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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 14, 2022


        Library offering help in naturalization process

           The Northville District     many immigrants and refugees,                                                               process easier to understand and
        Library is now offering help to  some who may be unfamiliar                              ”                                 manage. She added that she is
        those seeking to become natural-  with all the services a public                 The public library is a                   thoroughly prepared to answer
        ized U.S citizens.             library can provide.                        community space that welcomes                   questions, direct interested indi-
           Appointments are now being    “Along with our ESL (English                                                              viduals to appropriate communi-
        scheduled to provide informa-  as a Second Language) conversa-               everyone through its doors.                   ty and federal resources, and dis-
        tion to anyone who has questions  tion group, I wanted to start a                                                          cuss what the library can provide
        about beginning the naturaliza-  service introducing patrons to                                                            for residents and guests.
        tion process. The library also has  the naturalization process, as  tions, so when applicants are  Naturalized citizens will also  The next four appointments
        resources available to help indi-  well as, how the library can guide  granted citizenship, they can par-  be granted priority when peti-  are scheduled beginning at noon
        viduals prepare for the natural-  and support them along the way.  ticipate in this civic duty of every  tioning to bring any family per-  Friday, April 22 and progressing
        ization process.               I hope that community members  U.S. citizen. Naturalized citizens  manently to the U.S. and will also  in 30-minute increments from
           The 30-minute appointments  who utilize the library resources  can also serve on a federal jury;  be able to get citizenship for any  there. Appointments are avail-
        are managed and conducted by   feel more empowered and        apply for federal jobs; become an  children under 18 years of age.  able at the library event calen-
        Adult Services Librarian       knowledgeable about how to     elected official; retain residency  Naturalized citizens can travel  dar:
        Samantha Loree.                begin the process and how to   in the U.S.; become eligible for  with a U.S. passport and receive  For more information, visit
           “The public library is a com-  prepare for the test and inter-  federal grants and scholarships  assistance when overseas, if nec-, or tele-
        munity space that welcomes     view,” Loree said.             and obtain government benefits  essary.                      phone (248) 349-3020 or access
        everyone through its doors.      She added that only citizens  that are available only to U.S. cit-  Loree, a 5-year library veter-  Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
        Southeast Michigan is home for  are able to vote in federal elec-  izens.                   an, said she hopes to make this  YouTube, Spotify or TikTok.
        Writing contest entries sought

           Aspiring writers have only until April  Acts Festival.
        22 to submit their entries into Short on  Writers can enter a poem or short
        Words- the short story, poetry writing  story - 1,500 words or less, using one of
        contest celebrating its 10th anniversary-  the subject photos selected for the com-
        ninth edition. Submissions into the con-  petition. Proceeds from the $10 entry fee
        test are now being accepted from across  benefit the Northville Art House, a
        Michigan and around the country with a  501(c)3 non-profit art facility.
        new online submission tool.              There are two categories: ages 17 and
           The competition is calling on aspiring  under and ages 18 and older. The cash
        authors of all ages to create unique  awards for each age category are $100
        prose about one of 10 photographs taken  for first prize, $50 for second place and
        by Dr. William Demray, founder of     $25 for third place. Winners will be
        Preservation Dental in Northville.    announced at an Author Brunch on
           "We're hoping the photographs      Saturday, June 18 at the Northville Art
        inspire you to stop, sit in your favorite  House.
        place and just start writing.  Anything.  For further information email
        The first thing that comes into your head or call
        that speaks to you in some way and    Preservation Dental, 371 E. Main St.,
        starts the creative juices flowing," noted  Northville, (248) 348-1313.  Online entry
        Demray. Preservation Dental is again  forms and the selected photographs this
        sponsoring the competition, in conjunc-  year are available at  http://preservation-
        tion with the annual Northville Arts &               Work schedule
                                                                                       Wayne County will resurface Eight Mile Road through Northville and Northville
                                                                                       Township as part of the road construction schedule this summer. Wayne County
                             To subscribe to The Eagle                                 Commissioner Terry Marecki confirmed that the pothole-riddled road would be
                                                                                       repaired this year and that Wayne County will fund the expense, estimated at
                      visit                              about $1.3 million per mile. Plans include a 2-inch mill of new asphalt and the proj-
                                                                                       ect is slated to be complete this road season, officials said.
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