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July 18, 2013
July 1, 2013
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem LeRoy Burcroff.
LeRoy Burcroff, Linda Choate, William Crova, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth,
Eva Webb.
John Barden.
Administrative Officials in Attendance:
Alan R. Lambert, Mayor
Barbara Fitzgerald, Deputy Clerk
Moved by Crova, seconded by Webb to accept the agenda as presented.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff,
Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-208 2A.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Choate to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the
Romulus City Council held June 24, 2013.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Webb.
- None.
- Wadsworth.
Motion Carried.
13-209 3A.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Choate to grant a no-fee permit to Parks Memorial A.M.E.
Church, 11547 Grover, for their annual church gospel jubilee at Romulus Historical Park on Saturday, August 3,
2013 from 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
-Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried
13-210 4A.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the POAM (police officers) labor contract
from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- Crova.
Motion Carried.
13-211 4B.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the POLC (command officers) labor contract
from July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2016.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- Crova.
Motion Carried.
13-212 4C. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the IAFF (firefighters) labor contract from July
1, 2013 through June 30, 2015.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- Crova. Motion Carried.
13-213 4D. Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Crova to authorize the mayor to execute the proof of loss document
for the City's claim of loss with Michigan Municipal League Liability and Property Pool of Michigan.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried
13-214 4E.
Moved by Webb, seconded by Roscoe to grant a no-fee permit to the Romulus Historical Society and
Commission to hold their annual Party in the Park at the Historical Park on Hunt Street on Wednesday, July 17,
2013 from 6:30 p.m. until dusk.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-215 4F.
Moved by Crova, seconded by Choate to recognize the Rotary Club, corporate sponsors, police
department, fire department and DPW for their contributions to the fireworks program that was held at the mid-
dle school on Saturday, June 29, 2013.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth,
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by Crova, seconded by Roscoe to accept the chairperson's report.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff,
Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-216 5A.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Wadsworth to concur with the administration and amend the term of
the contractual agreement of the Bid award extension 04/05-07, for Cross Connection Control Services contract
with Hydrodesign from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2016.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova,
Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-217 5B.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to authorize payment to SEMCOG in the amount of
$2,663.00. Said dues are for membership from June 15, 2013 through June 15, 2014.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-218 6A1.
Moved by Choate, seconded by Crova to approve second reading and final adoption of Budget
Amendment 12/13-13, general fund - introduced at the Council meeting of June 24, 2013.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
13-219 6A2.
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Choate to schedule two study sessions for Monday, July 22, 2013.
The first study session at 6:15 p.m. to discuss the need for a purchasing ordinance and the second study session
at 6:45 p.m. to discuss proposed charter amendments - meetings to be held in the City Hall Council Chambers,
11111 Wayne Road, Romulus.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Webb.
- None.
Motion Carried Unanimously
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on July 1, 2013.
Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 12 of 2008 (amended Public Act 110 of 2006, The City and Village Zoning
Act), notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
August 7, 2013 for the purpose of considering a variance request. The public hearing will be held at the
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus MI 48174-1485. The Board of Zoning
Appeals has set the public hearing to consider a variance from the City of Romulus Zoning Ordinance as fol-
Outdoor Seating Area
- Section 11.06(b)(2) requesting a variance to allow access to the Tim Horton ’s /Cold
Stone outdoor seating area from outside of the building. The Ordinance requires access to the outdoor seating
through the building only.
The subject property is located on 7859 Merriman Road. DP#82-80-042-99-0071-701. Copies of the application
are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said request.
Written comments may be submitted until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, August 7, 2013 and should be addressed to
Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning Department, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174-1485.
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
City of Romulus, Michigan
Publish: July 18, 2013
Robert A. Ficano
County Executive
Notice Is Hereby Given to you as a person liable for an assessment or a public corporation subject to assessment
that the Board of Determination will meet on Thursday, August 1st, 2013, at 5:30 P.M. at the Romulus City Hall,
City Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174, to hear all interested persons and evi-
dence and to determine whether the Post Drain, as prayed for in the Petition to clean out, relocate, widen, deep-
en, straighten, tile, extend or relocate, dated April 7, 2013 is necessary and conducive to the public health, con-
venience or welfare, and whether said drain is necessary for the protection of the public health of the City of
Romulus in accordance with Sections 72 and 191 of Act No. 40, P.A. 1956, as amended, and further, to deter-
mine whether it is necessary to add lands to the Drainage District pursuant to Section 197 of Act No. 40, P.A.
1956, as amended.
Proceedings conducted at this public hearing will be subject to the provision of the Michigan Open Meetings Act
and you are further notified that information regarding this meeting may be obtained from the County Drain
Commissioner. Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the meeting
should contact the Wayne County Drain Commissioner at the number noted below (voice) or through the
Michigan Relay Center at 1-800-649-3777 (TDD) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request mobili-
ty, visual, hearing or other assistance. Minutes of the meeting will be on file at the Wayne County Drain
Commissioner's Field Office, 797 Central St., Wyandotte, Michigan 48192.
You Are Further Notified, that persons aggrieved by the decisions of the Board of Determination may seek judi-
cial review in the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne within ten (10) days of the determination.
Dated: July 3rd, 2013
Kenneth M. Kucel, P.E.,
Wayne County Drain Commissioner
County of Wayne
400 Monroe, Suite 400
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone 734-285-7233
The School District of the City of Inkster Board of Education is now accepting "letters of
interest" from people wishing to be considered for an open position on the school board.
The vacancy is an unexpired term with one year remaining (November 2014). You may
turn your letter of interest in no later than July 24, 2013 to Inkster Public Schools, Central
Office, 29115 Carlysle, Inkster, MI 48141 Attn: Carla West.
Publish: July 18, 2013
- I
The second Annual Belleville Young Life Golf Tournament took place June 29, at the
Eagle Crest Golf Course. Following lunch, a shotgun start launched a challenging
round of golf for all participants. While no one cashed in on the Atchinson Ford Hole-
In-One opportunity, everyone gave it a good swing. The best round for the day was
recorded by local Belleville resident John Lucidi and his team, Kevin Cole, Steve
Bachand, and Charles Bush. Awards and prizes were donated by sponsors including
Dunhams Sports and A&W Restaurant, Armstrong's Funland, Associated Community
Services, Charter One Bank, Comprehensive Dentistry, Cool Cone, Dick Scott
Automotive Group, Faith Assembly Church, First United Methodist Church, Henry R.
Deering Agency, Huron Valley Catholic Schools, Koch and White Heating and
Cooling, Joe's Coney Island, Leo's Coney Island, Loranger Family Chiropratic Center,
1 Hott Hair Salon, Open Arms Lutheran Church, Perfect Image Salon, Sam's Place,
United Communities Federal Credit Union, Trenton VFW Post 1888, Jay Andrews,
Debra Lucidi-Chammas, and August Lucidi.
Carla Thomas and
James Penn will wed
Carla Thomas will become the bride of
James. T. Penn, Jr. in an evening ceremony
planned for late July.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Bobby H. Thomas. The groom's parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Timmons and Mr.
andMrs. James Penn, Sr.
The Rev. Arthur Willis will officiate at the
ceremony which will take place at the Penn
family home inDetroit before 150 guests.
Alicia Hardville, a close friend of the
bride, will act as matron of honor at the cere-
mony. Orion Watson, the best friend of the
groomwill perform the duties of best man at
Bridesmaids will be Rene Jones of
Sterling Heights and Michelle Cobbs of
Detroit. A nephewof the groom, Julian Penn,
will act as ring bearer at the service.
Special guests expected at the wedding
include the Calloways of Virginia from the
bride's family and Mr. and Mrs. George Penn
of Maryland and Yolanda Penn of New
Jersey fromthe family of the groom.
The future bride is an accounting profes-
sional employed at John E. Green Co. Her
groom is a director with Penn Funeral Home
in Inkster.
The couple will honeymoon in New
Orleans and return to Michigan to make
their home.
Carla Thomas and James T. Penn, Jr.
To advertise in The Eagle , Call 734-467-1900.