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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          January 24, 2019


        Flying high

        Scouts contribute to area

        while earning rank of Eagle

           Scouts from one Canton      house to be used as an outreach
        Township troop spent more than  center.  Another Scout, Salem
        3,000 man hours last year work-  High School senior David
        ing on community projects.     Garvey, built a full stage/band
           Fifteen boys from Scout     shell pavilion for Life Church
        Troop 854, based at St. Michaels  while senior Thomas Wall creat-
        Church in Canton, spent the long  ed a rain garden located at
        hours working on their individ-  Hulsing Elementary School.
        ual Eagle Scout projects.  Eagle  Other Eagle Scout projects of
        Scout is the highest rank in the  Troop 854 members included
        Boy Scouts and takes several   compost bins built for the  DTE
        years of work to achieve, leaders  Community Gardens by Erik
        noted.                         Bunge; feral cat shelters built
           One of the requirements for  for the Huron Valley Humane
        the Eagle rank is the manage-  Society by Damian Dailide; com-  Scout Master Brian Ward, at left, top row, of Boy Scout Troop 854 in Canton Township and Committee
        ment and completion of a major  munity sports courts built by  Chair Brian Spencer congratulate Scouts Damian Dailide, Evan McKimmy, Noah Wood, Alex Hazelgrove,
        service project for an approved  Steve Garvey; vocational train-  David Garvey and Erik Bunge, along with Eagle Coach Chris Garvey, on the projects completed by the
        organization such as a school or  ing board created by Collin  Scouts last year. From left, bottom row, are Scouts Collin Harvey, Thomas Wall, Steve Garvey, Max
                                                                      Vredeveld and Joe Roggenbush.
        charity group. Scouts from     Harvey; friendship benches
        Troop 854 worked on a wide     built at Ericksson Elementary  Roggenbush: a storage area       “These projects allow Scouts  Garvey, Eagle Scout Coach for
        variety of projects this year,  School by Alex Hazelgrove; a  build for Risen Christ Lutheran  to gain a sense of service to the  Troop 854.
        ranging from environmental     community garden built at      Church by Lucas Vogeli; a fire  community as well as project   Nearly all 15 Scouts have
        projects, park beautification,  Hesed House Outreach Center   pit and benches built for Christ  and financial management.”  achieved their Eagle rank while
        and even social welfare.       by Justice Heers: owl houses   Lutheran Church by Seth Vogeli;  said Brian Ward, Troop 854  a few are awaiting their Eagle
           Some of the largest projects  built for the Canton Township  picnic tables for East Middle  Scout Master.  “The community  Board of Review, noted John
        were taken on by Breven Heers,  Parks Department by Evan      School built by Maz Vredeveld  impact is also long term since  McKimmy. “Most all are expect-
        a senior at Canton High School,  McKimmy: picnic tables built for  and even a community ball pit  most of these projects will last  ed to be complete by the end of
        who completely refurbished a   Maybury State Park by Joe      built by Noah Wood.           for years to come” added Chris  April.”
        University Women present annual ‘Snow White’

           Children will enjoy a live    The play, to be presented at  co-directing with Ed Polce.  ten and learn.                 scholarships for women. For tick-
        stage production of “Snow      Garden City High School, on      “We encourage the children to  “We provide an opportunity  et information, call (734) 716-1833.
        White” thanks to the Plymouth-  Middlebelt Road north of Ford  participate by responding to  for them to get in the mix,” she  The play was moved to the
        Canton Branch, American        Road, has been staged “a little  what's happening on stage. We  said. Cast members, many of  Garden City High School due to
        Association of University Women.   less than 60 years” total, co-direc-  encourage that feedback at times  whom are longtime participants,  cost issues.
           The play will be staged at 7  tor Mickey Edell said.       during the performances,” Edell  enjoy it.                     “That's worked out very well,”
        p.m. Thursday, Jan. 31, 7 p.m.   “The idea is to present them  said.                           “So it always makes it feel it's  said Edell, noting great staff and
        Friday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.  with live drama. We invite any-  The children and their fami-  worth our time and effort,” said  district cooperation. The play
        Saturday, Feb. 2,  The Saturday  body young at heart to join us.  lies, who hear 21st-century lan-  Edell, noting other actors have  reaches children in Plymouth,
        morning show and Thursday      We've had really nice crowds,”  guage, enjoy modern dance steps  been involved even longer.  Canton, Livonia, Garden City,
        show will be preceded by a 45-  said Edell, a retired Plymouth-  “because they're familiar with  Tickets cost $6 online at  Northville,  Novi,  Wayne,
        minute cast presentation geared  Canton Schools speech and lan-  what's new in the music and  www.PlymouthCanton-          Westland and others.
        to Girl and Boy Scouts with oth-  guage pathologist who has been  dance arenas,” she added. The and $7 at the door.  Garden City High School is
        ers welcome to attend.         doing the play for 30 years. She is  kids sometimes just sit still to lis-  Profits help to support college  located at 6500 Middlebelt Road.

                                                                                                                  STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                  COUNTY OF WAYNE
                                                                                                            CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
                                                                                                 PROHIBITION OF MARIHUANA ESTABLISHMENTS ORDINANCE
                                                                                                                  ORDINANCE NO. 1016
                                                                                                                   AMENDMENT #21

                                                                                      AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE A TITLE FOR THE ORDINANCE; TO DEFINE WORDS; TO PROHIBIT MARI-
                                                                                      HUANA ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH PUR-
                                                                                      SUANT TO INITIATED LAW 1 OF 2018, MCL 333.27951 ET SEQ., AS MAY BE AMENDED; TO PROVIDE PENAL-
                                                                                      TIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; TO REPEAL ALL ORDI-
                                                                                      NANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH; AND TO PROVIDE AN EFFECTIVE DATE.

                                                                                      THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH ORDAINS:
                                                                                      Ordinance No. 1016, Amendment #21, the Prohibition of Marihuana Establishments Ordinance, is hereby adopted to
                                                                                      read as follows:
                                                                                      SECTION I.    TITLE
                                                                                      This ordinance shall be known as and may be cited as the Charter  Township of Plymouth Prohibition of Marihuana
                                                                                      Establishments Ordinance.
                                                                                      SECTION II.   DEFINITIONS
                                                                                         Words used herein shall have the definitions as provided for in Initiated Law 1 of 2018, MCL 333.27951 et seq., as may be
                                                                                      SECTION III.  NO MARIHUANA ESTABLISHMENTS
                                                                                      The Charter Township of Plymouth hereby prohibits all marihuana establishments within the boundaries of the Township pur-
                                                                                      suant to Initiated Law 1 of 2018, MCL 333.27951 et seq., as may be amended.
                                                                                      SECTION IV.   VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES
                                                                                         1.   Any person who disobeys neglects or refuses to comply with any provision of this ordinance or who causes allows or
                                                                                           consents to any of the same shall be deemed to be responsible for the violation of this ordinance. A violation of this ordi-
                                                                                           nance is deemed to be a nuisance per se.
                                                                                         2.    A violation of this ordinance is a municipal civil infraction, for which the fines shall not be less than $100 nor more than
                                                                                           $500, in the discretion of the Court. The foregoing sanctions shall be in addition to the rights of the Township to pro-
                                                                                           ceed at law or equity with other appropriate and proper remedies. Additionally, the violator shall pay costs which may
                                                                                           include all expenses, direct and indirect, which the Township incurs in connection with the municipal civil infraction.
                                                                                         3.    Each day during which any violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
                                                                                         4.    In addition, the Township may seek injunctive relief against persons alleged to be in violation of this ordinance, and such
                                                                                           other relief as may be provided by law.
                                                                                         5.   This ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the Ordinance Enforcement Officer of the Township, by a peace
                                                                                           officer, or by such other person(s) as designated by the Township Board from time to time.
                                                                                      SECTION V.    SEVERABILITY
                                                                                         If any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by
                                                                                      any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such hold-
                                                                                      ing shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof.
                                                                                      SECTION VI.   SAVINGS CLAUSE
                                                                                         The repeal or amendment herein shall not abrogate or affect any offense or act committed or done, or any penalty or forfei-
                                                                                      ture incurred, or any pending litigation or prosecution of any right established or occurring prior to the effective date of this
                                                                                      SECTION VI.   PUBLICATION
                                                                                         The Clerk for the Charter Township of Plymouth shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by law.
                                                                                      SECTION VIII.  EFFECTIVE DATE
                                                                                         This Ordinance shall take full force and effect upon publication.
                                                                                         The foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the Charter Township of Plymouth Board Trustees at its regular meeting called
                                                                                      and held on the  22nd day of January, 2019, and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
                                                                                                                                                    Jerry Vorva, Clerk
                                                                                      Introduced:  January 8, 2019
                                                                                      Published:  January 24, 2019
                                                                                      Adopted:   January 22, 2019
                                                                                      Effective upon Publication: January 24, 2019               PT0228 - 012419  2.5 x 10.114
                                                                                              To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.
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