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July 30, 2020                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        League of Women Voters offers election information

           The League of Women Voters  also included. also                                                             mation on candidates in races for
        of Dearborn-Dearborn Heights is  assists voters in finding their            The League of Women Voters                     all political parties. The site aims
        urging voters to prepare for the  polling places, hours and learn-                                                         to safeguard democracy by driv-
        upcoming Aug. 4 primary elec-  ing about candidate forums.               is a nonpartisan political organization           ing voter engagement.
        tion and the Nov. 3 general elec-  Additional resources for how to         that aims to encourage informed                   The League of Women Voters
        tion by visiting   navigate elections during the                                                              is a nonpartisan political organi-
           The website, which the      COVID-19 pandemic is also               and active participation in government...           zation that aims to encourage
        national League of Women       included.                                                                                   informed and active participa-
        Voters launched in 2006, serves  “VOTE 411 is a great way to                                                               tion in government, works to
        as a “one-stop-shop” for nonpar-  educate yourself about the candi-  tus, or to find your polling place. is also available  increase understanding of major
        tisan election related informa-  dates and races on your ballot!  We hope that citizens in our com-  in Spanish.  The LWV of  public policy issues and influ-
        tion and responses to relevant  It's useful whether you choose to  munities and throughout Wayne  Michigan hopes to publish paper  ences public policy through edu-
        questions for federal and state  vote absentee or in person.  You  County will take advantage of  voter guides covering statewide  cation and advocacy. Learn more
        races and ballot proposals.    can also use the links on      this resource and the opportuni-  offices in September.      about the Dearborn-Dearborn
        Candidate information for some  VOTE411 to check your voter reg-  ty to vote,” a League of Women, like the League,  Heights  league     at
        local races and proposals are  istration and absentee ballot sta-  Voters spokesperson said.  is nonpartisan and offers infor-
        Westland names local businessman to vacant commission seat

           Matthew Tyranski has been   by the mayor and subject to con-  Redevelopment Authority.   ing these properties protects the
        appointed to the Westland      firmation of the city council.   The TIFA was established    environment, reuses existing
        Economic        Development    Members are appointed to six-  pursuant to PA 250 which allows  infrastructure, minimizes urban
        Corporation/Tax Increment      year terms.  The EDC promotes,  for the establishment of a special  sprawl and creates economic
        Finance Authority/Brownfield   facilitates and implements plans  tax district in which revenue  opportunities. The Brownfield
        Redevelopment Authority Board.  and projects that support eco-  resulting from increases in the  Program uses tax increment
        He will complete a term which  nomic and business development  assessed value of the area con-  financing (TIF) to reimburse
        expires Nov. 15, 2020.         through programs and public    taining a new development is  Brownfield    related   costs
           Tyranski was named to the   improvement projects that cre-  diverted from the various taxing  incurred while redeveloping con-
        board by Westland Mayor        ate economic opportunity, pro-  jurisdictions and used for financ-  taminated, functionally obsolete,
        William R. Wild and his appoint-  vide entrepreneurial support,  ing of public improvements to  blighted or historic properties.
        ment confirmed by members of   and preserve property values,  support future development in  The authority members meet fol-
        the city council.              according to a city statement.  the district. The TIFA establishes  lowing the submission of a
           Tyranski is the owner of    The EDC reviews tax incentive  a development plan and an asso-  Brownfield Redevelopment
        Olympic Coney Island in the city  requests received by the admin-  ciated financing plan in order to  Plan. The authority promotes
        and has been in the community  istration and provides a recom-  encourage economic develop-  and facilitates the revitalization,
        for 22 years.  He is married with  mendation to the city council  ment within the district.  redevelopment and reuse of
        three children and is a graduate  members for a consideration at a  Brownfield properties are  obsolete properties, according to
        of  Western Michigan University  public meeting.  Members of the  those in which the redevelop-  the city.
        where he earned a business     EDC also make up and serve as  ment or reuse of the property    “Matthew brings life experi-             Matthew Tyranski
        degree.                        the board of directors for the Tax  may be complicated by the pres-  ences and knowledge to his
           The EDC is governed by a    Increment Finance Authority    ence or perception of contamina-  newly-appointed position and I  throughout his upcoming term,”
        nine-member board appointed    (TIFA) and the Brownfield      tion. Revitalizing and redevelop-  look forward to working with him  commented Wild.
        City council approves $1,000 bonus for first responders

           Members of the Westland City  ardous-duty pay in light of the  “I've already received a few  bonus was unanimous.       disbursed by the state on a first-
        Council approved a $1,000 bonus  current COVID-19 pandemic. The  texts from some of the union  Mayor William R. Wild said the  come, first-served basis.
        for both police and fire officers  bonus will be a single addition to  employees who are thanking us  city is pursuing reimbursement  Officials said that if the fund-
        during the July 20 meeting.    the normal salaries paid to the  for that,” Councilman Mike  from the Michigan Department of  ing is not reimbursed by the state,
           The funds will be paid to the  emergency personnel. The haz-  Londeau said at the end of the  Treasury under the First  the expense would be funding
        first responders and public safety  ard pay is expected to cost the city  meeting.          Responder Hazard Pay Premium   from the current police and fire
        personnel in August as a haz-  about $141,000.                  The vote to approve the $1,000  Program. That  reimbursement is  budgets.
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