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August 7, 2014
July 14, 2014
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem, John Barden.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Kathleen Abdo, John Barden, Linda Choate, Harry Crout, Sylvia Makowski, Celeste
William Wadsworth
Administrative Officials in Attendance:
LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Stacy Paige, Treasurer
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Makowski to accept the agenda as presented.
Roll Call Vote:
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Carried Unanimously
14-277 2A.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Makowski to approve the minutes of the regu-
lar meeting of the Romulus City Council held on July 7, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo,
Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried
14-278 2B.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Crout to approve the minutes of the special
meeting of the Romulus City Council held on July 7, 2014: 7:00 p.m. closed session - Union
Matters/Legal Opinion
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
3. Petitioner:
4. Chairperson's Report:
Mayor Pro-Tem Barden announced the Jones Subdivision Festival
will be held Friday, July 25 through Sunday July 27, 2014, for more information call 734-728-
9904. Mr. Mike Williams, St. John Masonic Lodge 44, announced their annual picnic will be
held at the Coleman Center on Saturday, August 23 from noon until 5:00 p.m. (free health
screenings and school supplies).
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Crout to accept the chairperson's report.
Roll Call Vote:
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Carried Unanimously
5. Mayor's Report
City attorney, Steve Hitchcock, explained that the requirements applied to
towing companies do not violate the City Charter. Robert McCraight, Building Director, gave
an overview of the Goddard Road project.
14-279 5A1.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Choate to adopt a memorial resolution for the
family of Gil White, Sr.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-280 5A2.
Moved by Choate, seconded by Wadsworth to adopt a memorial resolution for the
family of John Brimble.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski,
Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-281 5A.
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Roscoe to authorize the mayor and clerk to enter into
an agreement with AccuMed Billing, Inc. for insurance billing and collection of fire and EMS
activities of theRomulus Fire Department.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout,
Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-282 5B.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Crout to rescind City Council Resolution 14-
265 and authorize the Fire Department to dispose of Fire Engine #302 through the MITN auc-
tion site, sale to exceed $3,500.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout,
Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-283 5C1.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Crout to authorize a no-fee permit for all
Pumpkin Festival and Parade of Lights activities during the Pumpkin Festival weekend,
September 19 - September 21, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout,
Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-284 5C2.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Abdo to authorize the closure of Bibbins from
Hunt Street to the railroad tracks beginning at 12:00 p.m. and also Goddard Road between
Moore Street and the railroad tracks beginning at 12:00 P.M. on Friday, September 19, 2014
and ending at 9:00 p.m. on
Sunday, September 21, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-285 5C3.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Abdo to authorize the closure of Goddard
Road from Wayne Road to Grant Street beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 19, 2014
ending at 10:00 p.m. Friday, September 19, 2014 for the Rotary Parade of Lights.
Roll Call
Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
6A. Clerk's Report:
City Clerk, Ellen Craig-Bragg, announced that the last day to file for the
office of school board for the November, 2014 Election is Tuesday, July 22, 2014.
14-286 6A1.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Roscoe to approve second reading, final adop-
tion of Budget Amendment 14/15-2, Major Streets Fund, introduced at the Council meeting of
July 7, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe,
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-287 6A2.
Moved by Abdo, seconded by Crout to approve second reading, final adoption of
Budget Amendment 14/15-3, General Fund, introduced at the Council meeting of July 7, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-288 6A3.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Choate, to approve second reading, final
adoption of amended policies and procedures, numbers 3, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 26,
along with the policy statement.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout,
Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-289 6A4.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Choate, to concur with the Romulus Charter
Review Commission and approve ballot language for two proposals to amend City Charter
Chapter 13, Sections 1 and 2 and for said proposals to be placed on the November 4, 2014 bal-
Resolution 14-289
Present: Councilpersons: Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
Absent: None. At the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council of Romulus, Michigan,
County of Wayne, State of Michigan, held at the Romulus City Hall, 11111 Wayne Road,
Romulus, Michigan on July 14, 2014, the following resolution was offered by Councilwoman
Roscoe, and seconded by Councilwoman Choate to authorize the following proposed language
to be placed on the November 4, 2014 ballot to amend Chapter XIII, Section 13.1 - Limitation
and Section 13.2 - Material purchases in the Romulus City Charter as set forth below.
, Chapter XIII of the Romulus City Charter, Section 13.1 entitled "Limitations"
and Section 13.2 entitled "Material purchases" requires advertisement for sealed bids in a paper
of circulation within the City of Romulus; and
, the City Council has determined
that the elimination of the requirement would be in the best interest of the City and by so doing
allow for the City to participate in alternatives such as electronic proposals and extendable or
cooperative bids from other government agencies; and
, in order to accomplish this
purpose, it is necessary for the electorate to amend the City Charter at an an election to be held
on the 4th day of November, 2014.
, be it resolved that the amendment of
Chapter XIII of the Romulus City Charter be placed on the ballot on the November 4, 2014
General Election ballot for consideration by the electorate.
that Chapter XIII of the Romulus City Charter, Sections 13.1 and 13.2 will be amended to read
as follows, by the removal of the requirement to advertise for sealed proposals in a paper of cir-
culation within the City:
CHAPTER XIII. CONTRACTS - Section 13.1, Limitation
The City may contract for the performance of any public work or the making of any public
improvement or may perform or make the same itself through its departments, officers and
employees; provided, however, that it shall not itself make any new public improvements or
perform public works exceeding the applicable amount set forth by the Council in the Romulus
Purchasing Ordinance until it has first advertised for sealed proposals therefore. The
City shall have the right to reject any or all such proposals. The Purchasing Ordinance and any
amendments thereto, contemplated under this section, shall have been approved by not less
than a 2 / 3 majority of the Council Elect.
Section 13.2, Material purchases
No contract shall be entered into by the City for the purchase of any material, tools, apparatus
or any other thing or things, the consideration or cost of which shall exceed the applicable
amount set forth by the Council in the Romulus Purchasing Ordinance until after an opportuni-
ty for competitive bidding; and until it has first advertised for sealed Proposals. The City shall
have the right to reject any or all such proposals. The Purchasing Ordinance, and any
amendments thereto, contemplated under this section, shall have been approved by not less
than a 2 /3 majority of the Council elect.
that the below proposed ballot language to amend Chapter
XIII of the City of Romulus Charter be submitted to the Attorney General and the Governor of
the State of Michigan for their approval and for placement on the November 4, 2014 General
Election ballot pursuant to MCL 117.22.
Proposed Amendment of City of Romulus Charter to amend Chapter XIII Contracts:
1. Section 13.1 of the City Charter currently requires that when purchasing for any new
public improvement or performing public work, there must be an advertisement for
sealed proposals in a paper of circulation within the City. The proposed amendment
would remove this requirement from the Charter. Shall Section 13.1 of the City Charter
be amended to remove the requirement to advertise for sealed proposals in a paper of cir-
culation in the City?
Yes { } No { }
2. Section 13.2 of the City Charter currently requires that when purchasing any material,
tools, or apparatus, there must be an advertisement for sealed proposals in a paper of cir-
culation within the City. The proposal would remove this requirement from the Charter,
but would retain the requirement for competitive bidding. Shall Section 13.2 of the City
Charter be amended to remove the requirement to advertise for sealed proposals in a
paper of circulation in the City?
Yes { } No { }
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-290 6A5.
Moved by Makowski, seconded by Wadsworth to approve first reading of an
amendment to City Ordinance Chapter 36, Offenses, Article IX, Offenses Pertaining to Minors.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-291 6A6.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to concur with the Property
Disposition Committee and in accordance with the "2014 First Right of Refusal to Purchase
Tax Foreclosed Property in Wayne County" to purchase the following properties due to unpaid
2011 and/or prior years delinquent taxes within the City of Romulus:
80 033 01 0196 400 in the amount of $1,344.46
80 033 01 0196 401 in the amount of $ 806.74
80 033 01 0196 403 in the amount of $1,131.80
80 033 01 0196 404 in the amount of $1,232.51
80 033 01 0106 405 in the amount of $1,074.63
80 033 01 0196 406 in the amount of $1,076.02
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
14-292 6A7.
Moved by Choate, seconded by Makowski to approve first reading of an amend-
ment to city ordinance Chapter 54, Section 185 to provide that Council, may by resolution,
from time-to-time establish fees for applications for land splits.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo,
Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe, Wadsworth.
- None.
Motion Carried
6B. Treasurer's Report
City Treasurer, Stacy Paige, gave an overview of the quarterly
investments for the city.
7. Public Comment:
Margaret Leduc, Charter Commission member, commented on the pro-
posed ballot language for the November 4, 2014 General Election and thanked Lynn Conway
for the information she provided to the Charter Commission. Jan Lemmon, Chairperson,
Cemetery Board of Trustees, commented on the beauty of the cemetery grounds. Resident com-
mented on water rates.
8. Unfinished Business
Mayor Burcroff announced that water rates information will be sent
to all residents.
9. New Business
10. Communication
14-293 11.
Moved by Choate, seconded by Makowski to approve Warrant 14-13 in the amount
of $1,414,137.82.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Roscoe, Makowski, Roscoe,
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe, to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus
City Council.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Abdo, Barden, Choate, Crout, Makowski, Roscoe,
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the forego-
ing to be a true copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on
July 14, 2014.
August 7, 2014
- R
Off-duty officer charged in road-rage incident
A Romulus police officer is
facing charges of Felonious
Assault and Felony Firearm as a
result of a road rage incident
which occurred last spring.
According to police reports,
detectives forwarded the results
of their investigation of a May 29
incident to the Wayne County
Prosecutor who granted an arrest
warrant on July 30 for Romulus
Ofc. David Ryan Brooks. In May,
Van Buren Township officers
responded to a report of a road
rage incident at about 3:22 p.m.
in the area of BellevilleRoad and
I-94. Reports indicated that the
altercation involved two trucks
and that one of the occupants of
one of the vehicles involved was
in possession of a handgun at the
The responding Van Buren
Township Police personnel
received information that the sus-
pect vehicle, in which the occu-
pant with the firearm was travel-
ing, was a black Dodge Rampick-
up and the vehicle was last seen
traveling northbound on
Belleville Road from the scene of
the incident. Officers from Van
Buren located the suspect truck
and executed a traffic stop on the
vehicle. The officers learned at
that time that the driver was an
off-dutyRomulus police officer.
Other officers contacted the
complaining witness and initiat-
ed an investigation after officers
at the scene conducted the pre-
liminary investigation and
obtained written statements from
the witnesses. That information
was forwarded to the Van Buren
Police InvestigativeDivision.
Following the investigation by
the Van Buren Township
Detective Bureau, the request for
a warrant was forwarded to the
WayneCounty Prosecutor.
Brooks was arraigned July 31
at the 34th District Court in
Romulus before Judge Tina
Brooks Green on charges of
Felonious Assault and Felony
Firearm. He was released on a
personal recognizance bond and
is scheduled to appear for a pre-
liminary examination on the
charges before Brooks-Green on
Aug. 13.
Anyone with questions or con-
cerns about the incident is asked
to contact Lt. Kenneth Floro at
the Van Buren Township
Department of Public Safety (734)
David Ryan Brooks
Winners of the
Summer Reading
Program at the
Bel levi l le
District Library
included Dougie
Doty, right, who
won Cedar Point
tickets and Chelsea
Mihaly, left, who
invited her sister
Megan and friends
to help celebrate.