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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 25, 2020

                                            INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                            INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Romulus financial report may show huge gain

           Members of the Romulus City  able to investors who tend to                                                              statement,” he said.
        Council heard some good news   pull their funds from riskier                             ”                                   He explained that because of
        and a word of caution  during  investments.                               The city will see a significant gain             the market swings, part of that
        their virtual meeting last week.  “There is a flight to quality          on the June 30 report and $402,000                income could disappear in the
           Auditor    Brian   Quinn    and investors take money out of                                                             next quarter because of the wild
        explained that the coronavirus  the U.S. stock market to treasury            will hit the income statement.                swings the financial markets are
        pandemic had a serious effect  bonds which bumps up the price                                                              experiencing.
        on financial markets and the   as they are more desirable,” he                                                               “You can't plan on that
        results of that effect were coin-  explained. Added to that is the  er rate of interest paid on securi-  city is practicing safe investing,”  money,” he told the council
        ciding with the quarterly finan-  reduction in interest rates by the  ties, which become more in  he said, “but there are wild  members, “it could evaporate.”
        cial report for the city.      Federal Reserve and the pur-   demand, and affect the city port-  swings in market value which  Quinn told the council mem-
           He explained that during    chase of securities by the federal  folio.                   have to be a record,” Quinn said.   bers that he wanted to explain
        times of financial stress in the  government, which becomes the  “There will be a significant  “The city will see a significant  the large gain to them personally
        stock markets, securities      safety net for investors. Those  impact on the city interest earn-  gain on the June 30 report and  before the quarterly report was
        become more and more desir-    factors, he said, provoke a high-  ings,” he told the council. “The  $402,000 will hit the income  submitted for their review.
        Barrage of gunfire leaves 1 dead, another injured

           A 27-year-old man was killed  shooting. Inkster police had  Officers found the 27-year-old  mined that the man had suffered  was canvassed by police.
        by gunfire and another man     received reports of the incident  man deceased behind the wheel  non life-threatening injuries. The  According to police, neighbors
        wounded last Wednesday morn-   at about 1 a.m., officials said.  in the driver's seat of the vehicle.   woman was not injured in the  said the sound of fireworks
        ing on the 28000 block of        When Inkster police officers   Police said more than 50 shell  shooting, according to police and  apparently masked the sound of
        Glenwood Street in Inkster.    arrived on the scene found a   casings were recovered at the  medical reports.              the gunfire in the altercation.
           According to reports from the  white Chevrolet Traverse parked  scene.                      Preliminary investigation     Police did not release the
        Michigan State Police, troopers  on the north side of Glenwood  A man and a woman, who wit-  reports indicate that this was not  names of any of the parties
        were called about 1:20 a.m. to the  Street facing westbound, riddled  nessed the shooting, drove them-  a random shooting, although  involved in the incident.
        area near Cherry Hill and      with bullet holds, according to  selves to a nearby hospital, police  investigators could not find any  Police said that the investiga-
        Glenwood after reports of a    Michigan State Police reports.  said. Medical personnel deter-  witnesses as the neighborhood  tion is continuing.
        Tour                           of community partnership for the
                                       rest of the Nation to follow,” he
        FROM PAGE 1                      The first meeting of the
                                       Listening Tour took place yester-
        County police chiefs and the com-  day and the date for the next
        munity to learn from each other.  meeting, officials said, will be
        Through these open dialog      announced soon.
        forums, the police chiefs will be  Romulus Mayor LeRoy
        able to gain a greater perspective  Burcroff and Interim Police Chief
        from our communities of their  Robert Pfannes also attended the
        specific concerns.             event. Burcroff said he hopes to
           “While doing so, the communi-  make Romulus a stop on the lis-
        ty will have the opportunity to see  tening tour.
        and hear firsthand how many      “Listening and being heard
        Western Wayne County Police    are two different things. Being
        Departments have already imple-  heard is understanding the   Romulus Mayor LeRoy Burcroff addresses the large crowd at the Conference of Western Wayne meeting
        mented the training, the policies  words, the meaning and what  last week.
        and early warning systems that  needs to happen-and we plan to  ating partnerships that benefit  Heights, Garden City, Inkster,  Charter Township, Plymouth
        the community is asking for.   do just that,” he said.        the community,” Burcroff added.  Livonia, Northville, Plymouth,  Charter Township, Redford
        Moving forward, the Listening    “This tour is a great opportuni-  CWW and Western Wayne    Romulus, Wayne, Westland,      Charter Township, Sumpter
        Tour will give us an excellent  ty for police departments and res-  Police  Chiefs  represent:  Canton Charter Township, Huron  Township and Van Buren Charter
        opportunity to create the model  idents to speak openly about cre-  Belleville, Dearborn, Dearborn  Charter Township, Northville  Township.
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