The Eagle 12 03 15 - page 3

December 3, 2015
Officers trained to help mentally ill
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S., Canton, Michigan will accept
sealed proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2016 for the following:
Design & Build Improvements of Electrical Infrastructure
Canton Administration Complex
Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on our website at
, or you may contact
Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name,
company name, address and telephone number and date and time of opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disabil-
ity in employment or the provision of services.
Publish 12/03/2015
EC120315-1224 2.5 x 2.159
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S., Canton, Michigan will accept
sealed proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, December 17, 2015 for the following:
Liberty Fest Fireworks Display
Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on our website at
, or you may contact
Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name,
company name, address and telephone number and date and time of opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject
any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disabil-
ity in employment or the provision of services.
Publish 12/03/2015
EC120315-1225 2.5 x 2.051
The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
the meeting/hearing upon a two week notice to the Charter Township of Canton. These services include signers for the hearing
impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary
aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or calling the following:
Gwyn Belcher, ADA Coordinator
Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road
Canton, MI 48188
(734) 394-5260
Published: December 3, 2015
EC120315-1223 2.5 x 1.557
Westland Police officers
Joseph Reardon and Michael
Stechly recently completed
week-long training on Mental
Health First Aid. The officers
joined some 24 police officers
and first responders who work
in Wayne County for the train-
ing which focuses on those
strugglingwithmental illness.
The training is being provid-
ed as part of a partnership
between Detroit Wayne Mental
Health Authority and the Flinn
Foundation. The authority has
trained 10,000 people locally in
mental health first aid since
2013. Training focused on first
responders' regular contact
withmentally ill people.
The officers were certified
upon completion of the course,
allowing themto bring the infor-
mation back to their depart-
ments and share it with their
colleagues in 8-hour sessions.
“The Westland Police
Department's commitment to
train and to certify our own
police officers as Mental Health
First Aid instructors will not
only be a valuable teaching
resource for our entire police
department but also for our
neighboring law enforcement
partners and the Westland com-
munity,” commented Westland
PoliceChief Jeff Jedrusik.
Mayor WilliamR. Wild spoke
at the Detroit Wayne Mental
Health Authority press confer-
ence Nov. 16 about emergency
first responder mental health
training. Wild shared the podi-
um with Tom Watkins, presi-
dent and CEO of the health
authority, Detroit Police Chief
James Craig, Detroit Fire
Commissioner Eric Jones and
FormerHead of theDetroit FBI
office and current Executive
Director of the Detroit Crime
Commission Andrew Arena,
among others.
“The ability to identify risk
factors and mental health prob-
lems and disorders requires
training beyond what is learned
in the academy,” Wild said at
the conference. “This Mental
Health First Aid will give our
officers the knowledge of warn-
ing signs for a range of mental
“We strongly believe that if
we invest in our emergency per-
sonnel, in something as impor-
tant as mental health aware-
ness and how to best handle dif-
ferent situations, then we all
will benefit,” commented
Joseph Reardon
Michael Stechly
Santa welcomed to city
The City of Westland teamed up with
special out-of-town guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Claus, to create a holiday experience that
was enjoyed by residents and visitors,
both young and old.
This year, Westland welcomed Santa
during the annual holiday event last night
at Westland City Hall. The "Deck the City
Hall" event included sing-a-longs, musical
performances and of course, a welcome
for Santa andMrs. Claus.
Following the arrival of Santa, atten-
dees joined local dignitaries inside city
hall for story time, arts and crafts, cookies
and cocoa and of course, a chance tomeet
Those who attended were asked to
donate an unwrapped toy, a non-perish-
able food itemor amonetary donation, all
of which went to benefit the Westland
Goodfellows to help with their holiday
efforts this year.
Two separate incidents of car break-ins
were reported recently inWestland.
A resident of Avondale told police that
his car had been ransacked Nov. 14 and a
backpack containing a laptop computer,
headphones, work papers and his birth
certificatehadbeen taken.
On Nov. 15, a Hively Street resident
reported than his vehicle had been
searched. The owner said the door was
partially open as was the glove box and
center console. He said glasses, loose
change and 2 stadiumchairswere taken.
He also found a garage door opener,
cell hone charger and glasses case in the
driveway that were not his.
The City of Westland welcomed Josh
Scaglione and Thomas Wroblewski to the
police force during a swearing in ceremo-
nyNov. 16 atWestlandCityHall.
Scaglione is a Livonia resident and
graduated from Stevenson High School
He graduated from the Wayne County
Regional Police Academy and Schoolcraft
College with an associates degree in crim-
inal justice in 2013.
He worked as a part-time officer with
the Metroparks and Sumpter Township
Police Department. He is also a former
Westland Police Service Aid. His goals, he
said, are to earn his bachelor's degree and
become a K-9 handler with the Westland
department. He has a 10-year-old son,
Carter, of whomhe is very proud.
Wroblewski is married and has five
children. He graduated from Plymouth
Christian Academy in 2002 and he
remains very active in youth ministry
through his church. He said he enjoys
mentoring children.
He attended the Detroit Police
Academy and became a Detroit Police
Officer in 2009.
“I am proud to welcome these highly
qualified individuals to Westland,” said
Mayor William R. Wild. “Our community
looks forward to their service and dedica-
tion to the residents.”
Chief Jeff Jedrusik added, “I am very
proud of what this department has accom-
plished in the past 5 years and what we
intend to complete over the next 5 years.
These officers will be fine additions to our
department and we welcome them and
their commitment to serving the residents
Salute to service
John Glenn High School Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps students salute as
a wreath honoring the service of military veterans is laid at the base of the school
flagpole on Veterans Day. The ceremony included student speakers, singing of
the National Anthem by the Glenn Singers and the playing of Taps by senior
Monica Lashober. The Wayne Memorial High School Color Guard presented the
colors during the Veterans Day ceremony for local veterans, students and the
Vehicle break-ins reported
On the job
City hires 4 new police officers
Westland Mayor William Wild, left, and Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik, at right, welcomed
new officers Josh Scaglione and Thomas Wroblewski to the force recently.
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