The Eagle 12 17 15 - page 3

December 17, 2015
- C
Experimental ‘Stage Lab’ coming to Canton
Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings –December 8, 2015
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 1150 Canton
Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Roll Call
Members Present: Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams, Yack Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Faas, Director Mutchler, Director Trumbull, Gwyn Belcher, Fire Chief Meier,
Deputy Chief Stoecklein Guests: Brian Spitsbergen, Growth Works
Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Bennett, supported by
Williams to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bennett, supported
by McLaughlin to approve the Board Minutes of November 24, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett,
supported by McLaughlin to approve the Study Session Minutes of November 24, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the Study Session Minutes of December 1, 2015 as presented. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
Citizen’s Non-Agenda Item Comments:
None Brian Spitzbergen – Growth Works conducted a power point
presentation giving the board an annual review of the organizations within the Human Services Building.
Payment of Bills
by McLaughlin, supported by Williams to approve payment of the bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
CALENDAR: Item C-1. Consider Approval of 2016 FY Specialized Services Operating Assistance Program (CLS
) Motion
by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the 2016 FY Specialized Services Operating Assistance Program contract with
SMART in the amount of $31,942 and to authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the contract. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-2. Consideration of Second Reading and Adoption of an Ordinance to Amend Chapter 46, Article VIII, Section 46-
502, Entitled “Truancy” (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to remove from the table and hold the second read-
ing and adopt the ordinance, which amends Chapter 46, Article VIII, Section 46-502, entitled “Truancy.” Motion carried unani-
mously. Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to publish the text amendment on December 17, 2015, and the effective date
of the text amendment shall be January 1, 2016.
Chapter 46 of the Charter Township of Canton Code of Ordinances, Sec. 46-205, is hereby amended to read
as follows:
Sec. 46-502. - Truancy.
The township board finds, determines and declares as follows: There has been
a general increase in crimes committed by juveniles in the southeastern Michigan area, as well as throughout the nation. The
increase in juvenile criminal activity is partly attributable to an increase in the juvenile truancy rate. School attendance is mandat-
ed by state law until a minor reaches the age of 18 years. The township has been adversely affected by both the increase in juve-
nile crime and the increase in juvenile truancy. (5)This section is designed to address truancy by minor students in public places.
Truancy in public place.
It is unlawful for any minor under the age of 18 years who is enrolled in a public or private educa-
tional to be absent from school and found in a public place, as defined in subsection (b)(2) of this section, unless the minor has one
of the valid excuses specified in subsection (b)(3) of this section. (2) For purposes of subsection (b)(1) of this section, a minor is
absent from school and found in a public place if the minor is found loitering, idling, wandering, strolling, playing, or aimlessly
driving or riding about in or upon any public street, avenue, highway, road, curb area, alley, park, playground, or other public
ground, public place or public building, place of amusement or eating place, vacant lot or unsupervised place, or any place open to
the public during the hours the school at which the minor is enrolled is in session. (3) The provisions of subsection (b)(1) of this
section shall not apply under the following: The minor has in their possession a written excuse from the minor’s parent, legal
guardian, or other adult person having the legal care or custody of the minor; The minor is accompanied by their parent, legal
guardian or other adult person having the legal care or custody of the minor; The minor is on an emergency errand directed by their
parent, legal guardian or other adult person having legal care or custody of the minor; The minor is going directly to, or returning
directly from, a medical appointment; The minor has permission to leave campus and has in their possession a valid school-issued
off-campus permit; The minor is going directly to, or returning directly from, a public meeting or a place of entertainment, such as
a movie, play, sporting event, dance or school activity, provided such meeting, event or activity is a school-approved activity for
the minor or is otherwise supervised by school personnel of the minor’s school; The presence of the minor in such place is con-
nected with, or required by, a school-approved or school-related business, trade, profession or occupation in which the minor is law-
fully engaged; The minor has graduated from high school or has fulfilled all requirements for high school graduation; The minor
is in attendance at religious instruction classes in accordance with section 1561(3)(d) of Public Act No. 451 of 1970 (MCL
380.1561(3)(d)); or The child is being educated in an organized educational program at the child’s home by their parent or legal
guardian in accordance with Public Act No. 451 of 1976 (MCL 380.1 et seq.).
Violation of subsection (b)(1) of this section shall
constitute a misdemeanor punishable by a fine in the amount of $50.00 for a first offense and $100.00 for a second or subsequent
offense during the same calendar year, and/or imprisonment for not more than 90 days. The court may set aside the fine and/or
imprisonment, or any portion thereof, if the fine is based on the minor’s first infraction under this section and the minor produces
proof satisfactory to the court that the minor has had no prior unexcused absences from school. (c)
Enforcement procedure; parental
(1)A minor cited for a violation under this section shall attend a court hearing and must be accompanied at the hear-
ing by their parent, legal guardian, or other adult person having the legal care or custody of the minor. (2) It is the obligation of
the parent, legal guardian, or other adult person having the legal care or custody of the minor, upon receiving notification from the
court or the township, to attend any court hearing as described in subsection (c)(1) of this section. Failure to so attend upon notifi-
cation shall be a misdemeanor. It is the obligation of the parent, legal guardian, or other adult person having the legal care or cus-
tody of the minor to ensure and monitor the school attendance of the minor as required by state law. Failure to do so shall be a mis-
demeanor. SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, section, paragraph or part of this Ordinance, or the application
of thereof to any person, firm, corporation, legal entity or circumstances, shall be for any reason adjudged by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, said judgment shall not affect, impair or invalid the remainder of this Ordinance. It is
hereby declared to the legislative intent of this body that the Ordinance is severable, and that the Ordinance would have been adopt-
ed had such invalid or unconstitutional provisions not have been included in this ordinance. SECTION 3. REPEAL OF CON-
FLICTING ORDINANCES All Ordinance or parts of Ordinance in conflict herewith is hereby repealed only to the extent neces-
sary to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
All rights and duties which have matured
penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which have begun and prosecution for violations of law occurring before the effec-
tive date of this Ordinance are not affected or abated by this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter
Township of Canton shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the manner required by law.
This Ordinance, as amended, shall take effect on January 1, 2016.
The foregoing Ordinance was duly
adopted by the Township Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton at its regular meeting called and held on the 8 th day
of December, 2015, and was ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law. Terry G. Bennett, Clerk Introduced:
November 24, 2015 Adopted: December 8, 2015 Published: December 17, 2015 Effective: January 1, 2016 A copy of the com-
plete text of this Ordinance is available at the Clerk’s Office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
Canton, MI., 48188, during regular business hours. The approved text of the Amendment will be published in the Canton
Eagle/Associated Newspaper within the meeting minute’s synopsis of the date of approval. A complete copy of the Ordinances for
Canton Township is available at
Item C-3. Request for Resolution of Local Body of Government to
Recognize “Canton Chiefs Wrestling Booster Club (CCWB)” as a Nonprofit in the Community for Purposes Of Making
Application For A “Charitable Gaming License” to the Bureau of State Lottery (CLERK)
Motion by Bennett, supported
by Sneideman to approve the request from the “Canton Chiefs Wrestling Booster Club (CCWB)”, 6817 Brookshire Drive, Canton,
Michigan 48187, Canton Township, Wayne County, Michigan; to be recognized as a non-profit organization for the purpose of
obtaining a charitable gaming license. Motion carried unanimously.
GENERAL CALENDAR: Item G-1. Consider Approval
of Resolution to Amend Municipal Employees’ Retirement System (MERS) Pension Plan, POAM, TPOAM and Full-Time
Elected Officials Divisions, Changing Employee Contributions for 2016 per Collective Bargaining Agreements. (HR)
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the MERS Defined Benefit Plan Adoption Agreements for the POAM group,
Division 21, and the Full-Time Elected Official group, Division 1, and to approve the MERS Hybrid Plan Adoption Agreement for
the TPOAM group, Division HD, effective January 1, 2016. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-2. Consider Approval of the
Special Land Use and Site Plan for Speedway #2358 Gas Station Redevelopment (Lilley and Ford Roads). (MSD)
by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION OF
Special Land Use and Site Plan for Redevelopment of
Speedway #2358 WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has requested approval of a special land use for an automobile filling station
and site plan for redevelopment of the Speedway located on the southeast corner of Ford and Lilley Roads, identified as tax parcel
no. 053-99-0010-703; and,
the Planning Commission reviewed the special use and site plan and made a recommen-
dation to approve the requests, including the modification to the number of parking spaces.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request of the petition-
er, to approve the special land use for an automobile filling station and the site plan for redevelopment of the Speedway Station
#2358, including the parking modification, subject to any and all state and local development regulations and further subject to any
conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and staff, as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto
and made a part hereof.
Item G-3. Consider Approval of the Special Land Use and Site Plan for Speedway #8724 Gas Station
Redevelopment (Canton Center and Ford Roads). (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to approve the fol-
lowing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CAN-
Special Land Use and Site Plan for Redevelopment of Speedway #8724 WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has request-
ed approval of a special land use for an automobile filling station and site plan for redevelopment of the Speedway located on the
northeast corner of Ford and Canton Center Roads, identified as tax parcel no. 039-99-0020-701; and,
the Planning
Commission reviewed the special use and site plan and made a recommendation to approve the requests, including the modifica-
tion to the number of parking spaces.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township
of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request of the petitioner, to approve the special land use for an automobile filling sta-
tion and the site plan for redevelopment of the Speedway Station #8724, including the parking modification, subject to any and all
state and local development regulations and further subject to any conditions recommended by the Planning Commission and staff,
as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Item G-4. Consider Approval of the
Preliminary Planned Development Agreement for Grandview Estates. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin
to approve the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Preliminary Approval of the Grandview Estates Planned Development WHEREAS,
the Project
Sponsor has requested preliminary approval for the Grandview Estates Planned Development, located south of Geddes Road
between Denton and Barr Roads on parcel nos. 121-99-0012-000, 121-99-0013-000, 121-99-0014-000, 121-99-0015-001(part),
121-99-0015-002(part), 121-99-0024-002, 121-99-0025-000, 121-99-0026-000, 121-99-0027-000, 121-99-0028-000, 121-99-
0030, 121-99-0032-000, 121-99-0033-000, 121-99-0034-000, and 121-99-0038-702 (part); and
the Planning
Commission voted to recommend approval based on the findings that the proposed planned development is consistent with the
goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan; and,
the Board has reviewed the proposed development and deter-
mines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance regulations and development objectives subject to the conditions
described in the analysis and recommendations attached hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby grant preliminary approval of the
Grandview Estates Planned Development, as provided in the conceptual development plans and supporting exhibits.
Item G-5.
Consider Approval of the Preliminary Site Plan for Stone Ridge Site Condominium. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported
by McLaughlin to approve the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Preliminary Site Plan for Stone Ridge Site Condominium WHEREAS,
the Project
Sponsor, Pulte Homes, has requested preliminary site plan approval for Stone Ridge Site Condominium to be located south of Joy
Road and west of Beck Road and identified as tax parcel no. 017-99-0009-001; and,
the Planning Commission
found the proposed preliminary site plan to be consistent with Section 6.03D of the zoning code and the development objectives of
the Township, and recommended approval based upon the findings listed on the staff analysis; and,
the Board has
reviewed the proposed preliminary site plan for Stone Ridge Site Condominium and determines the proposal to be consistent with
the Zoning Ordinance regulations and development objectives subject to any conditions described in the analysis and recommen-
dation form attached hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the
Charter Township of Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the request of the Project Sponsor, Pulte Homes, for the preliminary
site plan for Stone Ridge Site Condominium subject to compliance with any conditions contained herein and all other regulations
of the Township.
Item G-6. Consider Approval of Addendum 1 to the Intergovernmental Agreement with Wayne County for
the Paving of Lotz Road. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve Addendum 1 to the Intergovernmental
Agreement with Wayne County including some administrative changes as required to provide funds for and further direct Canton
Township to retain and pay the designer for the Lotz Road Paving Project, and to provide the mechanism for Canton Township to
reimburse Wayne County for the water main installation costs. Further, I move to authorize the Township Supervisor to sign the
addendum on behalf of Canton Township. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-7. Consider Award of a Contract for
Engineering Design Services for the Cherry Hill Village Pathway Extension Project to Mannik & Smith Group. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to award the contract for the Cherry Hill Village Pathway Extension Project to the
Mannik & Smith Group of Canton, Michigan for an amount not-to exceed $34,910. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-8.
Consider approving a revised purchase of FireHouse Cloud Upgrade Software Package. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, sup-
ported by Williams to approve the purchase of the revised FireHouse Cloud Upgrade Software Package for a period of five years
in the amount of $29,325.83, to be paid in annual installments outlined above, utilizing funds from the Fire Professional &
Contracted Services Account #206-336-50.801.0050. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-9. Consider Approval to Purchase a
Stalker SAM Trailer w/ Traffic Statistic Sensor. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the purchase of
a Stalker SAM Trailer w/Traffic Statistic Sensor from Stalker Radar, 2609 Technology Drive, Plano, TX, in the amount of $7,247
utilizing traffic forfeiture funds budgeted in the 2015 Police Program Expense Traffic Enforcement Account #207-301-
50.743.0004.Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-10. Consider Approving the Purchase of (11) Taser X26P Units. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to waive the bidding process and approve the purchase of (11) Taser X26P units and
accessories from Taser International, in the amount of $12,954.40, utilizing 2016 budgeted drug forfeiture funds. Motion carried
Item G-11. Consider the Purchase of Office Furniture for Crime Suppression Unit. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by Williams to approve the purchase of office furniture for the Police Department in the amount of $21,648.93, utilizing
budgeted OMNIBUS forfeiture funds, from Kentwood Office Furniture, 2101 W. Willow Street, Lansing, MI 48917.Motion carried
Item G-12. Consider the Purchase of Body Cameras. (PSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to
waive the bidding process and approve the 2016 purchase of 60 BodyVISION cameras, software and charging stations in the amount
of $29,999.45, from L-3 Mobile Vision, Inc., a state contract vendor, and the department’s current vendor for the in-car camera sys-
tem and server. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-13. Consider Waiving Bid Procedure and Approval for Installation of
Ground Water Well. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize the waiving of the bid procedure for the
installation of a ground water well system for the irrigation infill to the Summit pond. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by
Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize a purchase order in the amount of $12,434.25 to Cribley Drilling Co., Inc., 8300
Dexter-Chelsea Road, Dexter, MI 48130 to be taken from Account #101- 265.930_0030 Maintenance and Repair Machinery and
Equipment. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to authorize a purchase order in the
amount of $7,640.00 to Van Buren Electric Company, 141N. Mill Road, Plymouth, MI 48170 to be taken from Account #101-
265.930_0030 Maintenance and Repair Machinery and Equipment. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-14. Consider Approval
of the Repair and Replacement of Rigging Components at the Village Theater. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
Sneideman to authorize the purchase order for WACO Stage Equipment, Inc., 7835 Herbst Road, Brighton, MI 48114 in the amount
$7,302.50. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-15. 2015 Budget Adjustments. (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve the following listing of budget adjustments to the 2015 budget. Motion carried unanimously.
Community Center Fund Increase Decrease Revenue
Summit-Admin Bond Proceeds 208-757-50.698 897,750
Total Community Center Fund Revenue $ 897,750
$ -
Summit-Admin Bond Principal 208-757-
50.998 883,750 Total Community Center Fund Expenses $ 883,750
$ - Total Increase (Decrease) in Use
of Fund Balance $ (14,000)
852 Special Assessment Debt Service Increase Decrease
Total Revenue $ - $ _-
Bond Interest Expense 852-905.995 10,000 Total Expenses $ 10,000 $
- Total Increase (Decrease) in Use of Fund Balance $ 10,000
256 Western Wayne Criminal Investigations
Increase Decrease
Total Revenue $ - $ _-
Payments to Other Governmental Units
266-333.960 250,000 Total Expenses $ 250,000 $ - Total Increase (Decrease) in Use of Fund Balance $ 250,000
Item G-16. Approve IT Services – Dell Server Hardware Purchase. (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Anthony to
approve the purchase of Dell server equipment from Dell Computers Inc., in an amount not to exceed $13,000. Motion carried
Item G-17. Consider Approval of Updated Purchasing Policy. (FBD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by
McLaughlin to approve the updated purchasing policy, F:10 Purchasing/Procedure/Rules/Bidding Policy and to further eliminate
the following former policies, to be effective January 1, 2016: · F-10 Purchasing Policy Revised 10-23-2007 · F:15 Bidding/Formal
Bid Procedures/Bid Awards/Professional Services Procedure updated on 9-9-2009 · F:16 Vendor Selection Policy Effective 10-6-
2005 · F:17 Vendor Protest Policy Effective 10-6-2005 Motion carried unanimously.
Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz stated there are still tickets available for the Senior Center’s December 16, 2016 Senior
Holiday Celebration. Supervisor LaJoy presented the progress report on the Canton Township 2015 Goals
by Anthony, supported by Williams to adjourn at 8:34 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
______ Terry G. Bennett, Clerk
Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the Clerk’s office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S.
Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188, 734-394-5120, during regular business hours and can also be accessed through our web site
after Board Approval.
EC121715-1230 5 x 10.969
It will be a long 24 hours.
An experimental theater pro-
duction is planned for the Village
Theater at Cherry Hill Jan. 8-9
which will include the writing of a
script, cast auditions, rehearsals
and the production staged for the
public, all within a 24-hour period.
The experimental theater exer-
cise is being undertaken by TLC
Productions and is called
During the round-the-clock
experience, a group of authors
will write several one?act scripts,
directors will audition and cast
actors, there will be rehearsals
and the performances staged for
the public at the end of the 24-
hour period.
The public is invited to drop in
at any time during the 24-hour-
period to see this orchestration in
motion. Up to six one-act (10-
minute) plays will be performed
for audiences beginning at 8 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 9 on the Main Stage
of TheVillageTheater.
Tickets for the event are priced
at $15.
The authors, who will write
from 10 p.m. Friday until 7 a.m.
Saturday, are from throughout
Michigan and will include Brian
Cox of Ypsilanti, Brion Scheidel
of Canton, Nicole L.V. Mullis of
Battle Creek, Lylanne Musselman
of Ypsilanti, Jarrod Vanzo of
Auburn Hills, Patrick Wears of
Canton and Jeff Wears of
Plymouth. Several of the authors
have had their works produced in
ActsFestivals and the inaugural
StageLab24 in 2014.
Directors who will immediate-
ly inherit a one-act play to stage
include: Musselman (who will be
directing her own play),
Alexander Trice of Bloomfield
Hills, Karen Pritchard of
Dearborn, Peter Huschilt of
Grand Rapids, Joe Arcel of
Plymouth, Kennikki Jones of
Hamtramck and Timothy Majzlik
of Canton.
“I love that TLC Productions is
a champion for playwrights and
new theatrical works. This project
is very exciting to me and will
push some boundaries as they
speed up a process that some-
times takesmonths and years. The
public should take this opportuni-
ty to visit a couple of times during
the 24-hour period and then come
to the final performance. It will be
amazing,” said Jennifer Tobin,
Canton arts coordinator.
StageLab24 was launched by
TLC Productions in 2014 with a
grant from the Partnership for the
Arts and the Humanities and
takes place every other year,
opposite the Canton One Acts
Festival, which TLC Productions
also organizes.
The 2016 StageLab24 event will
be solely funded by TLC
StageLab24 will need about 24
actors and actresses to fill the
roles of the shows being written
Friday night into Saturday morn-
“Acting in StageLab24 is only a
12-hour commitment, which is
ideal for individuals who cannot
commit to months of rehearsals
for a typical show,” said
Christopher Tremblay, co-founder
of TLCProductions.
To audition, actors/actresses
should register online in advance
at Auditions
will begin at 9:30 a.m. Saturday,
Jan. 9 and will continue until 11
a.m. Auditions will take place at
The Village Theater at Cherry
Hill, 50400 Cherry Hill Road,
Canton MI 48187. Individuals
planning to audition should enter
through the Backstage Door.
Actors/actresses are required to
pay a $10 participation fee if cast.
The $10 fee covers lunch, snacks
and dinner. Rehearsals will take
place from 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Actors/actresses must bring an all
black outfit towear if cast.
The Village Theater has free
parking and is handicap accessi-
Tickets can be purchased by
phone at the Village Theater Box
Office at (734) 394-5300 or online at
or or at the door.
Box office opens 1 hour prior to
The appointment of John
Delaney to the Local
Development Finance Authority
in Van Buren Township met with
some controversy at a special
session of the township board
late lastmonth.
Delaney was named to the
finance authority by Township
Supervisor Linda Combs, who is
in the midst of an eight-week
leave of absence to care for her
ill husband. The term has been
vacant since 2011 and would
expire in 2017. When the nomi-
nation was presented to the
board members for discussion at
the Nov. 30 work session, howev-
er, some members had concerns
regarding Delaney's suitability
for the position.
In Combs' absence, Township
Clerk Leon Wright chaired the
study session and said he was in
support of the supervisor's
choice for the seat on the finance
Trustee Brenda McClanahan
said shewas unsure that Delaney
was a good choice for the posi-
tion and questioned his ability to
cooperate with others on the
board and to maintain confiden-
tiality regarding matters dis-
cussedby the group.
Wright said that taking the
oath of office for the position
would include a pledge of confi-
dentiality but McClanahan was
not convinced. She said that
Delaney has an “angry, pushy,
bully” side of his personality and
questioned his township residen-
cy. McClanahan stressed that her
comments were based on her
own opinions.
Delaney, who was present,
said that he has been involved
with the finance authority for
several years and has main-
tained confidentiality during that
time. He said that Michael
Dotson, the chairman of the
Local District Finance Authority,
and members Doug Peters and
Leonard Armstrong support his
He added that he is a town-
ship resident, owns four busi-
nesses and attends the township
board meetings and the finance
authority board meetings on a
regular basis. He added that his
appointment was being more
stringently scrutinized than other
recent appointment in the town-
ship, citing the naming of Dr. Carl
Johnson to the planning commis-
Delaney has a felony convic-
tion in Oklahoma regarding a
questionable check, something
also mentioned at the meeting.
Delaney said that conviction is
under consideration for a par-
“I've never seen scrutiny like
this,”Delaney said.
“We've never had a convicted
felon sitting on a board before,”
McClanahan responded.
The board members were
expected to consider the
appointment at the regular meet-
ing Tuesday but no results were
available at press time.
Delaney has a felony conviction in Oklahoma
regarding a questionable check,
something also mentioned at the meeting.
Board appointment prompts concern of trustees
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