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June 10, 2021                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER

        Sumpter OKs tri-community redistricting resolution

           Members of the Sumpter      nate gerrymandering that grants                                                             had some computer issues in
        Township Board of Trustees     an advantage to whichever party                           ”                                 joining the virtual meeting May
        unanimously approved a resolu-  may be in power when the dis-                 If we have the opportunity,                  25.
        tion to join with the City of  tricts are drawn.                                                                             “I agree with Tim,” she said.
        Belleville and Van Buren         Young said that the resolution             we would like to stick together                “I disagreed with becoming a
        Township in support of tri-com-  explains to the commissioners          and have one common representative.                charter. I never want Sumpter to
        munity representation at the   that Sumpter, Van Buren and                                                                 become a charter township.”
        state level.                   Belleville are “similar in nature                                                             LaPorte said he felt the reso-
           Township attorney Rob Young  and that the township officials                                                            lution would be a good thing for
        suggested the Sumpter Board of  would prefer to have one state  Trustee Don LaPorte asked   ship had been previously dis-  Sumpter and for all three com-
        Trustees join the other two com-  representative and one state sen-  Young if the township would be  cussed and the he was strongly  munities to bond together.
        munities in approving a resolu-  ator represent all three commu-  at a disadvantage not being a  against it                  Rush said recent election
        tion to be forwarded to the state  nities.                    charter township.                “I feel it is taking the power of  results across the board were
        redistricting commission as state  “If we have the opportunity,  Young responded that he felt  the people to control their own  similar in all three communities.
        voting districts are re-evaluated.  we would like to stick together  the current township structure  destiny away,” he said. “In a  “Standard state representa-
        Young explained to the board   and have one common represen-  was “the last bastion of democra-  charter township the board can  tion would be good for the tri-
        that the new commission had    tative,” he said.              cy in the country” and that he  levy a tax up to a certain mill  communities,” he said.
        been approved by voters and      Young told the board trustees  felt there was no disadvantage in  without voter approval. To me,  The  board  members
        was now tasked with fairly and  during the study session prior to  the resolution.          that is taxation without repre-  approved the resolution unani-
        equitably establishing voting dis-  the meeting that Sumpter is cur-  His sentiments were shared  sentation.”              mously in the absence of
        tricts for both state senators and  rently in the same district for  by Trustee Tim Rush who said  His sentiments were echoed  Township Clerk Esther Hurst
        state representatives to elimi-  state representation as Monroe.  that becoming a charter town-  by Trustee Peggy Morgan who  and Treasurer James Clark.
        Virtual meetings to continue

           A recent outbreak of COVID-19    Rush said he, too, was comfort-
        which shut down township hall for  able with the virtual meetings.
        more than a week has prompted       During the regular meeting,
        members of the Sumpter Board of   when the item was discussed,
        Trustees to continue virtual meet-  Trustee Peggy Morgan, who had
        ings until July 1.                experienced technical difficulties
           During the study session prior to  in participating in the meeting, said
        the regular meeting May 25,       that she wanted to resume in-per-
        Trustee Tim Rush asked the mem-   son meetings.
        bers of the board for their opinions  “I don't know how you all feel,
        regarding in-person or virtual meet-  but our community center and sen-
        ings considering the recent out-  ior center are now open, people are
        break at township hall.           vaccinated and they can wear
           “I'm sitting on the fence,” he  masks if they choose. I think it is
        said. “The governor says everything  time to allow residents back into
        is open, but I want to know how   meetings. We do work for the resi-
        everybody feels about it. I've had  dents,” she said.
        both shots although I know you can  Bowman responded that his
        still get the disease,” he said.   opinion was “totally the opposite.
           Township Supervisor Tim        COVID shut the township hall down
        Bowman said that he was not yet in  last week,” he reminded Morgan.    Green thumbs
        favor of in person meetings.        A motion to continue requiring     Last week, members of the Rotary Club of Belleville gathered at the Victory Park Gazebo to
           “We just had an outbreak in the  masks and other OSHA pandemic      weed the beds and plant flowers for the summer season. The Rotary Club,  with funding
        township that shut the whole show  until July 1 when the issue will be  from the Charles B. Cozadd Foundation, has recently updated and refurbished the gazebo
        down,” he reminded the board      revisited was approved by the        with new steps, hand rails, roofing and more. Club President Debra Green, center, along
        members. “I'd like to continue with  members of the board in the       with Rotarians and friends who helped with the planting, are all smiles after the planting and
        the virtual meetings, but that is just  absence of Clerk Esther Hurst and  weeding session.
        my opinion.”                      Treasurer James Clark.
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