a
WinterWonderland theme this year.
The event is planned for 6 p.m. Nov. 4 at
Laurel Manor on Schoolcraft Road in
More than 500 items were donated for
the auctions last year and more than 500
people attended the event. Organizers
plan to have the room decorated to reflect
awinter evening inMichigan.
Sponsorships and auction items are
now being accepted. For more informa-
tion, contact Wes Graff at wes@plymouth- orDougWallace at Douglas@ply-
October 20, 2016
Calendar of events
Charity tickets now on sale
The Inkster Legends organization
needs help in providing the gift of
Christmas to 100 families inneed.
The Legends, known for the youth
basketball camps, provides holiday
gifts and food to families annually at
the holiday. The effort is primarily
funded by donations and the sale of $10
raffle tickets, which is already under
way in the community.
This year, the $10 donation offers a
chance to win first prize which is two
tickets to see the world champion
Cleveland Cavaliers play the Detroit
Pistons. Second prize in the drawing
this year is a 24-inch flat screen TV and
third prize is a birthday party blast at
the Romulus Athletic Center for 15
people. Fourth prize is a Wayne Bowl
party for 10 people and the fifth and
sixth prize winners will each receive a
one-day weekend stay at the Sheraton
Hotel or a one day weekend stay at the
Marriott hotel. The seventh and eighth
place prizes are aWilson golf bag and a
dozen golf balls and a case of Choice
sirloin steaks. The ninth and 10th place
winners will be awarded certificates
for dinner for two at local restaurants.
The raffle drawing will take place at
6 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Sheraton Hotel in
For tickets or more information,
contact Director Fred Smiley, (734)890-
2478 or access
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