The Eagle 12 08 16 - page 3

December 8, 2016
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November 14, 2016
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem John Barden.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Kathleen Abdo, John Barden, Linda Choate, Harry Crout, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth.
Sylvia Makowski.
Administrative Officials in Attendance:
LeRoy D. Burcroff
Stacy Paige, Treasurer
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Moved by
seconded by
to accept the agenda as amended.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-451 2A.
Moved by
, seconded by
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the
Romulus City Council held on November 7, 2016.
Motion Carried Unanimously
3. Petitioner:
Mr. Robert LaBel and Mr. Jud Chaille represented Verizon Wireless regarding the company’s special land use
16-452 3A.
Moved by
seconded by
to approve a special land use request from Verizon
Wireless/ERS Telecom for a 195 foot high monopole cellular telephone tower and associated communication
facility equipment at 38600 Northline Road.
Motion Carried Unanimously
4. Chairperson’s Report:
Rosemary Boatwright, from Helping Hands in Romulus, spoke about the need for donations to Helping Hands.
Helping Hands is opened Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
16-453 4A.
Moved by
seconded by
to approve the Letters of Understanding with both the POAM
and POLC to extend their respective union contracts under the terms presented in the Letters of Understanding.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by
seconded by
to accept the Chairperson’s Report.
Motion Carried Unanimously
5. Mayor’s Report:
Mayor Burcroff spoke about Veteran’s Day; and, he presented a video of upcoming events in the City of
16-454 5A.
Moved by
seconded by
to concur with the administration and authorize the
mayor and clerk to enter into a service agreement with the Downriver Utility Wastewater Authority (DUWA).
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-455 5B.
Moved by
seconded by
to concur with the administration and approve the re-appoint-
ment of Craig Plank to the Cemetery Board of Trustees with a term to expire on November 1, 2021.
Carried Unanimously
16-456 5C.
Moved by
seconded by
to concur with the administration and approve the reap-
pointment of Stanley Bragg to the Police, Fire and Safety Commission with a term to expire on February 11,
Motion Carried Unanimously
6A. Clerk’s Report:
Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg thanked everyone who helped during the November Election.
16-457 6A1.
Moved by
seconded by
to approve second reading, final adoption of Budget
Amendment 16/17-13, Community Employee Activity Fund. This budget amendment was introduced at the
Council meeting of November 7, 2016.
Motion Carried Unanimously
6-458 6A2.
Moved by
seconded by
to approve second reading, final adoption of Budget
Amendment 16/17-14, DDA Goddard Road Construction Fund. This budget amendment was introduced at the
Council meeting of November 7, 2016.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-459 6A3.
Moved by
seconded by
to approve second reading, final adoption of Budget
Amendment 16/17-15, CDBG Community Development Block Grant. This budget amendment was introduced
at the Council meeting of November 7, 2016.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-460 6A4.
Moved by
seconded by
approve the reappointment of Debra Hoffman and Shirley
Lamberson to the Board of Review with their terms to commence on January 1, 2017 and to expire on December
31, 2018.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-461 6A5.
Moved by
seconded by
to schedule a public hearing on Monday, December
12, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. for Demolition List 16-01. The public hearing will be held in the Romulus City Hall
Council Chambers.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-462 6A6.
Moved by
seconded by
to introduce (first reading) of City of Romulus
Purchasing Ordinance amendment and to add two new sections: Section 39-14, Local Preference Provisions,
and Section 39-15, Insurance Coverages.
Motion Carried Unanimously
6B. Treasurer’s Report:
City Treasurer, Stacy Paige, spoke about the City’s Quarterly Investment Reports.
7. Public Comment:
Helen Gregory thanked the City administrative and legislative bodies for their continued support of the Romulus
Civic League and for joining the League in celebration of their 70 th Anniversary. Jan Lemmon, Cemetery Board
Chairperson, announced that a fundraiser spaghetti dinner will be held at the VFW Hall on Friday, December
2, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. with all proceeds to go to a disabled veteran and his family.
8. Unfinished Business:
Councilman Wadsworth gave a reminder to those who may be looking for a cat or dog for Christmas, to check
with the Animal Shelter for a pet.
9. New Business
10. Communication
16-463 11A.
Moved by
seconded by
to pay Warrant 16-21 in the amount of $1,693,037.90.
Motion Carried Unanimously
16-464 11B.
Moved by
seconded by
to pay Warrant 16-21E in the amount of $17,677.00.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by
seconded by
to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council.
Motion Carried Unanimously
I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on November 14, 2016.
RM120816-0119 2.5 x 10.437
Re-zoning of Vining
Road land discussed
Mayors’ Ball tickets on sale
Council fills vacant seat
Members of the Romulus City Council
and Planning Commission put their
heads together last week to talk about a
vast tract of undeveloped land with a lot
of potential-and fewsuitors.
The two bodies met in a study session
to discuss the Vining Road Development
District, which is between I-94 and
Ecorse Road and Wayne and Merriman
The issue came up in part because a
developer, the Kojanian Company, had
requested rezoning for about 140 acres
that fronts Ecorse Road, said Tim Keyes,
economic development director for
“Since we're updating the master plan
anyway, we thought it would be a good
opportunity to talk about this,” said
Keyes. “We're looking for some direction.”
There is about 1,000 acres of undevel-
oped land in the area and it is currently
zoned for Regional Center uses, which
are primarily retail, restaurant and hotel-
related. The Kojanian Co. is requesting a
rezoning to M-1, which would allow for
light industrial uses, so they could con-
struct a three-building, 900,000-square-
foot warehouse development.
The city is currently updating the zon-
ing master plan and, when the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on the
draft amendment to the Master Plan on
Sept. 19, they tabled action and requested
that a study session be scheduled with
the city council members to discuss the
ViningRoadDevelopment area.
It might make sense, Keyes said, to
alter the zoning of the entire parcel to
attract different types of developments
that would bring jobs and additional tax
base to the community. The Regional
Center zoning has existed for more than
20 years without attracting much defined
interest-other than the regional outlet
center announced last year.
The joint planning session was just a
discussion, however. The planning com-
mission has not yet made a recommenda-
tion for the council to act on.
“We haven't reached a consensus, yet,”
The fourth annual Mayors' Ball is
planned for 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11,
The event, hosted by Belleville Mayor
Kerreen Conley and Romulus Mayor
LeRoy D. Burcroff will take place at the
Belleville Yacht Club and include danc-
ing, food, refreshments and silent and live
The event is an annual benefit for the
Romulus and Belleville Boys and Girls
Cocktails will be served beginning at 5
and the dinner and auctions are sched-
uled to begin at 6 p.m.
Tickets for the event are $100 per per-
son and must be purchased in advance.
The donation includes dinner an open bar
and entertainment.
For tickets, contact Rob McLachlan at
"We'll have plenty of unique and valu-
able items for our auctions," McLachlan
Dress for the event is business/cocktail.
The Belleville Yacht Club is located at
831E. HuronRiverDr. inBelleville.
Jesse Marcotte has been appointed to
the Belleville City Council to complete
the term of Kim Tindall. Tindall
resigned from the council to take a job
with the city to avoid any conflict of inter-
City officials interviewed five candi-
dates who expressed an interest in serv-
ing on the council and selected Marcotte
for the appointment last month. Others
who applied included Randy Priest, Jeff
Vernon, Kelly Bates and Martha Brown,
all Belleville residents.
The four members of the city council
rated each candidate with numerical
scores following the interviews and con-
sideration of their experience, education
and other qualifications. Marcotte was
the first choice of each of the officials.
Marcotte is a firefighter and
Emergency Medical Technician with
Northville Township. His family moved
from Detroit to Van Buren Township
whenhewas 5.
After serving as a member of the Van
Buren Township Fire Explorers squad
during his years at Belleville High
School. He worked with the Belleville
Fire Department and took college cours-
es at night while a high school senior to
successfully earn his EMT license just
prior to graduation.
He worked as a firefighter with Van
Buren Township at 19 and then trans-
ferred to Northville Township. He has
served on the city planning commission
for eight years and is also an athletic
Marcotte has been a Belleville resi-
dent for 10 years.
Local chorus honored
The Belleville Community Chorus was honored by the Wayne County Council for
Arts History and Humanities last week at their annual recognition award ceremo-
ny. The chorus was presented with the prestigious Artist Group Performer Award
at a reception and ceremonies at the Wayne County Community College
Downriver Campus. Chorus President Pete Jones, Director Susan Hiser, holding
the award, and many of the chorus members were on hand for the event. This
was the 19th year that the arts and humanities council has honored individuals
and groups for contributions in a variety of disciplines related to art, history and
humanities. The local award-winning chorus will perform the Home for the
Holidays winter concert at 7 p.m. Dec. 10 at The First Methodist Church in
Belleville located at 417 Charles St.
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