Strawberry Festival 2016 - page 16

Page 14
Ivy Gitzen
, 16, also the daughter of
Tom and Jen Gitzen of Westland. She,
too, is a student at Belleville High
School and is involved in graphic
design at school. Her hobbies include
singing, baking and cooking along with
interior design. Her performing talent,
like her sister's, is singing. She is hop-
ing for a career in interior design and
was involved in the New Tech Soup
Alexis Hatchard
, 19, is currently pur-
suing pre-law studies at Eastern
Michigan University. The future attor-
ney hopes to practice corporate law
when she completes her education.
She is the daughter of James and
Deidre Hatchard of Belleville. She is
also a member of the parish at St.
Anthony Church and enjoys reading,
acting, baking and cooking. Her cre-
ative talent in the pageant was acting.
Savanna Titsworth
, 17, is a student at
Belleville High School. She is the
daughter of Angela Miller and is also
interested in singing and the choir. Her
special interests include art and music
and she performed as a singer during
the talent portion of the pageant. She
hopes to pursue a career in nursing
after leaving high school.
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