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February 25, 2021                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Walk and Roll

        Westland to establish pedestrian accessibility action committee

           Westland officials are on a  routes.                       However, a more defined frame-  comfortable, and convenient  Westland. In November of 2020,
        roll attempting to develop a bicy-  “This plan will represent the  work plan is needed to guide  non-motorized facilities will  the City of Westland was award-
        cle and pedestrian action plan  most detailed non-motorized   Westland in project implementa-  help connect residents to   ed a Planning Assistance Grant
        for the city.                  planning efforts yet by the city,”  tion, they added. The city would  schools, parks, jobs, recreation  from the Southeast Michigan
           The plan, called Walk and   commented Mayor William R.     like to develop a Bike Network  opportunities, and other ameni-  Council of Governments (SEM-
        Roll Westland, is an effort to  Wild. “The steering committee  Vision Plan that identifies the  ties in the community, officials  COG) in the amount of $32,740.
        identify how to better connect  will play an essential role in cre-  routes most needed in the com-  said.                 The total cost of the project will
        residents with areas of high   ating the plan which builds on  munity. The plan will focus on  Steering Committee members  total $40,000 with the remaining
        demand, including areas of com-  previous non-motorized plan-  identifying corridors to better  will be asked to join representa-  $7,260 being paid for from the
        mercial activity and city recre-  ning efforts conducted as a part  connect the city via non-motor-  tives from the administration,  Westland general fund.
        ational amenities.             of the city's 2017 Master Plan.”  ized routes. The overall goal is to  key community stakeholders, as  Anyone interested in serving
           As a part of the planning     During the past few years, the  identify and implement routes  well as appointed and elected  on the Walk and Roll Westland
        process, the city will establish a  City of Westland has started to  that connect to both Hines Drive  officials in attending four meet-  Steering Committee or who
        steering committee which will  build awareness around bicy-   and the park system along the  ings throughout this year.    would like more information,
        help to brainstorm ideas, gather  cling and pedestrian safety and  Rouge River, as well as the  OHM Advisors will facilitate  can contact Nicole Jones in the
        input, review data and identify  has start implementing more  Lower Rouge trail and park sys-  the planning process and plan  planning department at (734)467-
        priority biking and walking    bicycling facilities, officials said.  tem in the City of Wayne. Safe,  creation of the Walk and Roll  9342.
        State responds to vaccine appointment difficulty

           The family of an 81-year-old  week as Wayne County offered  schedule an appointment yet.  are terrified she might contract  this pandemic.”
        woman from Westland is hoping  vaccination     clinics   in     “We know there are many     the virus which would be life-   As of Feb. 17, the state of
        she will receive her first dose of  Canton/Plymouth, Inkster and  other people who want to get a  threatening for her considering  Michigan has administered
        the COVID vaccine this week.   Romulus for seniors. While     vaccine, and there simply are not  her age and physical condition.  1,657,215 vaccines, according to
           Dorothy Bigalow's family    appointments went quickly, and  enough vaccines available for   “We will all keep working   Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Up to
        members were concerned about   phone lines were overloaded    everyone who wants one right  around the clock until everyone  date information regarding vac-
        the difficulty in scheduling a vac-  with those seeking appointments,  now,” Khaldun said. “For every-  who wants a vaccine is able to get  cine eligibility, safety and clinic
        cination for her. Her daughter,  Bigalow was expected to receive  one who hasn't yet received a  one. So until then, to protect oth-  locations is available at
        Sue Woody, said she and her    her first innoculation.        vaccine, either because an    ers who are not yet vaccinated,
        three sisters have worked practi-  Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, the chief  appointment hasn't been avail-  and even after you receive yours,  Residents who don't have
        cally non-stop to try and sched-  medical executive of the    able or you are not yet eligible,  wear your mask, socially distance  access to the internet or who
        ule an appointment for the vac-  Michigan Department of Health  we and our local health depart-  and wash your hands,” Khaldun  struggle to use a computer can
        cine for their mother through  and Human Services, shared a   ments, our hospitals and our  advised.                       also call the COVID-19 Hotline at
        Wayne County.                  message Wednesday for people   other partners, thank you for    “There is hope ahead, but it's  888-535-6136, which is available
           They were finally successful  like Bigalow who want to be vac-  your patience.”          critical that we all remain vigi-  from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday
        in securing an appointment this  cinated, but haven't been able to  Bigalow's members said they  lant as we work together to end  through Friday.
                                                                                                     2 new firefighters

                                                                          Thank you

                                                                          Michigan        State
                                                                          Representative Kevin       join Westland force
                                                                          Coleman, far left, pres-
                                                                          ents Wayne Mayor John
                                                                          Rhaesa with a donation       Westland welcomed two new   firefighter. Through Farmington
                                                                          from AT&T in the           firefighters to the department  Hills Fire, he obtained his fire I
                                                                          amount of $2500 for the
                                                                          care and upkeep of the     last month. Scott Petrievich is  & II training, Hazmat aware-
                                                                          Wayne       Veteran's      from Clinton Township and     ness, Hazmat operations, and
                                                                          Memorial. The funding      attended Oakland Community    EMT-B license. He served with
                                                                          will be used for annual    College where he earned state  the department for seven years
                                                                          maintenance at the site    firefighter I and II certifications.  before taking leave to open his
                                                                          near Wayne City Hall       He is currently pursuing certifi-  own business. He and his wife
                                                                          dedicated to the memo-     cation as a licensed paramedic.  own a dog training business and
                                                                          ry of those who have       Prior to joining the Westland  provide private training lessons.
                                                                          served in the armed        department, Petrievich Scott  About a year and a half ago,
                                                                          forces.                    worked for a private ambulance  Baughman joined the Green
                                                                                                     company operating out of the  Oak Township Fire Department
                                                                                                     Detroit area.                 as a paid on call member. In
        Lawsuit                                       charged on June 16,                            a part of the Westland Fire   2020 he was hired onto the
                                                                                                       “I am extremely excited to be
                                                      2020 with conspiracy to
                                                                                                                                   Inkster Fire Department as a
                                                      file a false felony report,                    Department and look forward to  career member.
        FROM PAGE 1                                   filing a false felony                          serving here,” he said.         “I am excited and proud to
                                                      report and attempting                            Mike Baughman started his   begin a career with the
        said.                                         to file a false felony                         career in the fire service in 2008  Westland Fire Department and
           A second resident noted that Rhaesa's comments  report.  Chandler                         with Farmington Hills Fire    to serve the citizens of
        suggesting Sanders leave the city were “way out of  entered a guilty plea on                 Department as a paid on call  Westland,” Baughman said.
        bounds” and that the animosity between the two goes  those charges and was
        back nearly a decade. “They despise each other. It's  sentenced early this
        like a blood feud.”                           month to 18 months pro-                          It's official
           “This is what residents in Wayne have come to  bation on reduced                            Gino Criscenti was sworn in as an
        expect from the triumvirate of Rhaesa, Nocerini and  charges after implicat-    Scott Ruark    officer of the Wayne Police
        Ruark,” Sanders said. “This was unethical at best.”  ing Sanders during a                      Department at the regular meeting
           Sanders said he had no idea what the amount of  police interview on a separate warrant.     of the city council recently.
        the settlement was but felt it was unfair that he did  Sanders' criminal attorney, John Cahalan, said that  Criscenti recently graduated from
        not have a chance to respond to Nocerini's charges  he expects the outcome of the jury trial will be favor-  the Wayne County Regional Police
        which he called “scurrilous and false.”  He noted that  able to Sanders. Cahalan said that Sanders vehe-  Academy and immediately began
        the criminal charges filed against him had not yet  mently denies all the allegations in the criminal com-  his departmental orientation
        been adjudicated and that he has not had the oppor-  plaint and his innocence will be clearly established.  process.  Criscenti will fill a vacant
        tunity to defend himself.                     He said that Nocerini's allegations in the civil suit  position already budgeted for the
                                                                                                       department, officials said.
           Both Sanders and Chandler were criminally  were “simply that, baseless allegations.”

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