Fall Festival 2017 - page 37

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Plymouth has become a destination town for those looking for unique dining experiences, a great burger or a superior Coney
Island Hot Dog. No doubt about it, Plymouth is a special and unique community and every year, for more than six decades, the
Plymouth Fall Festival has proven that to residents and visitors. During this special event, civic groups, student organizations,
churches and other charity efforts gather throughout the downtown to celebrate all that is Plymouth and attempt to raise funds
for their various community causes.
What may be overlooked occasionally are some of the major donors to those efforts. Business owners who year after year
donate their time, labor and cash to helping these organizations and groups help the community. These restaurant owners not
only provide some of the finest dining and best meals available throughout the area, they give back to the community in ways
many residents never realize.
These folks feed more than the appetites, they also help nourish the soul of the community with their continued support for
civic causes.
Each and every one of themhas a reputation for great food, specialty dishes and terrific service.
And they are each also known for the example they set of giving back to the community they serve. Visit themsoonand enjoy!
Taste of our town
Local restaurants serve community appetite and spirit
E.G. Nick's
500 Forest Ave.
(734) 414-6400
One of the most popular places in
town is always E.G. Nick's on Forest
Street where owners Tony Belli and
Frank Agostini are known for great
food and for great entertainment all
E. G. Nicks boasts an extensive list
of specially-brewed craft beers and
unique cocktails, alongwith an impres-
sive list of premiumwines.
The menu includes items like the
new Caprese ravioli, with a kale and
pesto sauce that brings diners back
again and again. The exceptional flat-
bread pizzas offer unique toppings like
bacon, lettuce and tomato or Caesar
salad along with the expected tradi-
tional pepperoni and cheeses. The
exceptional flatbread crust on these
treats has made them one of the
biggest sellers on the late-night and
lunch menu, Agostini said. The imagi-
native new dishes like the pear and
spinach salad added to the menu have
drawn rave reviews fromregulars.
The menu still includes the cus-
tomer-favorite planked whitefish, cho-
sen as the best in the state by food crit-
ics and the award-winning spare ribs,
Bang-Bang Shrimp and bourbon pot
roast nachos.
Agostini said themenu includes sev-
eral items which can be prepared
gluten free and some vegan dishes,
which are becoming more and more
Local diners know that the kitchen
often offers lunch specials, using fresh
ingredients and weekends almost
always include dinner specials, allow-
ing Agostini to demonstrate some of
the culinary creativity that he has dis-
played with his various TV appear-
Meals range from $10 to $20 or so
and are served in a relaxed and com-
fortable atmosphere. The restaurant is
known for the varied menu, family-
friendly atmosphere and spirit of fun,
whether there is a festival going on or
simply a celebration because it is
Greek Islands Eatery
306 SouthMain St.
(734) 335-6303
The Greek Island Restaurant locat-
ed downtown on Main Street across
from Kellogg Park is not just a typical
Coney Island, although the Coneys
made at Greek Island have rapidly
become the favorite ofmany locals.
The menu includes American
favorites along with many homemade
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