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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 16, 2023

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        School district completes third sale of bonds

           The third and final sale in the  in school buildings and other                                                          Program.
        series of School Building and  facilities; construction of addi-                         ”                                   “We are committed to being
        Site Bonds has been completed  tions to existing school buildings            We are committed to being                     good financial stewards of the
        by the Wayne Westland          and athletic field houses at both            good financial stewards of the                 bonds entrusted to us by our vot-
        Community Schools district.    high school sites; preparing,                                                               ers. This fiscal responsibility and
           The $36,760,000 bond sale was  developing and improving sites         bonds entrusted to us by our voters.              the school improvements that
        authorized by the voters of the  at school buildings, playgrounds,                                                         will be completed due to the
        school district in November of  athletic fields and other facili-                                                          bond will benefit the district and
        2018. The final sale  represents  ties and the purchase of school                                                          our entire community,” said Dr.
        one third of the series which will  buses, and paying the costs of  unit of Standard and Poor's  surpluses, resulting in reserves  John Dignan, superintendent of
        be used for remodeling, equip-  issuing the bonds.            Financial   Services   LLC.   above 20 percent and moderate  the Wayne Westland district.
        ping, re-equipping, furnishing   District officials worked with  Auditors assigned the school dis-  debt levels. The bonds received  The bonds were sold at an
        and re-furnishing school build-  consultants from Baker Tilly  trict a rating of “A” with a stable  an enhanced long-term rating of  interest rate of 4.45 percent with
        ings, athletic fields and other  Municipal Advisors, LLC in   outlook, citing large and mostly  “AA” credited in part to the dis-  a final maturity of 2046, a repay-
        facilities;  acquiring   and   preparing the sale, including the  developed tax base in the dis-  trict participation in the  ment term of approximately 24
        installing instructional technolo-  credit quality of the district by  trict with residential incomes  Michigan  School  Bond  years, according to information
        gy equipment and infrastructure  S&P Global Ratings, a business  considered adequate; consistent  Qualification  and  Loan  provided by the school district.

        Mayor loses ‘friendly’

        wager on hockey game

           The    Westland    Police   the Westland players by a score
        Community Partnership Hockey   of 11-7. The loss was also a
        Team faced off last weekend    defeat for Mayor Mike Londeau
        against the Garden City Police  who was forced to wear a
        Department in                                Garden City
        a charity hock-             ”                player's jersey
        ey game to ben-       There were no          during     the
        efit Michigan                                meeting of the
        State Police         losers on the ice,      Westland City
        Detective Sgt.         only heroes.          Council last
        Devin Kachar.                                week as part of
           More than                                 a     friendly
        $6,500 was gen-                              wager     with
        erated to help fund medical    Garden City Mayor Mark
        expenses for Kachar who was    Jacobs.
        paralyzed due to gunshot         Kachar's family sent a letter
        injuries sustained in September  thanking both communities and  On a roll
        while on a surveillance assign-  the respective police forces for
        ment. Kachar was critically    the support and financial help   Members of the Wayne Memorial High School Bowling Team celebrated their win of the champi-
        wounded  during the incident.  the charity game provided.       onship match last week. The team won the Michigan High School Athletic Association champi-
           Garden     City    Police      “There were no losers on the  onship and are now officially the best high school bowling team in their state division.
        Department players defeated    ice, only heroes,” the letter said.




           Families with special needs
        members can now register with
        the Westland Police Department
        to ensure appropriate responses.
           The police department has
        established a 911 registry for
        Westland families who live with
        someone who has disabilities,
        such as autism or Alzheimer's
        disease. Residents can complete
        a form and submit it to the
        department. The pertinent infor-
        mation will be entered into the
        dispatch system, alerting officers
        to any special circumstances at
        the residence.
           If officers are dispatched to
        an address that has completed
        the registry form, an alert will be
        placed on the address notifying
        police of any pertinent informa-
        tion before responding. The goal
        of the registry is to prevent situa-
        tions such as lights/siren causing
        an epileptic seizure or miscom-
        munication when interacting
        with someone who is non-verbal
        or autistic.
           The form is available at the
        Westland Police Department
        and at Westland City Hall during
        business hours, 9 a.m. until 5
        p.m. Monday through Friday.
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