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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             May 19, 2022

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                       CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Shakespeare Festival returns to Canton stage

           The Michigan Shakespeare Festival,  Kauzlaric, and the silly farce Charley's
        the official Shakespeare Festival of the  Aunt by Brandon Thomas featuring
        State of Michigan, announced the return  Edmund Alyn Jones.
        of the MainStage Festival Season to The  Focusing on the events prior to and fol-
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill for the 2022  lowing the famous Battle of Agincourt,
        Renaissance Season. Season tickets for  Henry V tells the story of one of Britain's
        2022 are on sale now at www.cantonvil-  greatest kings - and the man behind the or by calling The Village  title. The final piece of Prince Hal's story
        Theater Box Office at (734)394-5300.   first played out in Henry IV, parts one and
           The Michigan Shakespeare Festival,  two where audiences saw the wild and
        like many professional arts organizations,  angry young man as he grew into a leader
        went dark due to COVID, which is why   of men. One of Shakespeare's most famous
        Artistic Director Janice L Blixt says the  histories, Henry V features some of the
        entire organization is looking upon 2022 as  most famous scenes and speeches in the
        a renaissance - a true rebirth - for the  cannon.  The show is directed by Blixt
        Michigan Shakespeare Festival.  For the  Mistress Page and Mistress Ford have a
        first time in its 27-year history, the festival  very large problem - a drunken rogue who
        will be performing the entire run at The  won't leave them alone. Sir John Falstaff is
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill in Canton.  short of money and on the hunt for a lady  away to Scotland by Amy's uncle - who is  is a classical play from a playwright other
        “We're so pleased that our home in Canton  willing to take him on and pay his bills.  also Kitty's guardian.  The guys invite their  than Shakespeare.
        is welcoming us back for 2022, and we're  The ladies get together and hatch a hilari-  loves to lunch - where they intend to  The 2022 season is being partially sup-
        thrilled to be able to rehearse and tech  ous plan to thwart the pest - if only their  declare their intentions and meet  ported by the Michigan Council for the
        and open our shows at the Village      husbands are able to stay out of the way.  Charley's slightly eccentric Aunt Donna  Arts and Cultural Affairs and the National
        Theatre,” Blixt said. The three MainStage  The Merry Wives Of Windsor is famously  Lucia D'Alvadorez.  What follows is a  Endowment for the Arts / Arts Works
        shows will be the heroic and epic drama  the result of Queen Elizabeth I demanding  wacky, silly, romantic comedy full of  Program.
        Henry V, featuring Ann Arbor native and  that Shakespeare write a play featuring  starchy relatives, clever servants, and  The Village Theater at Cherry Hill is
        festival favorite Sam Hubbard as the king,  Falstaff falling in love - and how else could  Lord Fancourt Babberley.  Charley's Aunt  located at 50400 Cherry Hill Road in
        the bubbly bright comedy The Merry     such a request play out?              was a sensation upon opening, running  Canton. For more information, show times
        Wives of Windsor being directed by award-  Jack and Charley have fallen in love  1,466 performances.               and dates, visit the MSF website:
        winning Artistic Associate Robert      with Kitty and Amy - who are being sent  The third show on the Canton calendar
        Farmers Market reopens at Preservation Park

           Area residents welcomed the  Coordinator Christa Williams.  Farms, featuring various produce;  candles, wax melts, car fresheners,  SocialClub, featuring body care;
        Canton Farmers Market last     “Our markets continue to be a pop-  Good Times Kettle Corn, featuring  bubble scoops, whipped soap, and  Spice Grrrl, featuring spices; The
        Sunday as the first market of the  ular family destination where folks  Kettle corn; Gregg Stennett, featur-  lip balms; Lula Bre's Sweet Eats,  Cheese People of Grand Rapids,
        season took place at Preservation  can enjoy plenty of great merchan-  ing cutting boards; Hall's Herb  featuring jams, jellies, fudge, and  featuring gourmet cheeses;
        Park, located at 500 N. Ridge Road  dise, fresh food, live music, and  Garden, featuring tomatoes, pep-  fruit bars; Madison's Closet &  Uniquely Different, featuring jew-
        in Canton.                     special activities.”           pers, herbs, other various produce;  Farm, featuring produce, jams,  elry, bracelets, diffusers, and oils;
           The market will take place from  New and returning vendors this  Indigo & Jade, featuring bath and  suckers, cookies, and butters;  and Waltz Cherry Tomatoes, featur-
        9 a.m. until 1 p.m. every Sunday,  season include: Baubles by Barb  body  products;  Jessica's  Nemeth Farms, featuring various  ing seedlings and cherry tomatoes.
        rain or shine, through Oct. 16, with  featuring jewelry; BeGreen  Confectionery, featuring chocolate-  produce; Parts, featuring wooden  For more information about the
        the exceptions of July 3 and Sept. 4,  Microgreens, featuring micro-  dipped treats; Joe's Baked Wells,  sculptures; Pastries and Pasta, fea-  Canton Farmers Market visit
        officials said.                greens and organic herbs;      featuring baked goods and dry  turing scones, pasta, meringue and, follow on
           “We're excited to kick off our  Bittersweet Garden & Bakery, fea-  mixes; Kapnick Orchards, featur-  cookies; Pick Michigan, featuring  Facebook  @CantonFarmers
        new season of the Canton Farmers  turing baked goods; Boblin Honey,  ing various produce; Kapolnek  various produce; Planted Detroit,  Market  or  on  Instagram
        Market, where there really is  featuring a variety of honey and  Farms, LLC., featuring meats such  featuring ready-to-eat salads;  @CantonFarmersMarketMI, or
        something for everyone,” said  bees wax; Don't Worry Bead     as beef, pork, chicken, lamb, and  Quilty Things by Val M, featuring  email cantonfarmersmarket@can-
        Canton     Farmers    Market   Happy, featuring jewelry; Gateway  snack sticks; Keith + Co., featuring  quilts, and bags; SkinCare
        Seger biographer to speak in Plymouth                                                          Treasure hunt

           Plymouth District Library and  music career from his earliest
        the Penn Theatre will welcome  days, the Silver Bullet Band to his                             Rotary hosts trunk sale
        Edward Sarkis Balian, author of  2019 national tour. The book fea-
        Turn the Page - The Bob Seger  tures inside stories and relates                                  The first of a series of  Tupperware,       pottery,
        Story - the first and only complete  numerous interviews over the                              Trunk Sales sponsored by the  antiques, collectibles, cloth-
        biography written about the rock  years regarding Seger's compos-                              Plymouth Rotary AM mem-     ing, purses and many other
        legend's life and career. The  ing, changing band personnel,                                   bers is set for this Sunday,  items, organizers said.
        multi-media program will be pre-  recording sessions, all tours, and                           May 22.                       Food trucks are expected
        sented at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 5.  his very private personal life.                                The sale will take place in  to be on site during the day-
           Turn the Page tracks Seger's  Balian grew up in Detroit and                                 the parking lot at the      long event.
                                       was in a local band at the same                                 Plymouth      Arts    and     Vendors are still be sought
                                       time as Seger.  Still today a                                   Recreation Complex (PARC) s  for the event. Fee is $25 per
                                       recording musician, Balian put                                  the first monthly event which  and sellers can bring a table
                                       together Turn the Page out of                                   is planned for the fourth   or sell items right from the
                                       great respect for Seger and with a                              Sunday of each month        vehicle truck. To register, con-
                                       steady eye toward accuracy and                    Bob Seger     through October. The sale   tact rotaryamsale@gmail.
                                       quality, he said.                                               includes children's item,   com.
                                         This event is free and open to  seats 402 and offers a unique sin-
                                       the general public and will take  gle-screen cinema experience
                                       place at the Penn Theatre at 760  featuring current second run
                                       Penniman Ave. in Plymouth.  The  movies, independent films, clas-
                                       theatre allows for a larger audi-  sic film festivals, school field trips
                                       ence at this special event, a  and occasional live musical per-
                                       spokesman said. Attendees must  formances.
                                       register on the event calendar at  The Penn Theatre is managed
                              Books will  by the Friends of the Penn, a fed-
                                       be available for purchase.     erally recognized non-profit
                                         The historic Penn Theatre    organization.


           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              07 CHEV  HHR LT
           Copart has vehicles  06 DODG  CHARGER SE
          up for public auction  2B3KA43G66H487023
          Tuesday  5/24/22 at 10  15 CHRY  300 LIMITE
         AM at  2C3CCAAG1FH755625
                              06 HOND  CR-V LX
        07 DODG  NITRO SXT    JHLRD68566C002781
        1D8GU28KX7W674301     10 GMC   TERRAIN SL
        18 HYUN  SONATA SE    2CTFLGEW7A6358037
        5NPE24AF1JH602890     10 TOYT  CAMRY BASE
        09 DODG  NITRO SLT     4T1BF3EK4AU057133
        1D8GU58K79W541533     13 SUBA  IMPREZA PR
        10 BUIC  LACROSSE C   JF1GPAB60D2896348
        1G4GE5EV2AF295274     11 FORD  ESCAPE XLT
        05 DODG  MAGNUM SXT   1FMCU0D79BKA06570
        2D4FV48VX5H125581     89 GMC   SIERRA C15
        19 HYUN  ELANTRA SE   2GTDC14KXK1569276
        5NPD74LF0KH497772     10 CHRY  TOWN & COU
        09 DODG  JOURNEY SX   2A4RR5D13AR307189
        08 HOND  CIVIC LX
        2HGFA16598H354351           To place
        05 HOND  ODYSSEY LX
        5FNRL38265B068110             your
        14 CHEV  CRUZE LT
        1G1PC5SB9E7269767           classified
        17 CHRY  300 LIMITE
        2C3CCAAG3HH665055        advertisement,
        92 CHEV  P30
        14 CHEV  CRUZE LT             call
        13 HYUN  ELANTRA GT      764-467-1900.
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