The next distribution of emergency food
by Plymouth Community United Way is
scheduled from 9:30-11 a.m. next Thursday,
Sept. 19. The Emergency Food Assistance
Program provides low-income Plymouth and
Northville residents with canned, non-per-
ishable andperishable items.
All recipients must pre-register at
Plymouth Community United Way, 960 W.
AnnArbor Trail, Suite 2, Plymouth.
This is a supplemental food program that
may be used in addition to other assistance
programs. BridgeCardholders automatically
qualify, but need to pre-register. Recipients
not currently on governmental assistance
(food stamps, ADC and general) must provide
documentation including proof of income
and residency before receiving food on dis-
Distributions continue the third Thursday
of each month at St. Kenneth Catholic
Church in Plymouth. For information and to
register, call (734) 453-6879, ext. 7, or send
email to
September 12, 2013
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Northville Victorian Festival begins tomorrow
Every fall, for a quarter of a century,
Northville has returned to the days of the
late 1800s when Queen Victoria ruled
England and the community was very
The annual Victorian Festival will fill
downtown streets with a children's carnival
and entertainment, vintage baseball, magi-
cians, live music and much more for the
25th time this year.
The traditional and much anticipated
Victorian Paradewill take place at 6:30 p.m.
on Friday, Sept. 13, the official opening of
theweek-end festivities.
The streets will be closed to automobile
traffic as townspeople, artists, and business
owners turn back the clock and transform
themselves into a Victorian village com-
plete with period costumes, storytellers,
magicians, musical entertainment, a
carousel, and demonstrations. Ryde Park
will feature rides for children and the
Victorian Saloon offers entertainment for
adults. Visitors can also enjoy a unique
shopping experience in the many establish-
ments inNorthville,
Victorian teas and fashion shows take
place on Saturday and Mill Race Village
will host amultitude of activities onSunday.
The festival is hosted by the Northville
Chamber of Commerce.
Friday events include a performance by
the third-grade students from Northville
Public Schools. Along with the carnival
rides, the non-profit groups' food and game
booths there will be face painting from 5-8
p.m. and the Festival Saloon will feature
the ShawnRileyBand from7-10 p.m.
Remax Dream Properties will offer teth-
ered hot air balloon rides immediately fol-
lowing the parade until dark.
On Saturday, crafters will have their
work on display from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m.
and John Park will perform his juggling act
at noon and 1:30 p.m. The Teen Fiddlers
from the Saline Fiddlers will perform at 3
Face painting and temporary tattoos will
be available from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m. and
My Adventure Theater live interactive
shows for children will take place at 11:30
a.m. 2:15 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Charlene Berry Dulcimer event is
planned from noon until 5 p.m. and the
Barnyard Express Animal Shows will have
a petting farmfromnoonuntil 5 p.m.
Street magicians will be entertaining
from 1-3 p.m. and Social Bones will enter-
tain from7-10 in theFestival Saloon.
The Eclipse vintage baseball game will
be onFordField from1-3 p.m.
Sunday will feature the comedy juggling
show by John Park at noon and 1:30 p.m.
along with many of the attractions that will
entertain in the street and on stage
In Mill Race Village, there will be a tat-
ting demonstration from noon until 3 p.m.
while most of the buildings will be open
until 3:30 for tours.
There will be old-fashioned children
games from 1-3 p.m. another vintage base
ball game from 1-3 p.m. at Ford Field and
the Northville High School chorale groups
Backbeat and Treble Makers will perform
from2-3:30 p.m.
The Duck Race will take place at 3:30
p.m. when ducks will be released at theMill
Race Village Dam, to float their way to the
Griswold Street bridge. The first five and
the very last duck over the finish line win
prizes. Tickets are $5 per duck.
For more information, call (248) 349-7640
or visit www.northville. org.
Julia Vucinaj models her new Victorian-style outfit, created by Janet Urbahns, owner of
Stitches in Tyme. Julia, a third-grade student at Thornton Creek Elementary School in
Northville, will be marching in the parade through downtown that will officially open the 25th
annual Victorian Festival Friday evening. She was among the young shoppers who
descended on Mill Race Historical Village after school last Thursday to shop for their cos-
tumes. The three-day clothing sale saw 385 shoppers and their families preparing for the
festival. The event was sponsored by the Northville Historical Society and co-chaired by
Vicky O'Neil and Tillie Van Sickle.
Photo by Tillie Van Sickle
Emergency food distribution set for Plymouth-Canton
Canton will host drivers
education clinic for seniors
The AARP Driver Safety Program, whose
curriculum has been recognized as the
nation's first and largest classroom refresher
course for motorists age 50 and older, will be
available at the Canton Senior Center this
month. The series of three classes will take
place from 9 a.m. until noon Sept. 24 and 25
and from 9 a.m. until 11 p.m. Sept. 26 at the
Summit on the Park, located at 46000
Summit Parkway. Participants must attend
all three classes in order to receive course
The AARP Driver Safety Program was
developed by American Association of
RetiredPersons (AARP) in 1979 and is a driv-
er refresher course especially designed to
meet the needs of older drivers. This pro-
gramcovers such issues as: age-related phys-
ical changes, declining perceptual skills,
defensive driving techniques, local driving
problems, license renewal requirements,
and much more. In addition, participants
will receive anupdate on the current rules of
the road and will discuss when it may be
time to stopdriving.
"This course benefits our entire communi-
ty, not just the participating senior," said
Senior Specialist SusanDoughty. "Withmore
and more vehicles on Michigan roads each
year, it helps even the most experienced
driver to periodically refresh their driving
habits to ensure the driver's own safety and
that of others on the road."
Class fees are $13 for AARPmembers and
$15 for non-members. To reserve a seat or for
more information, call (734) 394-5485.