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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           January 7, 2021

                                     INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                      INKSTER - ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Development on track in city despite pandemic

           Tony Antone has a lot of good  COVID-19 closed down many                                                                get the approvals and start con-
        things to say about the city of  businesses in the state.                                ”                                 struction, we weren't going to get
        Romulus.                         Antone said despite his trepi-       We weren't afraid of that size development           it done and it would've just been
           The developer, who works    dation regarding the pandemic,                      but I really call it a                  mothballed,” Antone said.
        with the 50-year-old Kojaian   officials in Romulus surprised                                                                “In a COVID pandemic, being
        Management Development Co.,    him. Rather than delay the proj-           game-changer-type development.                   able to still have meetings and
        credits the ability of Romulus  ect or approval studies, the city                                                          discussion, having building
        officials to work through the  kept the project approvals on                                                               inspectors available to go out and
        worst health crisis to strike the  track and on time. He admitted  enthusiastic supporter of the  regarding the Amazon facility.  inspect - that's what some com-
        country and keep a major devel-  that this was a different approach  Amazon facility development,  Antone was not hesitant to  munities are lacking right now.
        opment on track and on sched-  than other cities with whom the  which prompted concerns from  express his gratitude and appre-  They get projects in-house, they
        ule.                           developer of industrial sites  some others.                  ciation for the ability of Romulus  get stalled either because of lack
           Vistar, a provider of cold stor-  works. Kojaian was also the  “We weren't afraid of that size  to move the new Vistar project  of resources of labor contractors
        age food products, is expected to  developer of the Amazon site in  development but I really call it a  forward, and move it quickly  or the local municipality doesn't
        be operational in the city this  Romulus which opened prior to  game-changer-type development.  through the necessary studies  have the ability to get out and do
        spring in a new facility located on  the pandemic. That distribution  The benefit to the community  and permit phases.     inspections right away,” Burcroff
        Smith Road just east of Vining  center, despite the negative  also for the residents, we call it  “Had the city not acted that  said.
        Road in the city. Plans to build  impact of the virus on many other  the citizens' benefit, is that they've  quickly, we would've lost the deal.  That is obviously not the case
        the 165,000 square foot facility in  businesses, is thriving, officials  got a click away from the services  The deal would've died because  in Romulus. The Vistar project
        the city were under way just   said.                          to their door,” Burcroff said in a  these people had to be done by  will be done by May or June this
        before the health threat of      Mayor LeRoy Burcroff was an  recent published interview    spring of '21. And if we couldn't  year, according to Antone.
        Sumpter trustees revise deputy supervisor position

           Members of the Sumpter      Trustee Peggy Morgan both cast                                                              by the her husband. Morgan cast
        Township Board of Trustees     no votes on the motion to alter            Many of the employment specifics                 the lone no vote on Clark's job
        approved several employment    the position to part time, as                                                               description and pay rate.
        positions and salaries while   Bowman had already named             were not without controversy or opposition by            Bowman and Morgan also
        revising another during a recent  Bednark to the job and the for-        one or more members of the board.                 cast no votes on the full-time
        Zoom meeting Dec. 15.          mer treasurer had been sworn in                                                             deputy clerk position at 40 hours
           Many of the employment      as deputy supervisor.                                                                       at $25.08 hourly with overtime as
        specifics were not without con-  Morgan called the change                                                                  approved by the clerk, and full
        troversy or opposition by one or  from a full-time deputy supervi-  Morgan continued to argue  was being “short changed” and  benefits but without medical
        more members of the board.     sor to the 20-hour limit “ridicu-  that the revisions to the position  proposed that Bednark as  reimbursement. The board
           Ken Bednark, the previous   lous.” She claimed the action  were based on Bednark's previ-  deputy supervisor, should be  members then approved another
        township treasurer, was named  was “about the person and not  ous interaction with the board  paid at the same rate as newly-  motion for a pay increase for
        as deputy supervisor, a position  the position.” Trustee Don  and insisted that the former  appointed deputy treasurer Toni  deputy clerk Antony Burdick
        limited by the board members to  LaPorte disputed Morgan's accu-  deputy supervisor, Karen  Clark, who was named to the job  from the approved $25.08 to
        less than 20-hours per week at an  sation that the action was per-  Armatis, was paid $32 per hour.  by her husband, James Clark.  $27.08 to correct scheduled pay
        annual salary of $8,406, without  sonal and said he had never   Bowman read a statement     Later in the meeting, Clark's  increases that had been missed
        benefits. Bednark, while treasur-  been in support of a full-time  claiming that because he is new  position was approved as full-  since his appointment to the job
        er, missed more than a year of  deputy supervisor. He also noted  to the position he needs a full-  time or 40 hours per week at a  in 2018.
        meetings while continuing to col-  that the pay rate was commensu-  time deputy who receives full-  rate of $25.08 per hour, along  Bowman and Morgan again
        lect his $19,000 annual salary.  rate with the amount paid to  pay with benefits.           with full benefits. She is also eli-  cast the only two dissenting
           Supervisor Tim Bowman and   elected trustees.                Morgan insisted that Bowman  gible for overtime as approved  votes.
        Suspect charged in shooting                                                                  State legislator joins ‘Silent

        during attempted break-in                                                                    Cry’ prison demonstration

           Dajon Donte Lewis, 18, of   an ensuing struggle, the 22-year-  Lewis
        Sumpter Township has been      old resident of the home was shot  w  a  s                      State Rep. Jewell Jones (D-  proportionately impacted prison
        arraigned on multiple charges in  through the leg.            arraigned                      Inkster) joined with Silent Cry to  populations. As of late
        connection with a home invasion  Police said the incident was  Dec. 25 in                    host a demonstration at the Gus  November, 11,914 Michigan pris-
        Dec. 14.                       not random and that the victim  34th District Court on one count  Harrison Correctional Facility in  oners and 1,625 staff had con-
           According to police accounts,  and the alleged perpetrator are  of assault with intent to do great  Adrian earlier this month to  tracted the virus, with those
        the charges result from the home  acquainted.                 bodily harm less than murder,  advocate for measures that    numbers continuing to rise.
        invasion which took place on     The assailant fled the scene  assault with a dangerous weapon  would provide adequate med-  Seventy-seven people in prison
        Edgewood     Drive   in  the   and Lewis was later located and  (felonious assault) and two counts  ical care and protect incarcerat-  and three employees had died.
        Rawsonville Woods Mobile Home  taken into custody in the      of felony firearm.             ed individuals from COVID-19.  At the demonstration, Silent Cry
        Community. Police said that dur-  Ypsilanti area by members of the  At last report, Lewis remained  He was joined by fellow state  delivered a list of demands to
        ing the break-in, the defendant  Michigan State Police Fugitive  incarcerated. A court hearing on  Reps. LaTanya Garrett (D-  the correctional facility to pro-
        produced a handgun and during  Team, according to police reports.  the charges was set for yesterday.  Highland Park), Sherry Gay-  tect the health and safety of the
        3 suspects are at large after gunfight                                                       Dagnogo (D-Detroit), and      incarcerated community.
                                                                                                                                     “The COVID crisis has high-
                                                                                                     Tenisha Yancey (D-Harper
           Three suspects remain at large  scene at about 5:30 p.m. Dec. 27,  scene, struck two patrol cars,  Woods).              lighted the importance of quality
                                                                                                                                   health care more than ever, but
                                                                                                       “The people behind bars in
        following an exchange of gunfire  Inkster officers had confronted  troopers said. Police shot at the  this state belong to families that  the state continues to provide
        and a chase by police from sever-  three people fleeing from the  suspects as they drove away,  we represent,” said Jones. “Sure,  inadequate care and protective
        al departments recently.       apartment complex on Hamlin    according to authorities.      some made mistakes and others  measures to incarcerated indi-
           According to Michigan State  Drive and gunfire had been      The suspects were pursued by  find themselves incarcerated  viduals,” said Shawanna
        Police officials, troopers were  exchanged. Police recovered a  officers from several departments  wrongfully, but they are people  Vaughn, founder of Silent Cry. “A
        asked by the Inkster Police    handgun at the scene, according  including until police lost sight of  too. They are us. We must do  society is judged by how it treats
        Department to assist with a    to reports.                    the vehicle in Detroit, police said.  much better in the areas of care  its most vulnerable, and the men
        breaking and entering incident   No injuries were reported.    The abandoned vehicle was dis-  and consideration as it relates to  and women in prison are com-
        with shots fired at a local apart-  One of the suspects got into a  covered around 6:35 p.m. Sunday  our overcrowded populations -  pletely at the mercy of the sys-
        ment complex.                  purple Dodge Challenger and,   near Seven Mile and Stout in   people are dying.”            tem to protect their health and
           When officers arrived at the  while attempting to flee the  Detroit, police said.           The COVID-19 crisis has dis-  well-being. We must do better.”

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