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October 22 – 28, 2020                                   NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 43                                                                                    www

               THE BELLEVILLE          Communities explore water-purchasing consortium
                                          The financial impact of the
               Vol. 135, No. 43        coronavirus pandemic is being                            ”                                sortium has not committed to
                                                                                                                                 joining the effort or working
            Voters in the City of      felt in every community and a         The effort, if pursued by the communities,          with the others.
          Belleville and Sumpter and   group of local officials are look-       would be called the Western Wayne                  Plymouth        Township
          Van Buren townships will     ing at cutting costs wherever                                                             Supervisor Kurt Heise said he
          chose four members of the    possible.                                      Regional Water Authority.                  would like to see the other com-
          school board during the Nov.    Four Wayne County munici-                                                              munities establish water storage
          3 election.                  palities; Livonia, Westland,                                                              facilities as the consortium as
                          See page 7.  Canton     Township     and   the water in bulk, which should  Canton Township Supervisor  proposed could rely too heavily
                                       Northville Township, are pursu-  drive the costs down, officials  Pat Williams said that he and  on the water tower in the town-
                                       ing a study to determine the fea-  said. The consortium would buy  the members of the board of  ship.
                  THE CANTON           sibility of buying water from the  water at off-peak times when  trustees were excited to see the  Northville  Township
             EAGLE                     Great Lakes Water Authority in  rates are lower and store it for  results of the study to determine  Supervisor Robert Nix, howev-
               Vol. 73, No. 43         bulk in an effort to cut costs to  distribution to residents, hope-  the potential benefits to all the  er, is confident the plan will save
                                                                                                                                 money. He said he was confident
                                                                     fully lowering current residen-
                                                                                                   involved communities.
            Canton Township Clerk         Officials from the four com-  tial water rates.             “This water-buying consor-  the study would “provide
          Michael Siegrist will have   munities have paid a total of    Further action on forming the  tium is a great idea for our  tremendous long-term benefits
          special office hours this    $43,000 for a four-month study to  consortium will be dependent  region,” he said. The storage of  to our communities.”
          month in anticipation of the  determine the financial impact  on the findings of the study.  the purchased water is a consid-  There is a potential to bring
          large voter turnout for the  of buying water as a group and a  Officials are hopeful that the  eration, officials agreed. To store  other communities into the con-
          Nov. 3 election.             means of storing the water pur-  effort could result in savings  the water, the communities  sortium, too, if local officials opt
                          See page 3.  chased for distribution in their  next year. The effort, if pursued  would have to be adjacent.  to move forward with the plan.
                                       respective communities. The   by the communities, would be  Plymouth Township, which cur-   Currently, Livonia residents
                                       four communities would, in    called the Western Wayne      rently borders all four of the
                THE INKSTER            effect, form a consortium to buy  Regional Water Authority.  communities proposing the con-          See Water, page 2
          LEDGER STAR
          LEDGER STAR
               Vol. 73, No. 43
            The Leanna Hicks Public
          Library now is offering
          “curbside” service of book
          pickup and return, as final
          touches are completed on a      Safety concerns impact trick or treating plans throughout area
          new facility.                   Safety concerns impact trick or treating plans throughout area
                          See page 6.
                                            If wearing a mask will prevent the trans-  authority over the trick or treat-
                                          fer of the coronavirus, local children are all  ing aspect, members of the city
                  THE NORTHVILLE          set for Halloween trick or treating.  council decided that there will
             EAGLE                          Not so fast. Like so many other beloved  be no additional street closures
               Vol. 20, No. 43            traditions, decisions about trick or treating  (aside from the Social District
                                          this year are impacted by the threat of the
                                                                                downtown), no costume judging at
            Northville area seniors       COVID 19 pandemic as reported cases and  the Community Center, and no open
          now have transportation to      deaths rise across the country. Parents  house at the fire station. If trick or
          local shopping districts and    throughout the area are weighing the safety  treating does occur in various neighbor-
          nearby medical buildings        aspect of the holiday activities against the  hoods, children should be told not to go to
          through an expanded parks       danger of the highly infectious disease.  houses where the porch light is not on.
          and recreation department         Several communities have established  Other activities suggested to help cele-
          program.                        some guidelines for the event while others  brate the event safely include: outdoor  parents may want to use a disinfectant wipe
                          See page 5.     continue to debate cancelling trick or treat-  pumpkin carving; scavenger hunts - with  on candy wrappers before opening the good-
                                          ing in light of the risk of contamination.   members of the  household or a small group  ies. The CDC also warns children not to
                  THE PLYMOUTH              Creativity is the name of the game this  of friends, keeping 6-feet apart from people  wear a costume mask over a protective cloth
             EAGLE                        year, especially when it comes to figuring  outside the immediate household and deco-  mask because it can be hard to breathe.
                                                                                rating outside.
                                          out how to celebrate this iconic American
                                                                                                                      Instead, officials suggest, consider using a
               Vol. 20, No. 43            holiday during a pandemic.              Residents can place grab-and-go goodie  Halloween-themed cloth mask.
            Plymouth- Canton                                                    bags on porches or a table in the driveway  Residents who choose to hand out candy
          Community Schools Board of              NORTHVILLE                    for trick or treaters or even host an outdoor  should wear a mask and do so from across
          Education     candidates          Designated hours in the City of     costume party - keeping social distance and  from a table.
          recently appeared in a          Northville where the Historic District is  wearing a mask.                            PLYMOUTH
          forum sponsored by the          usually visited by hundreds of costumed  The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
          League of Women Voters of       youngsters looking for treats and admiring  has listed traditional trick-or-treating; trunk-  In Plymouth, officials have received
          Northwest Wayne County.         the decorations will be from 6 until 8 p.m.,  or-treating; indoor costume parties of more  numerous questions about the Halloween
                          See page 3.     although some neighborhoods have opted  than 10 people not wearing masks; haunted  events and noted that the holiday has  never
                                          not to participate in the trick or treating  houses (especially if crowded and people  been a city-sanctioned event, but rather a
                                          adventure this year.                  are screaming) and hayrides with people  nationally recognized day.  Plymouth is not
                   THE ROMULUS              In Northville, the fire station will sound  outside the immediate household as high  involved in Halloween activities, such as
             ROMAN                        the siren at 6 p.m. to begin the activity and  risk this year.              trick or treating, other than announcing the

               Vol. 135, No. 43           again at 8 p.m. to mark the close of trick or  Health officials also children to wash  suggested hours which are 5:30 to 7p.m. this
                                          treating as happens every year.       their hands immediately on return-    year and that houses participating in trick or
            The Romulus Public              While the City of Northville has no legal  ing if they do go trick or treating and  treating should have porch lights on.
          Library will be improving                                                                                               City officials said they have
          public safety and services                                                                                               no legal authority or basis
          utilizing funding from three
          successful grant applica-                                                                                                  See Halloween, page 8
                          See page 6.

                  THE WAYNE

               Vol. 73, No. 43
            The Champions of Wayne
          program is receiving some star
          power to help offset the finan-
          cial impact of the coronavirus
          pandemic on fundraising
          efforts.                     Coronavirus safety orders issued by county health officials
                          See page 4.
                                          Residents throughout the                                                               19 rules and regulations in
                  THE WESTLAND         state have expressed confusion                           ”                                place from before the Michigan
             EAGLE                     regarding the current health     We are keeping the COVID-19 rules and regulations        Supreme Court ruled on the
               Vol. 73, No. 43         regulations regarding the cur-    in place from before the Michigan Supreme Court         governor's authority to issue
                                       rent pandemic, particularly in
            Two new recruits, Odin     light of the increased number       ruled on the governor's authority to issue them.      Executive Warren Evans said.
          and Rio, will soon be wel-   of reported cases of COVID 19                                                             “Wayne County's order is sim-
          comed to K-9 unit of the     and the rising death toll in the                                                          ple: keep wearing masks in
          Westland Police Department   state.                                                                                    public; no group events larger
          replacing retired canine offi-  Wayne County officials     slow the spread of COVID-19. A  ed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's  than 10 people or 20 percent
          cers.                        issued a new emergency public  release states that the order  administration.
                          See page 4.  health order last week to help  echoes the orders first present-  “We are keeping the COVID-        See Health, page 2

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