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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 19, 2019

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland mayor to co-chair national committee

           Westland Mayor William R.   sent Westland on the national                             ”                                 cities in the country today. Wild
        Wild has been appointed to serve  stage as we work on this impor-                                                          has been an actively engaged
        alongside Mayor Elizabeth B    tant aspect of job creation and  I look forward to sharing best practices and ideas with    with the USCM since he took
        Kautz from Burnsville, MN as co-  our economy,” commented          the nation's mayors as we work to strengthen the        office in 2007.
        chairs of the United States    Barnett.  “Wild is in a unique                                                                “It is an honor to be selected
        Conference of Mayors (USCM)    position to lead, coming from a     United States economy one community at a time.          to co-chair this task force as we
        Small      Business      and   small business background, and I                                                            examine the crucial topics of
        Entrepreneurship Task Force.   am confident that he will help                                                              business retention, growth and
        Both mayors were selected by   the USCM develop a proactive,  experiences with how they've  incubate new ideas for small   job creation,” commented Wild.
        USCM President Mayor Bryan K.  strategic agenda through this  successfully grown and support-  business growth.            “I look forward to sharing best
        Barnett of Rochester Hills.    task force.”                   ed small businesses and how      The United States Conference  practices and ideas with the
           “Mayor Wild has long been a   The Small Business and       they foster entrepreneurship in  of Mayors is the official non-par-  nation's mayors as we work to
        leader and a national voice on  Entrepreneurship Task Force   their cities.  They will also hear  tisan organization of cities with  strengthen the United States
        entrepreneurship and I was     comprises mayors from across   from representatives from small  populations of 30,000 or more.  economy one community at a
        excited to appoint him to repre-  the country who will share their  business nationwide, in order to  There are more than 1,400 such  time.”
        Wayne Main Street schedules ‘Toast’ fundraiser

           Local band, Sugartips, will   Toast Wayne is a strolling   Harrison is a veteran of the  community. Wayne is a very     Main Street has evolved into
        be entertaining at Toast Wayne,  event that features a silent auc-  local Detroit music scene, and a  close-knit city, so an event like  one of the largest civic organiza-
        the annual fundraiser for      tion and appetizer stations host-  graduate of DIME. The group  this turns familiar faces you see  tions in the city. Last year, volun-
        Wayne Main Street, set for 7-10  ed by area restaurants, giving  performs acoustic versions of  around town into friendly  teers from Wayne Main Street
        p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3.         patrons the opportunity to sam-  favorite standards along with  faces,” commented Lori      contributed more than 2,700
           This year, the event will take  ple local fare for more than 10  renditions of today's popular  Morrow,  Toast  Wayne   service hours to the community.
        place at a new venue, the for-  local restaurants.  Many silent  music.                     Committee chair.               In 2014, the organization was
        mer site of St. Mary's School,  auction prizes will also be     “When we were discussing a     This event is the signature  recognized by the Michigan
        34530 W. Michigan Ave., located  donated from local businesses.    musical feature at the Toast  fundraiser for Wayne Main  Main Street Association as a
        next to St. Mary's church in     Sugartips, the evening enter-  Wayne event, Sugartips was the  Street and enables the organi-  Select-Level Main Street com-
        downtown Wayne. The event      tainment, was founded in 2009,  unanimous pick by the commit-  zation to continue the mission  munity.  Wayne Main Street
        will feature live music, a curat-  and is an acoustic duo compris-  tee. This group is a treasure to  of building a revitalized and  employs the four-point Main
        ed silent auction, strolling appe-  ing two seasoned local musi-  the city of Wayne. We are thank-  vibrant downtown Wayne,  Street approach by promoting
        tizers from local restaurants,  cians. Vocalist Greg Paddock  ful to have them with us again,”  organizers stressed. The efforts  downtown Wayne as the heart
        along with complimentary bar   has fronted a number of        commented Sam Rainey, a       of the organization have result-  of the community, furthering
        service. Tickets to Toast Wayne  Detroit-area bands and has pro-  Toast Wayne committee mem-  ed in more than $3 million in  the commitment to historic
        are $35 each or four tickets for  vided backing vocals for award-  ber.                     private investment in down-    preservation, creating program-
        $100 and can be purchased at   winning singer J.R. Richards,    “Not only does this event   town Wayne since 2014, a       ming that draws people to  original lead singer of       showcase what Wayne has to    spokesperson said.             downtown Wayne and produc-
        twayne/                        Dishwalla. Guitarist Ryan      offer, it brings us together as a  Launched in 2011, Wayne   ing premier events.

           Clinic                             would be out on the street. She      Jones favors renaming of highway

                                              explained that to leave a facility of
                                              this nature, a patient was required to  State Rep. Jewell Jones (D-Inkster) said
           FROM PAGE 1                        be escorted to a safe location.      he was pleased to see the approval of a bill
                                                She said patients will be subjected  last week ( House Bill 4261) to rename a
           about the location, Barthwell told the  to background checks and that the  portion of US-24, between M-153 and
           audience that a certain square     facility has the right to turn patients  Warren Avenue in Wayne County, as the
           footage was necessary to support the  away. The facility will be federally  Julie Plawecki Memorial Highway.
           program which is treatment with    and locally regulated, she said.       “Julie's tireless service and compassion
           medications. She explained that the  Repeated questions regarding       for her fellow Michiganders set an example
           facility needed a commercial kitchen,  security prompted Khanafer to offer  that I strive to follow each day,” said Jones.
           a specific number of bathrooms and  to have a security guard on-site at all  “She cared deeply for the community that I
           community space which made the     times and to add video surveillance  call home and her memory will undoubted-
           site ideal for adaptation into a clinic.  of the property.              ly live on in the hearts and minds of all
             Khanafer commented that he felt    Wild noted that the city has       those she touched. Establishing this memo-
           there is a great need in Westland and  already approved the project and  rial is just one small way to forever com-
           that the city had long been his choice  cannot withdraw that action. He  memorate her commitment to the people of
           even though he had been approved   admitted that he, too, “had doubts”  our state.
           for a clinic in Waterford. He said  when the project was proposed but     “Ms. Plawecki, a first-term legislator
           after two years of research, they dis-  urged the audience to give the facility  from Dearborn Heights elected in 2014, was     State Rep. Jewell Jones
           covered that the core of the opioid  a chance.                          serving in the Michigan House of
           problem in Wayne County, outside     “I think we all agree that there's a  Representatives when she died from an  inspired caucus members to celebrate a
           Detroit, is in Westland, Garden City  need,” Wild said. “Cities not just in  apparent heart attack on June 25, 2016,  day of service each year at community food
           and Dearborn Heights.              Michigan but all across the country. I  while hiking with family in Oregon. During  banks, river cleanups and neighborhood
             Barthwell explained that patients  do a lot with mayors on a national  her time in office, Ms. Plawecki was a pas-  summer programs that benefit children in
           would be under constant supervision  level and the biggest issue facing  sionate advocate for preserving our Great  need,” Jones noted in a prepared state-
           and would only be granted legitimate  mayors in cities across the United  Lakes and waterways, serving on the House  ment.
           leave. She said none of the patients  States right now is opioids.”     committees on Energy, Policy and Natural  The bill now moves to the Michigan State
                                                                                   Resources. Her community advocacy has  Senate for consideration.


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