September 4, 2014
Dry basements to be topic
Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings August 26, 2014
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, August 26, 2014 at 1150 Canton
Center S., Canton, Michigan. Supervisor LaJoy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Roll Call
Members Present: Anthony, Bennett, LaJoy, McLaughlin, Sneideman, Williams, Yack Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Director Bilbrey-Honsowetz, Director Faas, Deputy Chief Hilden, Kristin Kolb, Fire Chief Meier, Deputy Fire
Chief Stoecklein, Director Trumbull
Adoption of Agenda
Motion by Yack, supported by Anthony to approve the agenda as pre-
sented. Motion carried unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to approve the Regular
Board Minutes of August 12, 2014 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Ron Lieberman is retiring after
15 years of outstanding service on the Canton Township Planning Commission. The Board of Trustees presented Mr. Lieberman
with a commemorative plaque and thanked him for his service and dedication to the Canton Community. Motion by Bennett, sup-
ported by Sneideman to place the recognition of Ron Lieberman into the public record. Motion carried unanimously.
Non-Agenda Item Comments:
George Miller,1946 Briarfield, asked if subcontracting Canton’s fire and police departments has
been considered. Supervisor LaJoy answered the board has looked into this matter in the past 6 months. Mr. Miller asked where
the Tipping Fees from the dump are applied. Supervisor LaJoy responded the fees have been applied to various projects in the
past. Mr. Miller questioned the addition of a fee for trash removal and Supervisor LaJoy explained that would be covered in agen-
da Item G-3.
Payment of Bills
Motion by McLaughlin, supported by Sneideman to approve payment of the bills as presented.
Motion carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING: Item PH-1. Consider Industrial Facilities Tax Exemption Certificate for
Industrial Door, Inc. (Supv)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to open the public hearing for a PA 198 Tax Abatement
for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for Real Property for International Door, Inc at 7:06 p.m. Motion carried unani-
mously. Carol Bodenmiller resident at 1694 Woodbridge, stated the original tax abatements were on a sliding scale, not a flat 6
year total. Supervisor LaJoy explained this would be a 50% abatements on just their new investment. Ms. Bodenmiller asked
how many abatements the township is giving out. Supervisor LaJoy stated he did not have the exact number, however it is usual-
ly only a couple a year. Director Trumbull agreed. Trustee Yack explained there is a special criteria, with several points of qual-
ification, each request must fulfill before any tax abatement may be granted. With these points an abatement may be up to 12 years.
In the case of International Door, Inc., they only qualified for 6 years. Ms. Bodenmiller asked if there are penalties if a compa-
ny does not fulfill all their commitments. Supervisor LaJoy explained the Finance Department does monitor them. John Kaounas,
Owner of International Door, Inc. thanked the board for their continued support. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to
close the public hearing for PA 198 Tax Abatement for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for International Door, Inc.
at 7:12 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to adopt the resolution to approve the appli-
cation of International Door, Inc., for a PA 198 Tax Abatement for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate. Motion carried
, pursuant to P.A. 198 of 1974, M.C.L.
207.551 et seq., after a duly noticed public hearing held on May 3, 1987, this Canton Board of Trustees by resolution established
the Northeast Canton Industrial Development District; and
, the Charter Township of Canton approved an appli-
cation from International Door, Inc. requesting an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for real property investments locat-
ed at 8001 Ronda Drive; and
, International Door, Inc., has filed an application for an Industrial Facilities
Exemption Certificate with respect to real property in the amount of $800,000 located within the Northeast Canton Industrial
Development District; and
, before acting on said application, the Charter Township of Canton held a hearing on
August 26, 2014 at the Canton Administration Building, in Canton, at 7 p.m., at which hearing the applicant, the Assessor and a
representative of the affected taxing units were given written notice and were afforded an opportunity to be heard on said appli-
cation; and
, International Door, Inc., has substantially met all the requirements under Public Act 198 of 1974 for
the Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate; and
, the aggregate SEV of real and personal property exempt from
ad valorem taxes within the Charter Township of Canton, after granting this certificate, will not exceed 5% of an amount equal
to the sum of the SEV of the unit, plus the SEV of personal and real property thus exempted; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
RESOLVED BY the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton that: 1. The Canton Board of Trustees finds and
determines that the granting of an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate considered together with the aggregate amount of
certificates previously granted and currently in force under Act No. 198 of the Public Acts of 1974 and Act No. 255 of the Public
Acts of 1978,
shall not have the effect of substantially impeding the operation of
Charter Township of Canton
, or impairing
the financial soundness of a taxing unit which levies ad valorem property taxes in
Charter Township of Canton. 2. The
application from International Door, Inc., for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate, with respect to the following
described parcel of real property situated within the Northeast Canton Industrial Development District to wit: Legal Description:
02F21 LOT 21 CANTON INDUSTRIAL PARK NO 2 T2S R8E L100 P96, 97 WCR Parcel# 005-02-0021-000 3. The
Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate when issued shall be and remain in force and effect for a period of six years in accor-
dance with Township requirements and applicable statutory provisions found in M.C.L. et seq. be and the same is hereby
Item PH-2. Public Hearing and Approval of Millage Rates for December 1, 2014 Tax Levy. (FBD)
by Anthony, supported by Bennett to open the Public Hearing on the millage rates for the December 1, 2014 tax levy at 7:13 p.m.
Motion carried unanimously. Supervisor LaJoy read the following prepared statement: Long-range planning is critical to a com-
munity’s success. It is essential in order to maintain the safe, secure and vibrant community we in Canton experience today. As
a result of that long-range planning, four years ago the Canton Board of Trustees raised the Public Safety millage by 1.75 mills.
That adjustment was an appropriate action given the devastating economic circumstances at that time, and got us through a very
tough few years. Years that brought over $20 million in lost revenue, major employee concessions and organization-wide cost effi-
ciencies. Canton is currently in very good financial shape thanks to those adjustments and other sacrifices made along the way.
But as we look out into the future with our multi-year budgeting process, the Board will again consider a Public Safety millage
increase to ensure that Canton remains the safe, vibrant community we have all come to expect. We held a public forum on the
topic last month, which was announced in the Observer. The forum was taped for cable and the Observer ran a follow-up article
on it, informing residents that the video was available for viewing on Canton’s website. As a matter of fact, this topic was cov-
ered in four different issues of the Observer. Additionally, an article in the Focus newsletter directed residents to our website for
the video and to my office for questions and concerns. (The Focus newsletter, incidentally, is mailed out to over 36,000 address-
es in the community, and survey results indicate that 95% of residents get their community news from the Focus.) Four years
from now is difficult to predict. I tend to agree with our auditing firm that feels municipal revenues should be back to 2007 lev-
els by 2020. If that is the case, and those levels do reappear and we don’t have another economic downturn, we should be in a sta-
ble financial position. We want to continue to provide our residents with outstanding services. We want our residents to feel
safe and secure. Our commitment to the residents of Canton is to continue to be transparent, efficient, and good stewards of their
money. In order to ensure Canton’s future, there are a couple of steps the board will consider. First, we will set the millage rates.
We are now in the public hearing, which starts the process. Second, we will consider the first reading of the amendments to the
solid waste ordinance at this meeting under the general calendar, which will make possible the changes in how we handle fee col-
lection for solid waste removal. As a result, residents will see a 0.5 millage increase and a $140 annual fee on their winter tax bill.
The combined total will be approximately $190 for a Canton home valued at $200,000, or $15.83 monthly. Motion by Anthony,
supported by Bennett to close the Public Hearing on the millage rates for the December 1, 2014 tax levy at 7:44 p.m. Motion car-
ried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve the millage rates to be levied by Canton Township on
December 1, 2014 as follows: Charter Mills (General Fund) 1.3660 Fire Protection Special Assessment 3.8580 Police
Protection Special Assessment 5.6760 Total 10.9000, Motion carried unanimously. Director Trumbull explained the request
Charter Mills of 1.3660 is a decrease of 1 mil from last year’s tax rates; the Fire Protection Special Assessment of 3.8580 is an
increase of .75 mil over last year; and the Police Protection Special Assessment 5.6760is an increase of .75 over last year. This
equates to an increase of .5 overall. Trustee Sneideman stated he supports this tax levy. He feels this is necessary to maintain
the township’s quality of service as well as retain superior staff. He would rather have the waste pick up fee levied as a millage
as opposed to a flat fee. A millage would be charged based on the dollar value of a home, not just a flat fee. He would like to have
this presented to the voters next year as a millage. Trustee Yack asked if the public safety assessment would be used for an addi-
tional emergency response vehicle. Supervisor LaJoy agreed. Trustee Anthony stated Canton Public Safety should continue to
maintain the high level of quality that we have always had. He supports these millage increases. Treasurer McLaughlin commented
feels the trash pick-up should be a flat fee, not based on home value. Greg Demopolous, resident at 1652 McLain, stated he is
in favor of this millage increase. George Miller, resident at 1946 Briarfield, stated there is a tip-fee plus the County pays Canton
for the dump being here. Regarding the Police Department, Mr. Miller feels the Mobile Command Center is a financial obligation
of the community. Mr. Miller questioned the 5 year tax abatement given to the gas company set up at the landfill location.
Trustee Yack stated the original agreement regarding the tipping fees required the monies be spent strictly on capital improve-
ments. Mr. Yack stated there are no fees received from the County for the landfill. Rich Keenan, 19 year resident at 46969
Glastonbury, stated he supports the millage increase. Carol Bodenmiller, resident asked the amount of tipping fees received.
Director Faas answered in 2013 we received about $781,000.00; in 2015 we expected the amount to be about $650,000.00 Ms.
Bodenmiller asked if the decrease is because the landfill is almost at capacity. Mr. Faas explained the fee is only collected from
other haulers, not from the Canton Township customers. Treasurer McLaughlin stated when Carleton Farms opened in Sumter
in the early 2000s. Ms. Bodenmiller asked the expected life span of our landfill. Director Faas replied about 20 years. Trustee
Yack explained the $140.00 is to cover the cost of collection. Treasurer McLaughlin explained we are not charged for dump-
ing in the landfill or delivery of the recyclables to the recycling facility. Once the landfill is filled, we would have to pay a tipping
fee to whatever location we would be able to take the trash to. Clerk Bennett reminded the audience, the current is for residen-
tial pick up only. Treasurer McLaughlin supports this increase.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Item C-1. Resolution to Approve
a State of Michigan; Non-Class “C”, Micro-Brewer License Request of Canton Brew Works, LLC; 8521 N. Lilley Road,
Canton, MI 48187. (Clerk)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to adopt a resolution to approve a State of Michigan;
Non-Class “C” Micro-Brewer License Request of Canton Brew Works, LLC; 8521 N. Lilley Road, Canton, MI 48187. Motion
carried unanimously.
At a regular meeting of the Charter
Township of Canton Board of Trustees called to order by Supervisor LaJoy on August, 26, 2014, at 7:00 PM the following reso-
lution was offered. It was moved and supported that the application from Canton Brew Works LLC.; for a Microbrewery License
to be located at 8521 N. Lilley Rd. , Canton MI. 48187, be recommended for issuance. It is the consensus of this body to rec-
ommend this application be considered for approval by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
Item C-2. Appointment to
the Commission for Culture, Arts & Heritage. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams that the Board of Trustees
of the Charter Township of Canton approve the appointment of Phyllis Redfern to the Commission for Culture, Arts & Heritage
for a three-year term to expire December 31, 2017. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-3. Consider Authorizing the
Township Supervisor to Execute the Agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation Authorizing the
Township to Maintain the Turf Along the Michigan Avenue Median. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to
authorize the Township Supervisor to execute the agreement between the Michigan Department of Transportation and Canton
Township for maintenance of the turf in the Michigan Avenue road right of way. Motion carried unanimously.
Item C-4. Consider
Approval to Increase Purchase Order for D & M Art Studio. (CLS)
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to approve
the increase to purchase order #443 in the amount of $4,500 for D & M Art Studios, 8691 N. Lilley Rd., Canton MI 48187 for a
purchase order total of $7,000. Funds to be taken from account number 101-691-61.801_0050 Professional and Contractual
Services. Motion carried unanimously.
GENERAL CALENDAR: Item G-1. Consider Preliminary Approval of the
Antioch Connection Assisted Living Facility PDD. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin for Preliminary
Approval of the Antioch Connection Assisted Living Facility PPD. Motion carried unanimously.
OF TRUSTEES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON Preliminary Approval of the Antioch Connection Assisted
Living Facility PDD WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor has requested preliminary approval for the Antioch Connection
Planned Development for an assisted living facility, located east of Sheldon between Palmer Road and Michigan Avenue on par-
cel 108-99-0001-706; and,
the Planning Commission voted to recommend preliminary approval based on the
findings that the proposed development plan is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to
providing a cross connection to the existing driveway to the east side of the church building and providing additional land-
scaping on the north side of the entry drive to provide for year round screening ; and,
the Board has reviewed
the planned development and determines the proposal to be consistent with the Zoning Ordinance regulations and development
objectives subject to the conditions outlined in the Planning Commission recommendation and recommendations attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of
Canton, Michigan does hereby approve the Preliminary PDD for the Antioch Connection Assisted Living Facility, subject to pro-
viding a cross connection to the existing driveway to the east side of the church building and providing additional landscaping on
the north side of the entry drive to provide for year round screening; as the proposal provides needed housing and care opportu-
nities for Canton’s senior citizens and increases the tax base of the township on property that would be otherwise tax-exempt.
Item G-2. Consider Approval of the Site Plan for Uptown II Cherrywood Parc Apartments. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by McLaughlin to approve the Site Plan for Uptown II and Cherrywood Parc Apartments. Motion carried unanimous-
Site Plan for Uptown II and
Cherrywood Parc Apartments WHEREAS,
the Project Sponsor, Mr. Mark Highlen, has requested site plan approval for the
Uptown II and Cherrywood Parc Apartments to be located on Cherry Hill Road between Denton and Ridge Roads, identified as
tax EDP #072-99-0003-707 and 072-99-0019-704; and,
the Planning Commission reviewed the site plan and
made a recommendation to approve the request to grant site plan approval, as summarized in the attached written analysis and
the Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton,
Michigan does hereby approve the request of the petitioner, Mr. Mark Highlen, to approve the site plan for the proposed Uptown
II and Cherrywood Parc Apartments subject to any and all state and local development regulations and further subject to any con-
ditions recommended by the Planning Commission and staff, as described in the analysis and recommendation attached hereto and
made a part hereof.
Item G-3. Consider First Reading of Code Of Ordinance Amendments to Part I, Chapter 58 Entitled
“Solid Waste”, Article III, Entitled “Collection and Disposal:, Sections 58-111 Through 58-150. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett,
supported by McLaughlin to introduce the first reading of the Code of Ordinance amendments to Part I, Chapter 58 Entitled
“SOLID WASTE”, Article III Entitled “COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL”, Sections 58-111 through 58-150 with publication on
September 4, 2014. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlin to table and propose to remove
from the table for Second Reading on September 9, 2014 with publication and effective date of September 18, 2014. Motion car-
ried unanimously.
Chapter 58, Article III, Sections 58-111through 58-150 are
hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 2. SEVERABILITY
If any clause, sentence, section, paragraph or part of
this Ordinance, or application thereof to any person, firm, corporation, legal entity or circumstances, shall be for any reason
adjudged by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, said judgment shall not affect, impair or invali-
date the remainder of this Ordinance.
All Ordinances, or part of the Ordinances, in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this Ordinance full force and effect.
All rights and duties which have been mattered, penalties which have been incurred, proceedings which have begun and prosecu-
tion for violations of law occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance are not affected or abated by this Ordinance.
The Clerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this Ordinance to be published in the
manner required by law.
This Ordinance shall take full force and effect upon publication
as required by law. Copies of the complete text of this Ordinance are available at the office of the Charter Township of Canton,
1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan, 48188, during regular business hours.
Item G-4. Consider Adoption of a
Resolution for Approval of Application for Additional Credited Service by Thomas Champagne. (Supv)
Motion by
Bennett, supported by Williams to move to adopt the Resolution allowing the purchase of additional credited service by Thomas
Champagne. Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-5. 2014 Budget Adjustments
Motion by Bennett, supported by Sneideman to
approve 2014 Budget Adjustments as follows:
Charter Township of Canton 2014 Budget Adjustments
101 General Fund Increase Decrease
Revenue Total General Fund Revenue -$ -$ Expenses Clerk Longevity
101-215.705_0020 2,000 Human Resources Longevity 101-220.705_0020 1,900 Facilities Maintenance Longevity 101-
265.705_0020 1,300 Parks Longevity 101-270-50.705_0020 1,000 Building Longevity 101-371.705_0020 2,100
Recreation Longevity 101-691-50.705_0020 350 Planning Longevity 101-853.705_0020 900 Human Resources Self
Insurance Tax 101-220.721 2,402 Treasurer Operating Supplies 101-253.740 500 Parks Maint & Repair Grounds - Salt
101-270-50.930_0070 31,362 ITS Maint & Repair - Vehicles 101-258.930_0040 1,500 Treasurer Sal & Fringes - May Rae
Split Various Sal & Fringe Accts 10,742 Total General Fund Expenses Total Increase (Decrease) in Use of Fund Balance
$45,906 10,150 $ 35,756 Motion carried unanimously.
Item G-6. Consider Award of a Contract to the Upright
Fence Company for the Installation of Two Privacy Fences Along The ITC Corridor. (MSD)
Motion by Bennett, support-
ed by McLaughlin to award a contract to the Upright Fence Company for the installation of two privacy fences along the ITC
Trail. The total amount of the purchase order will be $9,696. Motion carried unanimously.
Trustee Anthony commented on the Village Faire held on Sunday August 24 held at the Cady-Boyer
Barn. Over 650 people were served over 1400 hotdogs. A wonderful event held with the cooperation of Canton Leisure Services
and the Canton Lions Club. Clerk Bennett stated Holiday Market with the Canton Historical Society and Canton Leisure Services
will host Brew, Brats and Bands at the Barn on Saturday, September 13 from 6 - 9 p.m. at Preservation Park - Cady Boyer Barn.
Trustee Sneideman stated the Partnership for the Arts will host Fifty-Amp Fuse on October 11, at The Village Theater at Cherry
Motion by Bennett, supported by Williams to adjourn at 8:17 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Terry G. Bennett, Clerk
Copies of the complete text of the Board Minutes are available at the Clerk’s office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S.
Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188, 734-394-5120, during regular business hours and can also be accessed through our web site
www.canton-mi.org after Board Approval. Publish: September 4, 2014
EC090414-0988 5 x 11.375
The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
the meeting/hearing upon a two week notice to the Charter Township of Canton. These services include signers for the hearing
impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary
aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or calling the following:
Gwyn Belcher, ADA Coordinator
Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road
Canton, MI 48188
(734) 394-5260
Published: September 4, 2014
EC090414-0987 2.5 x 1.557
- W
- W
Blues, Brews and Barbeque set in Westland
One of most anticipated com-
munity events in Westland will
arrive Sept. 12 and 13 when the
4th Annual All-American Blues,
Brews, and Barbecue begins at
the newly-opened Farmers
Market Pavilion in Central City
Park. The event has become a
staple for Westland families,
friends, foodies and music fans
The Market Pavilion will be
transformed into festival
grounds for the weekend and
offer attendees a full lineup of
local bands, mouthwatering bar-
becue from local establishments,
and a variety of craft microbrews
provided by Ashley's Beer &
Participating restaurants this
year include: Ashley's Beer &
Grill, Hickory BBQ, Beaver
Creek, Kona Ice, Max & Erma's,
Famous Dave's, Longhorn
Steakhouse, Texas Roadhouse,
and Biggby Coffee. And this year
Blues, Brews, and Barbecue has
benefited from several generous
sponsors, including: BuffaloWild
Wings, Ritter GIS, North
Brothers Ford, Fausone Bohn,
LLP, Gordon Chevy, Westland
DDA, Parkside Dental, Plante
Moran CRESA, Independent
Contractors, Mich Chiropractic,
Westland Car Care, Universal
Learning Academy, My Lady
Florist andFacilityMatrix.
The festivities will begin at 6
p.m. Friday, Sept. 12 and contin-
ue until 10 p.m. The event will
resume at noon on Saturday,
Sept. 13 and continue until 10
p.m. Friday night has been des-
ignated Bike Night at the event,
when bikes will receive front
row parking privileges and
Reflections Custom Cycles of
Ypsilanti will debut some of
their best work for opening night.
Visitors will also have the
chance to hear live music from
great local bands, including the
headliner for Bike Night, The
Soul Men with the Paradise
Band, a Blues Brothers Tribute
Band. And of course, craft micro-
brews and barbecue that will get
taste buds' attention will also be
To keep up with all of the
event details, follow Blues,
Brews and Barbecue on
Facebook at www.Facebook.
or access www.cityofwestland.
Drying Up Your Home's Wet Basement
will be the topic at a homeowner work-
shop planned at the Leanna Hicks Inkster
PublicLibrary at 6 p.m. Sept. 17.
Ronald K. Gay, a consultant and author
with 25 years of consulting experience
will be the speaker at the workshop and
will discuss 10 thing to know about wet
basements and crawl spaces including
types of water problems and types of
waterproofing and damp-proofing along
with underground drains, sumps, alarms
and power backup. He will discuss cracks
in walls and floors, gutters and down-
spouts, landscaping and good and bad
alternative products and present a slide
show with examples of common prob-
Gay said his decision to specialize in
wet basements is a direct response to the
lack of options for homeowners experi-
encing the problem. His focus is instruct-
ing clients on better ways to manage sur-
face water so that it remains outside the
basement and home. He is a staunch
opponent of the use of aftermarket water-
proofing systems for addressing the prob-
Theworkshop is free to the public.
The library is located at 2005 Inkster
Road in Inkster. For more information,
call (313) 563-2822.
Diamond of Community named
Darlene Hawley will be honored
with the Diamond of the Community
Award by the City of Wayne Commission
on Aging during a dinner in her honor
Sept. 16.
The award is presented each year to
a resident at least 70 years of age who is
still actively volunteering in the commu-
nity, explained Nancy Wojewski-Noel,
senior services supervisor for the city
and secretary of the commission on
“The commission started this pro-
gram in 1995 and this will be our 20th
year,” Wojewski-Noel said. The honoree
is chosen annually from a list of nomi-
nees. Nomination forms are distributed
in June at Wayne City Hall, the Library
and Community Center, and then con-
sidered by the commission members,
she explained.
Hawley will be honoredwith the din-
ner, beginning at 6 p.m. at the Wayne
Community Center and then attend the
regular Wayne City Council meeting
where there will be a special presenta-
tion to her fromthe city.
Hawley, a 1958 graduate of Wayne
Memorial High School, is currently an
active member of the First
Congregational church where she
teaches church school, directs plays and
fills other leadership roles; she is a
member of the Wayne Historical
Commission; president of the Wayne
Garden Club; a member of the Literary
Club since 1963 and she created and
implemented the “History in a Box”
program in which she visits second
grade classrooms in costume to
acquaint students with the value of their
history and history of our country,
according to her nomination form.
The sponsor of the Diamond of the
Community Award is the Wayne Dairy
Queen, owned by John and Anna
Petrou. This is the ninth consecutive
year the business owners have spon-
sored the program,Wojewski-Noel said.
For more information about the pro-
gram or the award dinner, call
Wojewski-Noel at (734) 721-7460, ext.
1312 from 9:30-1:30 p.m. Monday,
Tuesday orWednesday.