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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 25, 2019

                                INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Development plan at Northville Downs gets OK

           Members of the Northville     This was the third request                              ”                                 recommends one and a half sto-
        Planning Commission have sent  from Wertheimer, CEO of Hunter                                                              ries for the other structures.
        the proposed development at the  Pasteur Homes, who has made      Some residents at the meeting expressed concern            Some residents at the meeting
        Northville Downs site one step  changes in accordance with sug-   about the capability of the current city infrastructure   expressed concern about the
        closer to the starting gate.   gestions from city leaders and                                                              capability of the current city
           A Planned Unit Development  residents. The plan includes the     to meet the needs of another 1,000 residents.          infrastructure to meet the needs
        (PUD) eligibility submitted by  creation of a park along the                                                               of another 1,000 residents. Others
        Randy Wertheimer for the con-  riverbed; traffic improvements,                                                             questioned the impact of addi-
        struction of 53 homes, 183 town-  expanding space for the Farmers  principal of Carlisle/Wortman,  explained, is the preliminary site  tional students in the schools.
        homes and 300 apartments along  Market and extending streets  guided the audience through the  plan. At this stage, members of  Elmiger responded that the
        with 18,000 square feet of retail  through the development to con-  process of how the PUD works.  the planning commission work  utility master plan addresses the
        space, a parking deck and park-  nect the project to downtown,  She said there are three portions  out design details. The third  infrastructure and that Wayne
        ing lot was approved unanimous-  Beal Street and Hines Park.   that each must be approved by  stage is the final site plan, where  County is responsible for the
        ly by members of the planning    Wertheimer was represented   both the planning commission  design, utilities, road changes  storm water reconfiguration and
        commission.                    by attorney Robert Carson who  and members of the city council.  and public benefits are finalized.   changes to Seven Mile Road,
           The new development will    said the development will “com-  The first, approved at the meet-  These are all public meetings.   among other streets. She also
        include land from Seven Mile   plement the character of       ing, is PUD eligibility. Based on  During the latest meeting,  noted that Mike Wilk, treasurer
        road midway to South Center    Northville.”  He said the Cady  nine criteria that pertain to ordi-  commissioners expressed con-  of the Northville school board
        and from Seven Mile and River  Street apartments and parking  nances, the commissioners     cern about smaller lot sizes for  said the district had the capacity
        Street to Griswold and Cady. It  deck would be completed first in  agreed that all of those criteria  homes and the three-story town-  for more students.
        also includes two parcels on the  the project.                have been met.                homes and apartments. The mas-   The plan will now go the city
        west side of South Center.       City planner Sally Elmiger,    The second stage, she       ter plan suggests larger lots and  council for discussion.
        Ypsilanti man                                                                                Art House exhibit will open

        charged in death                                                                             will host Fine Point: Juried  Warner.
                                                                                                       The Northville Art House
                                                                                                                                     Accompanying the exhibi-
        of Inkster teen                                                                              Colored Pencil Exhibition,    tion, the Art House will host a 1-
                                                                                                                                   day Colored Pencil Workshop
                                                                                                     sponsored by John Goci of eXp
           An Ypsilanti man is facing manslaughter                                                   Realty, from May 3 until June 1.  from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
                                                                                                                                   Saturday, June 1 led by exhibi-
                                                                                                     The exhibition showcases the
        charges in the shooting of an Inkster teen.                                                  beauty, richness, and versatility  tion juror and instructor
           Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy has                                                    of colored pencil through 44  Goodsitt. She will guide teen
        charged Johtez Zyair Hoskins, 19, in connection                                              two-dimensional works selected  and adult artists through the
        with the April 14 fatal shooting of Darian Oneal, 16,                                        by juror Barbara Goodsitt.    steps of creating still-life with
        of Inkster.  Prosecutors allege that at about 12:30                                            The 26 invited artists      colored pencil. Techniques to
        p.m. April 14, Hoskins was in the back bedroom of a                                          include: Emily Adelman, Fay   render glass, fruit and other tex-
        home in the 800 block of Clair Street in Inkster                                             Akers, Andrea Arbit, Denise   tures will be covered as well as
        when he shot Oneal in the head.                                                              Bickel, Marchelle Brotz, Mary  color mixing and combining col-
           During the shooting, according to police investi-                                         Byrne, Tracey Chaykin, Travis  ored pencil with other medi-
        gators, Hoskins wounded himself in the hand.                                                 Erby, Jan Fleming, Brandy     ums.
        After shooting Oneal, police said, Hoskins fled the                                          Gerber, Sophie Grillet, Jim     The cost is $66 for Art House
        scene on foot.                                                          Johtez Zyair Hoskins  Grogan, Angela Helt, Tina    members and $72 for non-mem-
           Inkster police officers were dispatched to the                                            Hotchkiss, Linda James, Karen  bers.
        scene along with emergency medical personnel     Hoskins has been charged with involuntary   Landrigan, Suzanne Lienhart,    An additional $4 material fee
        and Oneal was pronounced dead.                manslaughter and felony firearm violations.    Melinda McMonagle, Christine  is due to the instructor on the
           Investigation by the Inkster police led to a local  He was arraigned in 22nd District Court in  B. Miller, Dean Rogers, Lynne  day of the class. Registration is
        hospital where Hoskins was receiving treatment  Inkster last week and received a $250,000 cash  Schaffer, Jennifer Stefanek,  required at the Art House or
        for a gunshot wound to his hand. He was placed  bond. His probable cause conference was sched-  Gretchen  Vandenberghe,    online at www.northvilleart-
        under arrest by police at the hospital.       uled yesterday.                                Virginia Wait and Nancy
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