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August 15, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND

        State honors detective who solved ‘cold case’

           Wayne Police Detective Kevin                           ”                                    Schmidtke said he never forgot
        Schmidtke was recently honored                To put it mildly, I am extremely              the case as the victim was young
        with a Distinguished Service                                                                and he was “elated” to have solved
        Award from the Michigan                    proud of him and our department.                 the case.
        Association of Chiefs of Police for                                                            Cook has entered guilty pleas to
        his work on a cold case in his city.                                                        two counts of criminal sexual con-
        He was one of only four officers  As a detective, he reopened the  Schmidtke's suspicions eventually  duct, one for assaulting a person
        statewide to receive the honor.  investigation into the attack and  led him to request permission  under the age of 13, according to
           His pursuit and investigation of  used the DNA registry for matches  from the Michigan State Police to  court records. He has also entered
        a rape case which occurred when  and reviewed other sexual crime  compare a suspect's DNA to the  guilty pleas in three counts of first-
        he was only a rookie officer led to  investigations for similarities to  evidence in the rape case and was  degree criminal sexual conduct.
        the arrest and conviction of the  the cold case. He eventually dis-  successful in identifying him as  “Without Lt. Schmidtke's dedi-
        perpetrator of an attack that took  covered DNA and other evidence  the probable perpetrator in the  cation to the case, the suspect
        place in 2001. Schmidtke, 40, took  matches in this case and others  cold case. He said that Sgt.  would have continued to commit
        the initial report of the attack  ongoing in Inkster, Detroit and  Stephen Perez helped with inter-  sexual assaults. I strongly believe
        nearly 18 years ago and the case  Ohio investigations.  While the  views and witness statements that  that Lt. Schmidtke's actions pre-
        had gone cold until the victim  investigations were continuing,  helped lead to the arrest of Bashiri  vented numerous sexual assaults.  Detective Kevin Schmidtke
        again reached out to Schmidtke,  the detectives did not have a name  Kairj Cook, 43, of Inkster, who was  To put it mildly, I am extremely  to congratulate him on his
        asking if there had been any reso-  for the suspect. As evidence con-  also charged with several other  proud of him and our department.  achievement,” commented Wayne
        lution.                        tinued to compile, bit by bit,  sexual offenses.             I hope everyone takes some time  Police Chief Ryan Strong.
        City seeks public input on local marijuana ordinance

           Voters may have approved the  that the city is looking at very  older to purchase, possess and  October 2019 prompting Westland  maps or other presentation docu-
        use of marijuana in the state, but  carefully,” commented Mayor  use marijuana and marijuana-  officials to consider potential  ments shared with study session
        officials in the city of Westland  William R. Wild..  “In an effort to  infused edibles for the purpose of  ordinance changes. An area of the  attendees.  Residents are also
        want to know what local residents  promote transparency the city  recreational use.  The bill also  city website is now dedicated to  welcome to attend these open
        think about the issue.         wants to make sure that all of the  created a state licensing system  the information being examined  study sessions to provide elected
           Currently, city officials are con-  information being reviewed is  for marijuana businesses and  throughout the ordinance draft-  officials with feedback through-
        sidering adjustments to local ordi-  available to members of the pub-  allowed municipalities to ban or  ing process.  The page, which can  out the decision making process.
        nances to align with state law  lic and encourages input and  restrict them.  Approximately 64  be      found          at    To date, city council members
        which allows medical and recre-  feedback  throughout   the   percent of Westland voters voted under  have reviewed a range of topics,
        ational marijuana use, growing,  process.”                    in favor of the ballot initiative.  the “Latest News” section of the  including an overview of the state
        transport and processing in      In November of 2018, Michigan  The State has issued draft  homepage, includes a proposed  laws, zoning and licensing proce-
        Westland.                      voters approved Proposal 1,    emergency rules for adult use and  list of special meeting dates, the  dures and permitted uses/estab-
           “This is an important decision  which allowed individuals 21 and  anticipates licensing facilities in  State of Michigan laws, and any  lishments.

                                                                      Clinic                        was incorporated in the plan   that's affecting every city across
                                                                                                    approved by council members.
                                                                                                                                   the country, across all socioeco-
                                                                                                       Mayor William R. Wild sup-  nomic lines.”
                                                                      FROM PAGE 1                   ported the plan for the new clinic  He added that a center of this
                                                                                                    noting the serious need and the  type is welcome in Westland
                                                                      and suggested a white privacy  current epidemic of opioid    where “dozens of deaths related
                                                                      fence.  She said the nature of the  addictions and deaths.   to opioids” have occurred in
                                                                      treatment provided necessitated  “When you really drill into  recent years.
                                                                      an enclosed fence, but that it  those statistics. Outside the city  This facility can help those
                                                                      should also be “attractive and  of Detroit, Westland has the most  looking for treatment, Wild said.
                                                                      appealing.”                   opioid issues in Wayne County,”  No opening date for the facili-
                                 Artist's rendering of the proposed clinic.  The change in fencing style  Wild said. “This is something  ty was announced.
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