Page 12 - FF2018
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Page 10                                FALL FFESTIVAL 22018

       Kiwanis Club will serve annual pancake breakfast

         The Kiwanis Foundation Pancake   Thursday at The Courthouse Grille,  Kiwanis high school arm known as
       Breakfast is a fixture of Plymouth Fall  41661 Plymouth Road in Plymouth  The Key Club and more.
       Festival, and is set for 7 a.m. to noon  (near the 35th District Court).  “We contribute to local families in
       Saturday, Sept. 8, in downtown The   “Together,    we    form    the   need that come to our attention,”
       Gathering, across from Kellogg Park in  Foundation,” explained Riegal. He can  Riegal said, adding Kiwanis also gives
       Plymouth.                          be reached at (734) 718-6176 to pur-  to First Step, which helps domestic vio-
         Mark Riegal, Kiwanis Foundation  chase tickets in advance.           lence and sexual assault victims.
       chair, noted that the breakfast dates  The evening Kiwanis got the       They get help at the Saturday break-
       back some 40 years. “We have a lot of  Pancake Breakfast started. “They  fast from The Rising Star Special
       help within the club,” he said. “Many  asked us to get involved. Our club's a  Olympians as well as the new Aktion
       of our members are very involved. We  little larger,” said Riegal, a noon club  Club for adults with developmental
       have many hands on deck.”          member.                             delays, including cleanup assistance.
         Pre-sale tickets are $6, tickets on  The Kiwanians set up for the break-  Riegal noted that this year there will
       Saturday morning at the event are $7.  fast cooking the night before, along  be a two-line system which should
       Children ages 5 and under get a free  with handling paperwork and attend-  move faster than before.
       meal with an adult ticket purchased.  ing committee meetings. “And then we  “Of course, there's many at the grill,”
         The work includes both Plymouth  come back and get everything going.  he noted of Kiwanians, who store their
       clubs, the Plymouth Kiwanis Club,  We wait for Bingo to be finished up,”  grills near The Miracle League of
       which meets at 6:30 p.m. the first and  he said.                       Plymouth field.
       third Tuesday of the month at E.G.   The Kiwanis Foundation supports     The Bob Evans products pack in a
       Nick's on Forest Avenue in Plymouth,  The Salvation Army, Methodist    crowd each year. “They allow us to use
       and the Kiwanis Club of Colonial   Children's Society Home in Redford,  their pancake mix and sausages,”
       Plymouth, meeting at noon each     high school graduate scholarships, the  Riegal said.
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