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While the excitement of the 4th of July holiday and the onset of sum-mer activities may have overshad-owed the devastation left by the tor-nado that struck Joplin, MO in May, one Canton group is continuing efforts tohelp residents of the area. Canton Leisure Services is con-tinuing the Canton Cares effort in partnership with the Canton Community Foundation and is col-lecting donations for the Joplin, Missouri TornadoRecoveryFund. On Sunday, May 22, the deadliest tornado to touch down in the U.S. in

the last 64 years completely destroyed more that 2,000 houses and buildings and severely dam-aged an additional 5,000 to 10,000 structures in Joplin.

More than 50,000 residents of Joplin were impacted by the destruction. Canton Leisure Services is leading a donation cam-paign to provide disaster relief assistance to the Joplin community. This Canton Community Assistance program will be focused on mid to long-term recovery efforts helping to restore the Joplin area, a

spokesman from the department said.

Financial donations for the Joplin Tornado Recovery project can be dropped off at Canton Township facilities through Aug. 31. Donations will be accepted at the

Township Administration Building, 1150 S. Canton Center Road; Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit Parkway; Canton Sports Center, 46555 W. Michigan Ave. and Pheasant Run Golf Course, 46500 Summit Parkway.

Checks should be made payable to the Canton Community Foundation, with “Joplin Recovery Fund” written on the memo line. Checks can also be mailed to The Canton Community Foundation, 50430 School House Road, Suite 200, Canton, MI 48187. To donate online, visit and choose the Joplin Recovery Fund in the drop down “fundbox” on theGift Page. For more information, call (734) 394-5360 or visit www.cantonfun. org.

Canton Leisure Services is leading a donation campaign to provide disaster relief assistance

to the Joplin community.

Canton Cares

Foundation continues efforts to aid victims of tornado

Play on

Programs offered at Canton parks

The Activity Crew will be out and about in Canton parks again this year, providing activities for youngsters 5-15.

Supervised playground sites will be open Mondays through Fridays and will end again this year with the Annual Parks-A-PaloozaBashAug. 5.

Special activities will include: weekly themed days, sports and games for all ages, field trips to Super Bowl and Skatin' Station, creative arts and crafts and weekly visits from the Canton Climbing Wall and RecreationStation.

Mobile Playground locations and times from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at Heritage, Flodin. Cherry Hill Village and Tonda Elementary School parks. The crewwill be

at these locations on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the exception of Tonda, where they will visit on Tuesday and Thursday.

The crew will be at Freedom, Central andHulsing Elementary School parks from 2 until 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at Freedom Park from 2-5 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Times and days are subject to change but up-to-date informa-tion is available at The one-time materials fee for the Supervised Playground Program is $20 with amaximumfee of $50 per family. For more information contact Canton Leisure Services Playgrounds at (734) 394-5460 x5474.

Friends donate $10,000 to Canton Public Library

Friends of the Canton Public Library Treasurer Larry Hoelscher had a big smile and a big check for Canton Public Library Trustee Michael Siegrist and Library Director Eva Davis recently. He and outgoing Friends president Peg Britz presented a check for $10,000, ear-marked for the library endowment fund, during their annual membership meet-ing recently.

The donation is the result of book sales and fundraising efforts by the Friends group, who have contributed more than $64,000 to the library in the past year. TheFriends sponsor programs and events at the library such as Connect Your Summer, and purchase materials for the Michigan History, International Language and other collections.

“Given the reduced revenue over the

last few years, the library has been forced to evaluate our priorities and make difficult decisions. We are truly blessed to have the army of volunteers and supplemental financing for program-ming that the Friends offer, making those decisions thatmucheasier,” saidSiegrist. Hoelscher stressed that the support the Friends provide comes from the com-munity.

“Our income comes mainly from the sale of pre-owned books at the Secondhand Prose Bookstore. Supporting the store and a membership in the Friends will help us continue to support your library.”

For more information on Secondhand Prose or the Friends, visit or stop in the bookstore.

To advertise in The Eagle Call 734-467-1900.

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