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January 5, 2023                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE
                                                         SUMPTER - WAYNE

        Trustees approve sale of township properties

           The 9.32-acre of commercially  which the property was marketed.                                                         Patterson and Supervisor Tim
        zoned property adjacent to the  Blue claimed at several previous                         ”                                 Bowman voted in favor of the
        former medical center on       meetings that he had inquired           The property was professionally appraised           offer.
        Sumpter Road has been sold to  about purchasing the land but was                                                             Board members agreed to
        Kurtis Myers for $65,000.      told it was not for sale. Following  twice at values of $75,000 and $78,000 respectively.   Oddy's suggestion asking bidders
           Myers was the only bid remain-  sometimes heated discussion at                                                          to submit final sealed offers
        ing for the land following the with-  several meetings, trustees subse-                                                    including any contingencies to
        drawal of a bid from Trustee Don  quently listed the property for  Trustee Matt Oddy was also  June when the appraisals were  township hall for a public open-
        LaPorte. Bids for the land were  sale with the professional real  critical of the sale and the  complete. He agreed that the  ing. On the advice of township
        submitted to the township      estate company.                November bid process. He sug-  board members could reject all  attorney Rob Young, the special
        through the Moving the Mitten    The property was professional-  gested that LaPorte and Myers be  offers and keep the land but that  meeting to discuss the bids was
        real estate agency. The accept-  ly appraised twice at values of  instructed to put their bids in a  the offers from LaPorte and Myers  set Dec. 19. During that meeting,
        ance, during a special meeting  $75,000 and $78,000 respectively.  sealed envelope and submit them  were 80 and 86-percent of the  trustees accepted the bid from
        Dec. 19, followed several months  LaPorte submitted an offer in  to township hall where they could  appraised value, respectively.   Myers.
        of discussion and debate regard-  November of $60,000 while Myers  be opened during a public meet-  “With inflation and everything  LaPorte did not submit a final
        ing the value of the property.  submitted a bid of $55,000,   ing. He also objected to the bid  going on, we should take the  offer for consideration.
        During the Dec. 13 meeting, the  explaining that his bid was low-  prices offered, noting that the two  money and run. Our goal was to  The board members also
        board members discussed an     ered as one acre of the property  appraisals, for which the town-  sell. I say, go with the $65,000 and  approved the sale last month of a
        offer of $60,000 from LaPorte and  was unusable.              ship paid, were higher than either  call it a day,” advised Trustee Tim  14.62 acre parcel on Martinsville
        a “best and final offer” from    Trustee Peggy Morgan told the  bid submitted.              Rush. He made a formal motion to  Road. The trustees accepted an
        Myers presented as “$5,000 above  board members that the bidding  “We sold the medical center  accept the $65,000 Myers' offer  offer of $95,000 from Clifton and
        the best offer, not to exceed  process was “confusing” and that  and it's still there collecting dust,”  which failed due to a tie vote of  Heidi Whitehouse for the land
        $67,500.”                      she was not in favor of the sale.  Oddy told the trustees.   the board members. LaPorte     which had been appraised at
           During year-long discussion  She suggested the township keep  Treasurer Bart Patterson dis-  recused himself to avoid any con-  $100,000 with a $5,000 real estate
        regarding the sale of the property,  the land until a more attractive  agreed. He said he felt these were  flict-of-interest implications while  fee added. The purchase price
        adjacent property owner Corey  bid and use for the site might  valid offers and that real estate  Morgan, Oddy and Clerk Esther  was estimated at $95 percent of
        Blue protested the manner in   arise.                         values had changed since last  Hurst cast no votes. Rush,    the appraised value, trustees said.
        District classrooms to begin ALICE emergency drills

           Students in the Wayne Westland      will practice the classroom ALICE drill
        Community Schools will be participating  after being instructed by their teachers,
        in safety drills beginning this month.  in the same way they practice fire and
           In a letter to parents, Superintendent  tornado drills.
        of Schools John Dignan explained that    The staff and students will be notified
        the district staff members have been   when an ALICE drill will begin and
        trained in ALICE (Alert/Lockdown/      teachers will instruct students to quietly
        Inform/Counter/Evacuate) procedures    listen to the adult(s) in the classroom or
        which are implemented in the event of  the announcements.
        unauthorized individuals entering any    During the drills, teachers will
        school building. In January, he said, stu-  remind students that there will be
        dents would begin to transition from the  options depending on the situation.
        traditional shelter-in-place lockdown  Students will practice barricading and
        drills to ALICE drills.                evacuating during each drill.
           “ALICE training will equip our stu-   “As with all of our drills, there will be
        dents with knowledge of what they can  an emphasis on listening to the adult(s)
        do in an emergency.                    they are with so that students can react
           “It will also demonstrate how to be  appropriately,” Dignan continued.
        aware of their surroundings, explain     “We are providing this information in
        their options, and reinforce that adults  advance to strengthen your understand-
        will support them,” Dignan said in his  ing of what we share with students and
        letter to parents.                     allow you to have conversations at    Superintendent of Wayne Westland Community Schools John Dignan told parents
           As part of the new protocols, students  home,” the letter concluded.      recently that all district classrooms would begin ALICE emergency safety drills.
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