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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 21, 2019


        Tipping Point

        Live productions continue to draw crowds

                          Julie Brown  and Jonny Donahoe. “We've      away with a deeper apprecia-
                          Staff Writer  been taking it to local communi-  tion or acknowledgement of
                                       ties,” including libraries, a  their experience as a human
           James R. Kuhl, at 40, doesn't  teacher group, an Ann Arbor bar  being,” said Farmington resi-
        regret choosing the theater as  in conjunction with the Ann   dent Kuhl. “I think that's why
        his career.                    Arbor District Library, and stu-  theater continues to exist, for
           “It was a place that was will-  dent groups.               me, anyway.”
        ing to accept everyone without   “It's really important for the  He's done writing of plays,
        any type of litmus test,” said  play to have a diversity of age,”  such as The Kings of Unionville,
        Kuhl, who has been the produc-  he said of Every Brilliant Thing,  and is busy now with teaching,
        ing artistic director for      staged last season at the Tipping  running the theater, and family
        Northville Tipping Point       Point Theatre.                 life.
        Theatre since 2009. “Your        The play starts with the moth-  “All theaters have their own
        uniqueness was what made you   er of a boy, 7, trying to take her  specific feel,” said Kuhl, noting
        the asset.”                    own life. His reaction “is to  those in this region draw from
           He likes an Oscar Wilde     make a list of things in the world  the same paid actor pool as well
        quote: 'Be yourself. Everybody  that are worth living for. It's an  as designers.
        else is already taken.”        extraordinarily humorous play.”  He finds artistic leadership is
           Kuhl earned his B.A. in the-  The audience gets list items  key to a relationship with its
        ater from Alma College as well  like “ice cream” or “staying up  audience.
        as a master of fine arts degree  late,” noted narrator Kuhl. Last  “It's also me listening to them.
        from Wayne State University,   season, he and an actress traded  It becomes my job as an artist to
        where he's on the part-time fac-  off the shows and found, “All of  translate their feedback,” said
        ulty. He completed the Purple  these themes are incredibly uni-  Kuhl during an interview near
        Rose Theatre Apprentice        versal.”                       the box office. “Every single play
        Program as well as a two-year    He's pleased with the        is not going to speak to every
        Alma College internship.       response from youth assistance  person in the same way.”
           “The craft comes in basically  groups, schools, and those work-  He's working with the Tipping
        inviting an audience to see that  ing to end suicide.         Point board of directors, with  James R. Kuhl is proud of the Tipping Point Theatre and excited
                                                                                                     about the future. He's the producing artistic director for the theater in
        part of yourself. You just had to  Tipping Point, now in its 12th  agreement on the ongoing need  downtown Northville.
        be yourself,” said Kuhl, married  season, has nine people on staff,  for benefactors/support from the
        nearly 18 years and dad to three  three of them apprentices inte-  local and surrounding communi-  leap.”                    He sees arts allowing you “to
        ranging from high school fresh-  gral to theater operation. Of  ties.                          He's a big advocate of arts and  pay attention to yourself and
        man to first-grader. He is a win-  play-goers, Kuhl notes, “No mat-  “Two different and very won-  arts education, “the ability to sit  your society and your family and
        ner of the Heck Rabi           ter what experience you have   derful possibilities,” he said of  with another human being and  the world around you. The arts
        Playwriting Competition.       with theater, you're right.”   the last decade of growth and  look them in the eye and com-  do that for us,” said Kuhl.
           He's among Wilde Award win-   That's because of your own   resultant capacity of the space in  municate. Those things are  To learn more about Tipping
        ners for Every Brilliant Thing,  life experiences, he said.   the theater building. “The next  taught by the arts. The fostering  Point Theatre, visit www.tipping-
        written by Duncan Macmillan      “I hope they are walking     step is not a baby step, it's a  of creativity and innovation.”
        Northville school bond sale is successful

           Northville Public Schools has  installing instructional technolo-                                                       while honoring our Board of
        sold $52,740,000 in building and  gy in school facilities; purchas-                      ”                                 Education's commitment to
        site bonds to help fund the build-  ing school buses; and erecting,    The lower interest rate will result in bond         strong stewardship of the com-
        ing, furnishing and equipping  furnishing, equipping, develop-             payments for the district that are              munity's investment in our
        school facilities.             ing, and improving playgrounds,                                                             schools.”
           The bonds were approved by  sites, and athletic fields and         $3.7 million lower for this series compared            The 2019 School Building and
        voters during the Nov. 7, 2017  facilities; and paying the costs of     to the projection from mid-November.               Site Bonds, Series II, were sold
        election. The 2019 School      issuing the bonds.”                                                                         at a true interest rate of 3.50 per-
        Building and Site Bonds, Series  The district received a “AA”                                                              cent -- among the lowest interest
        II represents the second series of  rating with a stable outlook from  tributed to the opportunity to sell  Kay Gallagher. “Our primary  rates achieved by any Michigan
        bonds under the 2017 authoriza-  Standard and Poor's and cited  the bonds at a favorable rate,  goal is to support learning for all  K-12 issuer this year - with a final
        tion. Language in the ballot   the “very strong to extremely  maximizing the bond dollars tar-  students in a manner that pre-  maturity of 2043 (a repayment
        approval specified the funds be  strong economy in the district,  geted directly toward upgrading  pares them for meeting the  term of approximately 24 years).
        used “for the purpose of erect-  the consistently very strong gen-  school facilities, enhancing exist-  expectations and demands of  The lower interest rate will
        ing, furnishing and equipping  eral fund balance” and “good   ing school security, and provid-  colleges, universities and  result in bond payments for the
        additions to and remodeling, fur-  management practices “ in the  ing students across the district  employers now, and in the  district that are $3.7 million
        nishing and refurnishing, and  rating of the school district.  with modern learning environ-  future. These improvements will  lower for this series compared to
        equipping and re-equipping       “The positive financial rating  ments,”  said  Northville  enhance Northville Public      the projection from mid-
        school facilities; acquiring and  for the district's bond issue con-  Superintendent of Schools Mary  Schools' tradition of excellence,  November.


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          48111, 48120, 48122, 48124, 48125, 48134, 48138, 48141, 48146, 48164, 48173,
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          See our web site for full details and application instructions:
          Visit our website: for more informa-
          The U. S. Census Bureau is an Equal Opportunity Employer.  This agency provides
          reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.
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