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January 10, 2019                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Martin Luthur King Jr. celebration set Jan. 21

           Plans are already under way  School Auditorium,.                                      ”                                 days. It was officially observed in
        for the celebration marking      The event is sponsored annu-                 President Ronald Reagan                      all 50 states for the first time in
        Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in  ally by the City of Romulus, the                                                           2000.
        Romulus later this month.      Romulus Ministerial Alliance              signed the holiday into law in 1983.                Celebrated annually on the
           A community celebration     and the Romulus Community                                                                   third Monday of January, Martin
        titled Standing Up For         School District. Romulus Middle                                                             Luther King Day is a time when
        Democracy, will begin at 7:30  School, where the Community    tact Committee Chairman, the  campaign for a federal holiday  the nation pauses to remember
        a.m. Jan. 21 at Romulus Middle  March will begin is located at  Rev. Arthur Willis, (313)701-2413  in Dr. King's honor began soon  Dr. King's life and work, but also
        School and the Community       37300 Wick Road. There will be a  or Romulus City Clerk Ellen  after his assassination in 1968.  to honor his legacy by making
        March will begin at 8 a.m. when  shuttle service provided from  Craig-Bragg at (734) 955-4545.  President Ronald Reagan signed  the holiday a day of community
        participants will walk to      Romulus High School at 9650      Dr. King was the chief      the holiday into law in 1983, and  service, “a day on, not a day off.”
        Romulus High School for break-  Wayne Road to Romulus Middle  spokesperson for nonviolent   it was first observed three years  It is a federal holiday and offices,
        fast served by members of the  School from 7 until 7:45 a.m.  activism in the Civil Rights  later. At first, some states resis-  both federal, county, state and
        Romulus Rotary club. At 9:30     For more information about   Movement, which successfully  ted observing the holiday as   local are closed. Banks are
        a.m., the official program will  the annual community celebra-  protested racial discrimination  such, giving it alternative names  closed and there is no mail deliv-
        begin in the Romulus High      tion of Dr. King's birthday, con-  in federal and state law. The  or combining it with other holi-  ery.
        Police investigate shootings

           Michigan State Police are continuing  pital and police said the victims were in
        the investigation into a shooting that left  stable, but critical condition.
        two Inkster men in critical condition    Detectives executed several search
        Christmas night, Dec. 25.              warrants in the area but have not con-
           Inkster police were called to a home  firmed whether the  shootings were two
        in the area of Carlysle and Harriet    separate incidents or related, police
        streets where they discovered two men,  said.
        one 22 and one 26, suffering from gun-   Police were not releasing any further
        shot wounds, according to police reports.  details of the incident at press time.
        Officials called the Michigan State Police  Anyone with information is asked to
        to investigate the double shooting. The  call Michigan State Police at (734) 287-
        two men were transported to a local hos-  5000.
        Senior tax help is available                                                   Sewing Sisters

                                                                                       The Inkster Commission on Aging Sewing Sisters group includes, from left,

                                                                                       serves on the Commission on Aging. The women stitch up quilts which are car-
           The Romulus Senior Center will provide  income, W2 forms for those who eared a  Inkster residents Reletha Rice, Betty Jackson and Deborah Owens. Owens also
        free tax services through AARP again this  salary or wages, proof of residential taxes  ried by police officers in Inkster patrol cars and are given to Inkster children to
        year.                                  paid, unemployment compensation         comfort them in times of stress. Photo by Julie Brown
           City Treasurer Stacy Paige, along with a  records, dependent care provider informa-
        group of trained volunteers, will help sen-  tion statements which include the name,
        ior and low income residents with tax fil-  employer identification number, Social  Dollar Store robber sought
        ings.                                  Security Number and any other 1099 forms.
           The first day tax services will be avail-  Those who plan to itemize deductions  Inkster police are continuing the  Road.
        able will be Feb. 21 and appointment   will need all receipts or canceled checks.  search for a man who robbed a General  Anyone with information about the sus-
        scheduling began Jan. 7.               Band statements showing any earned divi-  Dollar store at gunpoint on Christmas Eve.  pect or the robbery is asked to contact the
           Those using the service will need to pro-  dend amounts.                     The only description provided by   Inkster Police Detective Bureau at (313)
        vide a copy of their income tax return from  To make an appointment, call the senior  police of the suspect is that he is a younger  563-9850, ext. 23125. Callers can remain
        last year, all forms indicating federal  center at (734) 955-4120.           black man. He reportedly fled the scene of  anonymous.
                                                                                                                              Police provided no further information
                                                                                     the Inkster robbery as a passenger in a
        Authors to speak at library                                                  white vehicle, heading toward Inkster  regarding the ongoing investigation.

           The Romulus Library will offer some  Camps in World War II beginning at 6:30
        interesting secrets, insights into World  on Thursday, Feb. 28.
        War II prisoner of war camps and high-   In March, visitors can explore the art
        lights of craft beers during the first  of craft beer with author Bill Rapai
        weeks of the new year.                 whose book Brewed in Michigan was
           As part of the winter Author Speaker  named a Notable Book. Rapai will speak
        Series, Karen Dybis will be featured at  at 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 21.
        6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31. Dybis is  The programs are free and no regis-
        the author of Secret Detroit and will dis-  tration is required. The speakers are
        cuss several fun and interestingly     sponsored by the Friends of the
        obscure places to explore in Detroit, fea-  Romulus Public Library. The library is
        tured in her book.                     located at 11121 Wayne Road in
           In February, Greg Sumner will dis-  Romulus. For more information, call
        cuss his new book, Michigan POW        (734) 942-7589.

                To subscribe to The Eagle call 734-467-1900.

         If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a written claim with
         the Plymouth Charter Township Department of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or backup was discovered. Notice
         should be mailed to Plymouth Charter Township, Department of Public Works, 9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan
         48170. Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery of damages. Contact the Department of Public Works, 734-
         354-3270, Extension 3, for assistance immediately upon discovery of an overflow or backup.
         Thank You
                                                                  JERRY VORVA
                                                            Clerk, Charter Township of Plymouth
         Publish: January 10 & 17, 2019                             PT0224 - 011019  2.5 x 1.836
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