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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 18, 2021

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Rotary speaker addresses vast effects of virus

                          Julie Brown  She noted the emotional connec-                           ”                                 access that vaccine,” said Pinals,
                        Special Writer  tions K-12 students have in                                                                noting it's “a supply issue. Just
                                       school.                                         We may be in hard times                     the logistics and coordination
           Opening K-12 schools in       Another factor in the return to                                                           was a learning curve.”
        Michigan - proposed by Gov.    face-to-face learning is vaccina-                but we can be hopeful.                       She noted a June 2020
        Gretchen Whitmer for March 1  -  tions for teachers, which is a fac-              The crisis will end.                     Centers for Disease Control sur-
        is complex, says Dr. Debra     tor in the safety of both students                                                          vey found 40 percent of U.S.
        Pinals, M.D. as are many effects  and staff members. Vaccinations                                                          adults had issues with mental
        of the current pandemic facing  are voluntary, she noted, and                                                              health and/or substance use. She
        the entire country.            many unknown factors remain    resources on coping with the     Volunteering is also good for  agreed surveys have their limits
           Pinals is a psychiatrist and  about the rapidly mutating virus.  novel coronavirus.      the volunteer,” said Pinals, who  and should be taken with a grain
        serves as the medical director   The pandemic is a world-       “We may be in hard times but  did literacy work at a point in  of salt.
        for the Michigan Department of  wide disaster, she said, and  we can be hopeful,” the physi-  her life. “Even on a micro level ...  “There's a lot of cultural
        Health and Human Services      while federal funding usually fol-  cian said. “The crisis will end.”  people on the receiving end  issues,” Pinals agreed with a par-
        Behavioral Health and Forensic  lows disasters, weather-based   She said it is key to get the  might be able to take it in,” she  ticipant's assessment of another
        Programs.                      ones often have a pre-disaster  vaccine and to acknowledge loss-  added of greetings like “How are  state where many believe
           “It's really obviously compli-  warning.  As people pull together  es. Prior bad circumstances in  you?” to strangers and “Thank  COVID-19 doesn't exist.
        cated. There are no simple     after such an occurrence, there  life can be called on to remind  you”.                       Pinals thanked Wayne
        answers. Sometimes it's hard to  is common cohesion which is  people that the situation will get  Examples of coping strategies  Rotarians Laura and Milton
        know what is the right balance,”  then often followed by disillu-  better.                  given on her Zoom call include  Mack for the invitation to speak.
        she said, of returning students to  sionment with “frayed nerves”.  “That is one of the amazing  listening to comedies and exer-  “I think they're an amazing cou-
        classrooms.                      COVID has dragged on, with a  things about humanity,” said  cising. Pinals noted the chil-  ple,” she said of Laura Mack, a
           Pinals, speaking Feb. 9 via  continuing fear of infection, frus-  Pinals, who's also impressed  dren's recommendations on the  retired 29th District Court judge,
        Zoom to members of the Wayne   tration and boredom exacerbat-  with another recent Wayne    website, such as coloring with  and her husband, who also
        Rotary Club, suggested parents  ed by loss of social contact. She  Rotary speaker, a Tuskegee  crayons or listening to music,  served as a judge at the Wayne
        talk to the principal at their  urged listeners to visit michi-  Airman who spoke about being a  work for grownups, too.   court, and recently retired from
        child's school about the situation. for a variety of  prisoner of war.       “We know people are trying to  the Probate Court bench.
        Former resident sues Westland and police over arrest

           A former Westland resident has filed a civil suit seeking  of the police, claims that he has suffered irreparable harm.  he said he was during the rob-
        unspecified damages from the City of Westland, Westland  Court documents state that the situation began July 5  bery.
        Police Department, Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik and Police  when Jeffrey Brown filed a police report stating that he had  Brown later told police his
        Det. Kameron Sleep, alleging that they violated his constitu-  been robbed at gunpoint earlier that week as he was leaving  money had been returned by one
        tional rights and caused him physical, mental and emotion-  a supermarket. He said the robbers took a money order for  of the robbers and he did not
        al harm.                                           $156 he had just purchased and his wallet containing $600  want to prosecute the case fur-
           James Herrera, 36, is also seeking compensation for his  in cash.                                   ther. Herrera, however, was
        claim of police misconduct and deficient training and  He told police that one of the gunmen called the other  charged by the office of the
        supervision, which he claims, led to his arrest last July.  “Tex.” In his suit, Herrera claims that Sleep, in his capacity  Wayne County prosecutor with
        Herrera claims in his lawsuit that he was arrested without  as a police detective, was familiar with an individual called  armed robbery and faced life in
        probable cause and that police singled him out because he  Tex and during the investigation of the robbery, showed  prison if convicted.
        refused to cooperate with another investigation. He claims  Brown an array of photos which included a picture of  Brown testified in court pro-  James Herrera
        there was a conspiracy by police for his refusal to cooperate.  Herrera.  Brown allegedly identified a photo of James  ceedings that Herrera was not
           In his court filings, Herrera claims the police engaged in  Anthony 'Tex' Herrera, with whom police had a history.  one of the men who robbed him and the charges against
        “reckless, wanton, intentional and outrageous conduct,  Herrera turned himself into police on July 23 in  Herrera in the armed robbery were dismissed in
        which was done with an evil motive and a callous indiffer-  response to an arrest warrant. He told police he considered  September.
        ence to the fundamental rights of (the) plaintiff.”  Brown, whom he had known for years, “an uncle” and a  Herrera filed his civil suit in Wayne County Circuit Court
           Jedusik, however, said he and the department are “confi-  close friend. He agreed to a polygraph test and had an alibi  seeking damages for himself and his three children last
        dent that the case was handled in an appropriate manner.”  for the time of the robbery which his attorney, Gregory Rohl,  month. The attorney representing the city has filed to have
           Herrera, who has moved from the city, he says, because  said could be corroborated by witnesses at the hotel where  the case transferred to U.S. District Court.


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