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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         February 10, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        City, schools join to recognize students’ kindness

           Educators and students      are both supporting the project  card and three of the monthly  nize those students who are  Theaters for becoming a partner
        throughout the Wayne-Westland  which will be in cooperation with  winners attend the Westland City  doing their part to create a  and helping to build a more com-
        Community Schools District are  the district current Positive  Council meeting where they are  kinder and better place for those  passionate city," Wild said.
        watching for random acts of kind-  Behavior Interventions and  formally recognized for their  around them," commented        "As we strive to encourage our
        ness.                          other programs in all school   kindness.                     Anthony Taylor, MJR marketing  students to act with kindness, we
           The district and the city have  buildings.  Currently, there is a  Recently, MJR Theaters  director.                    are ultimately creating a more
        partnered on a project to identify  mailbox installed at all school  announced their partnership in  "I am proud of the students in  compassionate community.
        and recognize students who have  building to collect student and  the effort. MJR Theater manage-  the Wayne-Westland Community  “We are proud to be a part of
        demonstrated random acts of    teacher suggestions for recogni-  ment has donated 153 admit-one  Schools District for displaying  the Compassion Project and very
        kindness as part of the        tion of compassionate acts.    passes for students recognized as  Random Acts of Kindness to  thankful to MJR Theaters for
        Compassion Project.              Each month, school adminis-  part of the Compassion Project.  their fellow classmates.    their support in our efforts,"
           Westland Mayor William R.   trators review all reported com-  "As proud members of the      “With each act, they are    noted Dignan.
        Wild and Wayne-Westland        passionate acts and choose a   Westland community, we are    encouraging a culture of care    Six students have already
        Community            Schools   winner for each school. Each   honored to be a part of this pro-  and positively impacting those  been honored at meetings of the
        Superintendent Dr. John Dignan  winning student receives a gift  gram and its initiative to recog-  around them. Thank you MJR  Westland City Council.
        Wayne Westland district receives $3 million technology grant

           Remote learning will become  port remote learning, officials  The funds will be used to pro-  net hot spots to students who  plicity, reliability and portability.”
        far more efficient in the Wayne-  noted.                      vide all kindergarten through  needed them to accommodate    These devices will allow students
        Westland Community Schools fol-  “Wayne-Westland received the  fourth-grade students with an  remote learning.             to have guaranteed Wi-Fi, the said.
        lowing the announcement of a $3  biggest award in Michigan. We  iPad with built-in cellular data  District school buses were also  “This will be a game-changer
        million grant to fund technology.  would like to thank our technology  capability. It will also provide  equipped with mobile Wi-Fi and  for our students with the LTE
           The school district was award-  department for targeting this grant  nearly 1,700 fifth through 12-grade  deployed to locations throughout  devices. This will also help our
        ed the Emergency Connectivity  to address the device and connec-  students with a Chromebook with  the community to ensure that stu-  homeless, foster students and fam-
        Fund Grant through the Federal  tivity shortcomings experienced  built-in cellular data, school offi-  dents had access to remote class-  ilies that do not have access to the
        Communications Commission last  by our students,” said Dr. John  cials said.                es.                            internet. We are looking at over
        month. The grant is part of the  Dignan, superintendent of the  During the 2020-2021 academic  Officials said that this was not a  5,000 LTE devices that will be pur-
        American Rescue Plan Act of 2021  Wayne-Westland Community    year, the school district provided  long-term and sustainable solution  chased through this grant,”
        to help schools and libraries sup-  Schools.                  devices to all students and inter-  for “challenges that demand sim-  Dignan said.
        Dog park survey seeking                                                         Safety first

        on-line input from owners                                                       City of Westland Planning
                                                                                        Director Moe Ayoub has been
                                                                                        appointed to serve on the
           Dog owners in Westland are being    ence of a configuration for the park along  Southeast Michigan Council
        encouraged to “speak” up about a pro-  with frequency of use and number of      of Governments (SEMCOG)
                                                                                        Traffic Safety Task Force. The
        posed new park in the city.            dogs.  Officials said the survey is an effort  goal of this task force is to
           Westland officials have proposed a  to ensure that the first dog park in the  develop   a   Southeast
        new dog park to be installed in the city  city will include the amenities most  Michigan Traffic Safety Plan.
        this spring under the control of the city  sought by pet owners. The city is also  The plan will be an update
        Department of Parks and Recreation.    looking for a “doggone good name” for    and expansion upon the cur-
        Funding for the proposed project will be  the park.                             rent plan adopted by SEM-
        provided through the parks and recre-    The results of the online survey will  COG in 2015. The plan will
        ation budget, allocating $150,000 for fis-  be discussed at the Parks and Recreation  identify key safety needs in
        cal year 2021-2022.                    Department Advisory Council public       the region and guide invest-
           The new park will be located next to  meeting set for 6 p.m. Feb. 28 at Westland  ment decisions to reduce
        the Department of Public Service build-  City Hall, 36300 Warren Road.          fatalities and serious injuries
                                                                                        on Southeast Michigan road-
        ing at 37137 Marquette and will include a  “The All-American City looks forward  ways, officials said.
        perimeter fence to keep both dogs and  to offering this great new amenity to the
        residents safe. The off-leash dog park  Westland residents and their special
        will also feature separate sections for  four-legged friends as well,” commented
        small and large dogs.                  Mayor William R. Wild encouraging resi-
           Residents can provide their input by  dents to complete the on-line survey
        participating in a short survey which  available on the city website under the
        allows participants to note their prefer-  parks and recreation tab.
        Spring Tea Party planned

           The Wayne Historical Society members  a vintage costume or wear a fancy hat.
        are hosting a Spring Tea Party:1922 from  Tickets are priced at $35 and can be
        1-3 p.m. March 2.                      purchased online through Eventbrite, or
           The event will take place in the Wayne  in the museum located at One Town
        Historical Museum and will be profession-  Square in downtown Wayne.Ticket Link:
        ally catered by Victoria's Tea Salon. The
        theme is 1920s, so guests are urged to find  party-1922-tickets-251465679617

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                              joined the U.S. Army. Upon  until 11 a.m. Friday, Feb. 11  1999  BUICK    2009  CHRYSLER    2001  MERCURY     2002  SUBARU
                              his discharge in 1966, he  at Clarenceville United  2G4WS52M4X1596015  1C3LC56B39N565292  1MEFM55S31G630396   JF1SF65632H721155
                              began his 47 year-long  Methodist Church where  2015  BUICK       2012  DODGE           2011  MERCURY         2001  TOYOTA
                              career    at    Rose  Mr. Rhaesa and his wife  KL4CJHSB4FB080126  1C4RDJAG0CC130957     3MEHM0JG6BR605760     JTDBT123910165110
                              Exterminator Co. / Bio-Serv  were active members until  2010  CHEVROLET    2008  DODGE    2008  NISSAN        2005  TOYOTA
                              Corporation.  He retired  his illness.      3GNBABDB7AS546213     1B3HB28B28D726172     1N4AL24E28C286673     JTDBR32EX52062994
                              from Bio-Serv in 2013.   Funeral services are  2004  CHEVROLET    2012  FORD            2007  SATURN          2005  YAMAHA
                                 He married the love of  planned from 11 a.m. until  1GCDT136348194755  3FAHP0CG8CR400552  1G8ZS57N47F227855  JY4AH12YX5C014899
                              his life Gail Ann Hauser in  noon at the church located  2002  CHEVROLET    1994  FORD    1997  SATURN
                              1968 and the couple   at 20300 Middlebelt Road  1GNDT13SX22433092  1FMCA11U1RZB39463    1G8ZK5277VZ329008     THE VEHICLES LISTED
                              moved to Westland where  in Livonia.        2008  CHEVROLET       2007  FORD            2008  SATURN          MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE
                              they raised their two sons,  His final resting place  1G1ZG57B084290082  1FMYU93117KA02916  1G8ZS57B48F296360  AT LOT FOR VIEWING
                              John Paul (Natalie) and  will be Glen Eden Memorial  2000  CHEVROLET    2007  FORD
                              Sean Allen.           Park in Livonia.      2GCEK19T4Y1207350     1FAHP34N37W361516
                                 In addition to his wife,                 2014  CHEVROLET       2007  FORD
                              sons and daughter-in-law,                   1G1PE5SB6E7377306     1FMDK051X7GA20234
                              Mr. Rhaesa is also survived                 2007  CHEVROLET       2000  FORD
                              by his brother, the Rev.                    2G1WB58KX79355046     1FTYR10V0YTB08932
                              James William (Barbara)  DEARBORN HEIGHTS   2008  CHEVROLET       2011  FORD
                              Rhaesa and two sisters,      POLICE         1G1AK58F287300817     2FMGK5BC0BBD08165
                              Janet Florence Hayes and  25637 MICHIGAN AVE  2012  CHEVROLET     2015  FORD
         John Allen Rhaesa    Eleanor Lois Thompson.  DEARBORN HEIGHTS MI  1G1ZC5EU4CF125360    3FADP4EJ2FM214005
                                 He was predeceased         48125         2015  CHEVROLET       2003  FORD
           John Allen Rhaesa, 81,  by his parents, a sister,              1G1PC5SB4F7214919     3FAFP37313R113280
        died Feb. 3, 2022 sur-  Loretta Hazel Rhaesa;  THE FOLLOWING      2011  CHEVROLET       1999  FORD
        rounded by his loving fami-  brothers, Thomas Leigh  VEHICLES HAVE BEEN  1G1RC6E45BU099142  1FTRX17L6XNC21687
        ly.                   Rhaesa   and   Robert  DEEMED ABANDONED     2009  CHEVROLET       2001  JEEP
           Mr. Rhaesa was born  Andrew Rhaesa.       AND WILL BE SOLD AT  1GNDT33S192100947     1J4FT48SX1L581208
        Nov. 7, 1940 in Detroit to  A visitation is planned  PUBLIC AUCTION ON  1995  CHEVROLET    1998  JEEP
        James Robert and Eleanor  for Mr. Rhaesa at Uht    2/23/22        2GCEC19H8S1100284     1J4FJ68S2WL143727
        Elise (Ironside) Rhaesa.  Funeral  Home,  35400  @ 12 P.M. 27218   2016  CHRYSLER       2008  JEEP
        After  graduation  from  Glenwood  Road  in  CURRIER DEARBORN     2C3CCAAG3GH134856     1J8FF48W18D660862
        Wayne Memorial High   Westland from 2 until 8  HEIGHTS MI 48125   2004  CHRYSLER        2006  MERCURY
        School in 1959, Mr. Rhaesa  p.m. Feb. 10 and from 10  313-299-9727  1C3EL75R14N414737   4M2YU57146DJ10452
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