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May 25, 2023                                                   ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Luxury restaurant proposed at former Station 885

           Don Soenen has proven his   He said he felt the demograph-
        respect for historic preservation  ics of the area could support his
        in Plymouth. Soenen was instru-  plans. The liquor license from
        mental, along with businessman  the former operators has
        Mark Malcolm, in preserving    already been transferred to
        Central Middle School which    Soenen.
        has become the fully occupied    The plans include a 500-
        Plymouth Arts and Recreation   square-foot dining room and a
        Complex      in   downtown     745-square-foot event space,
        Plymouth.                      along with coolers, kitchens and
           Soenen has now turned his   storage rooms. While some
        sights on the former Station 885  parts of the historic structure
        restaurant next to the railroad  will be removed, architect
        tracks in Old Village. He pre-  Robert Miller of M Architects,
        sented plans to the Plymouth   Inc. said elements of the former
        Planning Commission this       train-themed operation will be
        month outlining his concept of a  maintained in the much more
        new fine dining restaurant in  contemporary design plan.
        the Starkweather Street build-  Miller said the outdoor seating
        ing. The building was a main-  area in front of the building will
        stay of the Plymouth community  become part of the restaurant
        for more than 30 years when it  interior and outdoor seating
        was known as Station 885.      moved to the rear of the restau-
           Soenen has owned the 90-    rant.                          The former Station 885 on Starkweather Street in Plymouth Old Village may soon become a high-end
        year-old building for more than  City Planning Consultant     restaurant with entertainment if plans are approved by city officials.
        three years, he said, and told  Sally Elmiger of Carlisle
        planning commissioners that he  Wortman Associates Inc., had  She said the impact on neigh-  responded that the current sin-  incorporating the concerns of
        has plans to convert the site into  questions about that portion of  borhood residents would need  gle access to the parking lot  the commissioners, including
        a "somewhat pricey" restaurant  the plan along with the proposal  to be considered along with the  could impact or delay emer-  more islands in the parking lot.
        featuring entertainment "appro-  to allow entrance to the building  compatibility of the modern  gency vehicles.  He added that  He said he hopes to open the
        priate for fine dining clientele."  parking lot from Davis Street.  design in Old Village. Soenen  he would return revised plans  new restaurant early in 2024.

        Repairs to Mayflower Building could stall downtown traffic

                                                                                                       Travelers on Main Street in  trucks and scissor lifts are utilized
                                                                                                     downtown Plymouth will have   in the area.
                                                                                                     another area of traffic snarls and  The project is expected to take
                                                                                                     land closures with the ongoing  approximately six weeks, but
                                                                                                     repairs to the Mayflower Building.  schedules may vary due to weath-
                                                                                                       Work began on the balconies of  er conditions, materials and other
                                                                                                     the building at the intersection of  factors, Plymale said.
                                                                                                     Main Street and Ann Arbor Trail   He cautioned drivers to
                                                                                                     last week, according to Sam   reduce speesd and pedestrians to
                                                                                                     Plymale of the Downtown       exercise caution around the work
                                                                                                     Development Authority.        zone.
                                                                                                       Crews will be removing and    The Mayflower project is in
                                                                                                     replacing all of the balconies on  addition to ongoing major work of
                                                                                                     the building, he said, and drivers  Consumers Power which has
                                                                                                     can expect lane closures and side-  reduced Main Street to two lanes
                                                                                                     walk closures during work hours  and the city funded reconstruc-
                                                                                                     from 7 a.m. through 3 p.m.    tion of sections of the public park-
                                                                                                     Monday through Friday as boom  ing deck in downtown.
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