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November 17, 2011
DECEMBER 8, 2011
Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2011 at 7:00
The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Township Administration Building located at 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
Canton, MI 48188.
7:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call:
Randy Blaylock, Jim Cisek, Craig Engel, Steven Johnson, Vicki Welty
Dawn Zuber
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes: October 13, 2011 Minutes
General Calendar:
1. Wayne and Monica Rem, 44535 Ridgefield Road Canton, MI 48188 South of Palmer Rd., between Canton Center and
Sheldon Roads. Appealing Chapter 78 - Buildings and Building Regulations; Article V. Section 78 - 131 Zoning District
Restriction. Paragraph 4b. Corner Lots. (Building) Parcel 71-106-02-0067-000. Remove from table - October 13, 2011
Gobing Marg Society, applicant; Michelle C. Harrell, Esq. 28400 Northwestern Third Floor, Southfield, MI 48034, project
representative for property located at 48055 Michigan Ave., Canton, MI 48188. South side of Michigan Ave. between Beck
and Denton Rds. Appealing Article 3.00 Nonconformities, Section 3.03 (B) and (D) - Continuation/Substitution of Non-
conforming Use. (Planning) Parcels 71-128-99-0003-000 and 71-128-99-0002-000.
Donald Fraser, applicant for Real Life Day Camp and Farm, located at 48700 Geddes Rd., Canton, MI 48188. North side of
Geddes between Beck and Denton Rds. Appealing Article 3.00 Nonconformities, Section 3.04 - Nonconforming Uses and
Structures. Expansion of the Nonconforming Day Camp use by constructing an accessory structure to store existing buses.
(Planning) Parcel 71-115-99-0003-709.
Election of Officers
Acceptance of ZBAMeeting dates - 2012
Written comments need to be submitted prior to 5:00 PM on the date of the hearing. All written comments must be sent to the Charter
Township of Canton, Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 48188.
Publish November 17, 2011
EC111711-0478 2.5 x 5.326
Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 12 of 2008 (amended Public Act 110 of 2006, The
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act), notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold
a public hearing at
7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 7, 2011
for the purpose of con-
sidering variance requests. The public hearing will be held at the Romulus City Hall
Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus MI 48174-1485.
The Board of Zoning Appeals has set the public hearing to consider variances from the
City of Romulus Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Dimensional (Non-Use) Variance
- Section 3.04(a)(3)(b) to allow a 4,800-square
foot pole barn. A variance of 2,400 square feet is requested since the permitted total
square footage of accessory building floor area on parcels 2 acres or more is 2,400
square feet.
The subject property is located at 10347 Hannan Road. DP#82-80-071-99-0011-702.
Copies of the application are available for review at City Hall during regular business
All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to com-
ment on said request. Written comments may be submitted until 12:00 noon, Wednesday,
December 7, 2011 and should be addressed to Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning
Department, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174-1485.
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
City of Romulus, Michigan
Publish: November 17, 2011
The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired
and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon two
weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the
Charter Township of Canton by writing or calling the following:
David Medley, ADA Coordinator
Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road
Canton, MI 48188
(734) 394-5260
Published: November 17, 2011
EC111711-0477 2.5 x 1.557
- R
Responding to negative rumors
and what he called threatening
emails, Romulus Councilman
William Wadsworth said last week
that the recent euthanasia of a lit-
ter of kittens at the Romulus
Animal Shelter was unfortunate,
but unavoidable.
“The shelterwas nevermeant to
be a medical facility,” said
Wadsworth, who has championed
the cause of the shelter and spear-
headed the donation drive that
helped get the facility constructed.
“It's not a veterinary clinic.”
InSeptember, he said, a number
of kittens had to be put to sleep for
health reasons. One of the cats
became very sickwith a contagious
feline virus that spread to the
other kittens. A volunteer veteri-
narian made the decision to have
them put down-after two weeks of
trying to help them-because they
were suffering, according to
Wadsworth. He added that the
Department of Agriculture
weighed in, too, saying that the
shelter could no longer could
accept newanimals.
“The last thing we wanted to do
was to have someone come in
there, adopt a cat or a dog, take
them home, fall in love with it and
then have it die,” said Wadsworth.
“That wouldbe terrible.”
He said after the unfortunate
incident, two things happened: vol-
unteers came in and scrubbed the
place from top to bottom and he
started getting anonymous, threat-
ening emails about the situation.
He said it was unfortunate
because of the general acceptance
that the shelter has had in the com-
munity. Since 2003, Wadsworth has
headed up fundraising efforts-
through bowl-a-thons and bingo
events at the Romulus Pumpkin
Festival as well as others-that have
brought in more than $160,000 that
got the project under way. It
opened in June.
He said he hoped the negative
sentiment wouldn't take away from
“We have an excellent shelter in
Romulus; these animals are treat-
ed very well,” said Wadsworth. “At
the same time, we must follow the
rules and regulations that will let
Romulus maintain its license to
operate the facility.
“This shelter must be and con-
tinues to work on funds that are
raised by the good people in this
town,” he added.
Councilman William Crova said
he was satisfied with the response
to the issue, and that it was a
shame that some people would
insinuate any wrong-doing or lack
of compassion from Wadsworth,
who recently paid $4,000 to care for
his owndog.
“He has put his heart, life and
soul into this shelter for the past
eight years,” said Crova. “He's
worked bingos, he's worked car
washes-there's so many things that
he's done. I don't believe the criti-
cismis justified.”
We have an excellent shelter in Romulus;
these animals are treated very well.
William Wadsworth
Euthanasia at animal shelter called unavoidable
Annual Toys for Tots auction set
The annual auction at
Hermann's Olde Town Grille has
become a tradition withmany folks
in the area, and an attraction all its
own for others.
This will be the 15th Annual
Toys for Tots Auction at the Old
Village establishment where the
event has become wildly anticipat-
ed for the fun and holiday atmos-
phere which surrounds the auc-
According to employee Jack
Armstrong, the Grille collects dona-
tions of all types of items from local
merchants and individuals which
are then auctioned off and the pro-
ceeds used to buy toys for the Toys
for Tots program.
“We have a great time and it's a
really great cause,”Armstrong said.
This year, the event will take
place from noon until 5 p.m. on
Sunday, Dec. 4 and Armstrong
expects another large crowd.
“People enjoy it,” he said.
Donations for the auction are
being accepted now and Toys For
Tots is a 501( c) 3 non profit organi-
zation, under the auspices of the
U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, which
makes any donation tax deductible.
Armstrong stressed that the
need this year is serious and chil-
dren in the Plymouth, Canton,
Northville and Novi community
will benefit from the auction and
“The money this year will be
used to buy gifts for the older kids
in the community,” Armstrong said.
He noted that donations of toys for
younger children are usually far
more extensive than those for older
For more information or to
donate, contact Armstrong at (734)
239-2900 or his daughter, Janet
Armstrong, who is helping him
organize the effort, at (734) 363-1143
or JulieBardelli, (734) 476-1570.
Hermann's Olde Town Grille is
located at 195 W. Liberty in
Yes, Virginia…
The Spotlight on Youth produc-
tion of "Santa Lives! Yes,
Virginia, There is a Santa Claus"
will feature 20 young actors
from Plymouth, Canton,
Belleville, Westland, South Lyon
and Dearborn Heights when the
production opens for one week-
end only, Dec. 8-11. Showtimes
are 7 p.m. with an added mati-
nee at 2 p.m. on Saturday and a
sole matinee performance
Sunday, also at 2 p.m. Tickets
for the show at the Biltmore
Studio for the Village Theater at
Cherry Hill, 50400 Cherry Hill
Road in Canton, are $9-$10 and
available by phone at (734) 394-
5300 or (734) 394-5460 or
online at
lagetheater or wwwspotlight- or at the door.
Philharmonic receives grant
The Michigan Philharmonic
recently received a $40,000 grant
from the John S. and James L.
Knight Foundation for a multi-
cultural Bollywood Music
Festival next year.
The grant will help fund a
large Bollywood Music Festival
May 19 and 20 at the Music Hall
Center for the Performing Arts in
For more information about
other concerts and programs,