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August 18, 2022                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


           Dirty tricks

           Officials in Plymouth are continuing to search for the perpetrator of a
           “tide” of damage to the $1.5 million fountain in the center of Kellogg
           Park. Nearly every day last week, according to officials, Tide laundry
           soap pods were inserted into the fountain causing mounds of white
           suds to overflow and fill the surrounding area of the park. Officials
           ordered the fountain turned off after the first incident to prevent further
           damage to the mechanics as the machinery was cleaned and repaired.
           City officials said that while teens were suspected in the incidents, this
           was not “good clean fun” as the damage to the fountain plumbing and
           components is serious and expensive to repair. Workers from the city
           Department of Public Works were assigned help control the suds and
           clean the area, a steep expense as the damage continued all week.
           Officials said in addition to the financial cost, workers were re-assigned
           from several other necessary jobs in the community. They added that  at
           press time, there was no assessment of the actual damage to the foun-
           tain mechanics or repair costs.   Photo by June Kirchgatter.

        Rotary Club readies for 66th Annual Fall Festival

           Members of the Plymouth                                                                  command and handling all the   out the volunteers and the people
        Noon Rotary Club began making                             ”                                 purchasing for the event; Eric  who donate. The city is really
        preparations for the traditional               The good we are able to do                   Kostoff who is in charge of ticket  helpful to us, too, with the tear
        Fall Festival Chicken Barbeque             with the funds raised is tremendous.             sales and management; Jill     down and security,” he added.
        back in March.                                                                              Johnson who is organizing all the  Stoltz, a Canton Township resi-
           Gary Stoltz, chairman of the                                                             Rotary and non-student volun-  dent, said he is always surprised
        club barbeque committee, said                                                               teers; Bari Livsey who is coordi-  when people do not understand
        they began organizational meet-  around the six-decades long tradi-  ices in the area through the foun-  nating the volunteer groups from  the real purpose of the barbeque
        ings months ago to ensure that the  tion. The secret seasoning recipe  dation which is also involved in  the high schools; Eric Joy, a past  and what it means to the commu-
        event will meet the expectations  remains just that, top secret,  world-wide charitable efforts like  club president and former presi-  nity. “The good we are able to do
        of the 8,500 or so guests who will  divulged only to a select few indi-  the eradication of polio in third-  dent of the Fall Festival commit-  with the funds raised is tremen-
        purchase one of the dinners. As  viduals trusted with the mixing of  world countries, the building of  tee, who is in charge of sponsors  dous,” he said. Stoltz stressed that
        always, the dinners will include a  the special blend of spices which  schools in underdeveloped  and marketing, along with  there are no administration or
        half barbequed chicken, chips, a  gives the chicken the unique and  nations and the installation of  Brandon Bunt, the past barbeque  management expenses and that
        roll, an ear of corn, a cookie and a  unduplicated flavor. The goal of  wells in areas devoid of clean  president who is helping with  every dollar from the event, after
        bottle of water. This year, due to  the event also remains just as it  drinking water.      advice and obtaining sponsor-  supplies and food is paid for, goes
        supply chain and cost increases,  was 66 years ago, sell the bar-  Committee members, Stoltz  ships for the event.         back into the community.
        the dinners will be priced at $13 if  beque chicken dinners to fund  said, are pretty confident they can  In all, it takes about 50 to 75  “We are not the only group out
        purchased in advance from any  civic projects and charities in the  make a success of the event, but  volunteers from the Rotary Club  there working for the communi-
        Rotary Club member and are now  community.                    are well aware of the pressure  along with 700-800 high school  ty,” he said.
        available. Tickets purchased on  While the first barbeque gen-  they face. There are a multitude  student volunteers to produce the  “The Kiwanis, The Lions, all
        'Chicken Sunday' will be $15.    erated funds for playground  of moving parts and tasks     thousands of dinners in about  those clubs really do a lot of good,
           The Rotary Chicken Barbeque  equipment for a city park, the  involved in producing each din-  eight hours or so on Sunday.   too. People don't understand that
        was the beginning of the Fall  event now pays for scholarships,  ner. Committee members this   “It is no small operation and  there are a lot of people donating
        Festival in Plymouth and the   donates to multiple local charities  year in addition to Stoltz include  there are a lot of moving parts,”  a lot of time to do good for the
        other weekend events have grown  and groups, and funds many serv-  Andy Savage who is second in  Stoltz said. “We couldn't do it with-  community.”
        Track repairs promised                                                          To subscribe to The Eagle visit

           Drivers traveling through Plymouth  maintenance at the crossings. Scheduled
        will see some relief at the jaw rocking,  for repair are the crossings on                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                                  INVITATION TO BID
        suspension testing railroad tracks in the  Starkweather, Holbrook, Lilley Road
        community.                             south of Ann Arbor Trail and the crossing  NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
                                                                                      bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 1, 2022 for the following:
           According to city officials, four railway  at Ann Arbor Trail.
        tracks were set to undergo construction  Officials said railroad company repre-                   CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS EQUIPMENT 2022
        starting last week. The work will be per-  sentatives did not provide a timetable for  Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
        formed and funded by CXS Railroad      the projects but did say drivers should  may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked
                                                                                      with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves
        which is completely responsible for    expect detour routes in the work areas.  the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
                                                                                      sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                                                                                                 MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                      INVITATION TO BID                               Publish 8/18/2022                                             CN2415 - 081822  2.5 x 2.045
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed
         bids at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 1, 2022 for the following:
                                                                                                   CITY OF ROMULUS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
                                VILLAGE THEATER LASER PROJECTOR                                RFP 22/23-03 BODY WORN & IN-CAR CAMERA SYSTEMS
                                                                                                       FOR ROMULUS POLICE DEPARTMENT
         Bid may be downloaded on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you
         may contact Mike Sheppard at: All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked  The City of Romulus is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to provide the Romulus Police
         with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of bid opening. The Township reserves  Department with (30) thirty officer worn body cameras and (20) twenty in-car camera systems. In
         the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,  addition, companies must provide a video storage solution, which partners with the provided body
         sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  worn cameras, to store, manage, retrieve and share captured digital video. Qualified companies will
                                                                                      also provide a Service Agreement which includes service on equipment, hardware and software for
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK                           a minimum of (5) five years.
                                                                                         (1)  Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a proposal must use the forms provid-
         Publish 8/18/2022                                             CN2416 - 081822  2.5 x 2.045
                                                                                             ed by the City.  Proposal forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN sys-
                                                                                             tem at Copies of documents obtained from any other source are not
                                                                                             considered official copies.  Proposals may be rejected unless made on the forms included
                          CITY OF ROMULUS INVITATION TO BID                                  with the bidding documents.
                       ITB 22/23-02 Kingsley House Painting & Restoration                (2)  Questions must be emailed to and received no later than
         The City of Romulus, on behalf of the City of Romulus, Downtown Development Authority, here-  12:00 P.M. local time on August 23, 2022.
         inafter referred to as the DDA is seeking bids from qualified contractors for the painting and restora-  (3)  Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the dis-
         tion of the of the historic Samuel Kingsley house located in the Romulus Historic Park (11147 Hunt  cretion of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN
         St., Romulus MI).                                                                   system.  All interested parties are instructed to view the MITN website regularly for any
                                                                                             issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain all issued addenda and
         (1)  Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit a bid must use the forms provided by the  acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of each addendum as part
              City.  Official bid forms and specifications may be obtained from the MITN Purchasing  of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the addendum and sign and date
              Group page of BidNet Direct (   Bids may be rejected unless made on  the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the RFP documents.
              the forms included with the bidding documents. Copies of documents obtained from any other  (4)  Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 P.M. local time, Thursday, September 23,
              source are not considered official copies.                                     2022.  Companies can either submit hard copies or submit their documents electronically
         (2)  Clarifications, modifications, or amendments may be made to this solicitation at the discre-  on the MITN Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.  Companies submitting hard-
              tion of the City.  Any and all addenda issued by the City will be posted on the MITN  copies, must submit a total of three (3) copies (one marked "Original" and two marked
              Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.  All interested parties are instructed to view the  "Copy") along with one (1) copy of their proposal on a digital storage device (i.e. Flash
              MITN website regularly for any issued addenda.  It is the responsibility of the bidder to obtain  Drive) in "PDF" form.  All copies must be submitted together in a sealed envelope or
              all issued addenda and acknowledge receipt of said addenda by including a printed copy of  package, addressed using the "RFP PROPOSAL MAILING LABEL" provided in the
              each addendum as part of the required documents for this solicitation and to list the adden-  solicitation documents, and must be delivered to the City Clerk's Office prior to the dead-
              dum and sign and date the "Acknowledgment of Receipt Addenda Form: supplied in the bid  line for the submission of proposals.  The original proposal may be clipped but should not
              documents.                                                                     be stapled or bound. Copies may be stapled or bound. The original and copies should be
         (3)  Mandatory Work Site Examination - For the purpose of allowing all contractors interested in  identical, excluding the obvious difference in labeling.
              placing a bid the opportunity to acquaint themselves with all of the existing conditions, it will  (5)  Failure to submit pricing on the proposal form provided by the City of Romulus may cause
              be mandatory for all contractors to perform a Work Site Examination prior to submitting a bid  the bid to be considered non-responsive and ineligible for award.
         (4)  No plea of ignorance of conditions which exist or which may hereafter exist, or of any diffi-  (6)  At approximately 3:00 p.m. local time following the deadline for submitting bids, all time-
              culties which may be encountered will be accepted as the basis for any failure or omission on  ly received bids are to be publicly opened and read (or received???).
              the part of the Contractor to fulfill all of the requirements of this Contract, nor will such fail-  (7)  The successful Company will be required to enter into a contract with, and provide all
              ure or omission be accepted as the basis for any claims of any nature or extra compensation  bonds and submit proof of all insurance required by the request for proposal documents
              or extension of time. The submission of a bid shall be considered as prima facta evidence of  and originals of all required endorsements acceptable to the City.
              compliance with this section.                                              (8)  The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves
         (5)  A total of three copies (one marked "Original" and two marked "Copy") of the bid must be  the right to reject all proposals and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in pro-
              submitted together in one sealed package/envelope and returned to the City Clerk's Office no  posals received. Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most responsive and
              later than 2:00 P.M., Thursday, 09/08/2022.  Bids should be addressed using the bid package  responsible company, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus or oth-
              label provided in the solicitation documents or submitted electronically on the MITN  erwise in a manner deemed by the City to be in its own best interest.
              Purchasing Group page of BidNet Direct.                                    (9)  The City reserves the right to reject as non-responsive any proposals that do not contain
         (6)  At approximately 3:00 p.m., local time 09/08/2022, all timely received bids will be publical-  the information requested in this RFP
              ly opened and read.                                                        (10)  The City reserves the right to reject as non-responsive any proposals which are not organ-
         (7)  The City reserves the right to postpone the opening without notification and also reserves the  ized and formatted as described in this RFP.
              right to reject all bids and to waive any minor informality or irregularity in bids received and  (11)  The City, during the course of the evaluation process, may request additional written infor-
              to award the bid in whole or in part.                                          mation to supplement and clarify the information provided in this response.
         (8)  Ultimately, a contract may be awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible compa-  (12)  The City, at the discretion of the proposal evaluation team, may conduct interviews with
              ny, as determined in the sole discretion of the City of Romulus, DDA Board or otherwise in  some or all of the companies that submitted proposals for consideration.  Based upon
              a manner deemed by the DDA to be in its own best interest.                     results of the review and evaluation, the City may decide to proceed with an offer to one
         (9)  The successful Bidder will be required to submit proof of all bonds and insurance required by  or more companies to furnish and potentially deploy units on a permanent basis through-
              the solicitation documents and copies of all required endorsements.            out the Romulus Police Department.
         (10)  For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director by call-  (13)  For additional information contact Gary Harris, City of Romulus, Purchasing Director, by
              ing (734) 955-4568 or by emailing                   calling (734) 955-4568 or by emailing
         (11)  The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published docu-  (14)  The City of Romulus strictly prohibits the reproduction or publishing of any published
              ment or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.  document or solicitation without the express written consent of the City of Romulus.
              Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or  Unauthorized posting of any notice of these documents or reference to said documents or
              solicitations is strictly prohibited.                                          solicitations is strictly prohibited.
         Publish: 08/18/2022                                         RM0675 - 081822  2.5 x 6.7  Publish: August 18, 2022
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