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The late Lillian Patrias, whose
love of reading made a difference
to her family and community, will
be remembered Saturday after-
noon at the Romulus Public
Library, 11121WayneRoad.
A stained-glass memorial in the
library will be formally dedicated
to Mrs. Patrias, a long-time former
member of the Friends of the
Romulus Library group that raises
funds and provides programming
for the library.
The ceremony will begin at 1
p.m. The public is invited to attend.
Mrs. Patrias died Feb. 28, 2006,
at the age of 79. A native of
Anderson, TN, Mrs. Patrias lived in
Romulus for 45 years. She and her
husband, Clements, resided in the
Samuel R. Kingsley Jr. house, a his-
toric landmark in Romulus. She
was a charter member of the
RomulusHistorical Commission.
An avid reader and a lover of
books, Mrs. Patrias emphasized the
importance of reading and educa-
tion to her large family, said grand-
daughter Angela Patrias of
Romulus. Mrs. Patrias joined the
Friends of the Library in 1978,
shortly after it was founded,
became an officer and remained
active in the groupuntil her death.
She also enjoyed knitting and
"My grandmother was the sweet-
est woman you could ever meet,"
Angela Patrias said. "She definitely
loved her family. She was an actual
saint. The priest said that at her
funeral. She never did wrong. She
didn't curse. She was non-judgmen-
tal. Shewas a true rolemodel."
Susan Dossette of the Friends of
the Library said grandson, Michael
Patrias, and his wife, Tiffany, donat-
ed funds for the stained-glass
memorial in Mrs. Patrias' honor "in
loving memory of her years of serv-
ice." They are scheduled to fly to
Romulus from their home in
Florida for the dedication.
Also scheduled to speak are
Jeanne Foust,
one of Mrs.
Patrias' six chil-
dren; original
and current
Friends group
member Gloria Chandler; Mayor
Alan R. Lambert; and former
Mayor Beverly McAnally, a long-
time friend ofMrs. Patrias.
Library Director Patty Braden
said Michael and Tiffany Patrias
deserve "our heartfelt thanks" for
their donation.
"The stained glass, titled 'Once
Upon a Time,' is a wonderful
reminder of Lillian and her dedica-
tion to the Romulus Public
Library," Braden said.
For more information, call the
Romulus Public Library at (734)
May 17, 2012
APRIL 23, 2012
Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI 48174
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem LeRoy D. Burcroff.
John Barden, LeRoy Burcroff, Linda Choate, William Crova, Celeste Roscoe, William Wadsworth, Eva
Administrative Officials in Attendance:
Alan R. Lambert, Mayor
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
Moved by Barden , seconded by Crova to accept the agenda as presented.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden,
Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-107 2A. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the
Romulus City Council held April 9, 2012.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe,
Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-108 3A.
Moved by Webb, seconded by Choate to grant a no-fee permit to the Romulus Civic League for a 1K
Walk to promote good health on Saturday, May 19, 2012 beginning at 8:00 a.m. at the Civic League Building on
Wahrman Road walking north to Bibbins, west to the senior center and return the same route.
Roll Call Vote:
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried
Moved by Barden, seconded by Roscoe to accept the chairperson's report.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden,
Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-109 5A.
Moved by Webb, seconded by Choate to concur with the administration and authorize the mayor and
clerk to enter into the Sub-recipient agreement for Wayne County HOME Program funding for Housing
Rehabilitation only, Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2016.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff,
Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-110 5B.
Moved by Crova, seconded by Barden to adopt a resolution to authorize the mayor and clerk to enter
into theTri-Party CE Services Agreement with Orchard Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM) as required by the
Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the Goddard Road reconstruction project (from Five Points
to Romaine) at an estimated cost of $133,446.52.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova,
Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-111 5C.
Moved by Barden, seconded by Crova to authorize the emergency repair of the 2002 Vactor #120
by the only authorized dealer in Michigan, Jack Doheny Supplies, Inc. at a cost not to exceed $31,200.00.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Carried Unanimously
12-112 5D.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Webb to award Bid 11/12-14; Romulus Ordinance Department,
three-year weed cutting contract to Pritula & Sons, at a price of $0.004/square foot in year one, $0.005/square
foot in year two and 0.006/square foot in year three of the contract.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff,
Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-113 5E(1).
Moved by Roscoe , seconded by Crova to authorize the Building & Safety Department to proceed
with the enrollment of the City of Romulus in the National Flood Insurance Program.
Rol l Cal l Vote: Ayes
Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-114 5E(2).
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Wadsworth to authorize the City of Romulus Building & Safety
Department to enforce flood resistant construction standards of the City of Romulus Building Codes and any and
all applicable state codes incorporated and adopted therein.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate,
Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-115 5E(3).
Moved by Roscoe, seconded by Wadsworth to authorize the mayor and clerk to enter into a pro-
fessional services contract with Spaulding, DeDecker and Associates, pursuant to terms of the April 13, 2012
proposal letter, with an amount not to exceed $14,000 and subject to final review and approval of the contract
by the City attorney for the best interest of the City.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova,
Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-116 5F. Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Crova to concur with the recommendation of the administration
and re-appoint Diane Banks Lambert, Michael Glotfelty and Byron Butler to the Romulus Planning
Commission with their terms to expire January 31, 2015.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Crova,
Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- Choate.
Motion Carried
12-117 6A1.
Moved by Barden, seconded by Roscoe to schedule a study session to discuss BS&A Software on
Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. to be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus,
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-118 6A2.
Moved by Webb, seconded by Roscoe to schedule a study session to discuss a Host Community
Agreement with Wayne Disposal, Inc. on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. to be held in the City Hall Council
Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus, MI.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe,
Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-119 6A3.
Moved by Barden, seconded by Choate to schedule a study session to discuss a proposed
Floodplain Ordinance on Monday, May 7, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. to be held in the City Hall Council Chambers, 11111
Wayne Rd.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-120 10.
Moved by Webb, seconded by Barden to adopt a memorial resolution for the family of Winifred
Christine Seals.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe, Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
12-121 11.
Moved by Barden, seconded by Choate to authorize the City Treasurer to disburse funds as listed
in Warrant 12-08 in the amount of Eight Hundred Fifty-One Thousand, Six Hundred Ninety-Two Dollars
and Seventy-One Cents ($851,692.71).
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Roscoe, Wadsworth,
- None
Motion Carried.
Moved by Wadsworth, seconded by Roscoe to adjourn the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes
- Barden, Burcroff, Choate, Crova, Roscoe Wadsworth, Webb.
- None
Motion Carried Unanimously
I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on April 23, 2012.
Publish: May 17, 2012.
Pursuant to Michigan Public Act 12 of 2008 (amended Public Act 110 of 2006, The City and Village Zoning
Act), notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
June 6, 2012 for the purpose of considering variance requests. The public hearing will be held at the Romulus
City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus MI 48174-1485.
The Board of Zoning Appeals has set the public hearing to a consider variance from the City of Romulus
Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Parking Lot Setback Variance.
A variance to Section 7.04(b)(6) is requested to allow portions of the
parking lot to enchroach within the required 15 ’ setback..
The subject properties are located on Ecorse and Hannan Roads. DP#82-80-026-99-0016-000, 82-80-026-99-
0017-000, 82-80-026-99-0018-000, 82-80-026-99-0019-000 & 82-80-026-99-0021-000. Copies of the
application are available for review at City Hall during regular business hours.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said request.
Written comments may be submitted until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, June 6, 2012 and should be addressed to
Carol Maise, City Planner, Planning Department, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174-1485.
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
City of Romulus, Michigan
Publish: May 17, 2012
BID 11/12-22 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) - Repair
One Year Contract
Bid Opening June 13, 2012
The City of Romulus, Michigan is seeking bids from qualified vendors for the above item/items.
Qualified individuals and firms wishing to submit bids
must use the forms provided by the City
forms and specifications may be obtained by visiting the MITN system,
Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes and returned to the
City Clerk's Office
no later than 2:00
P.M., Wednesday, June 13, 2012. At approximately 2:15, local time all timely received bids are to be
publicly opened and read.
BID 11/12-22 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) - Repair
11111 Wayne Road,
Romulus, Michigan 48174
The City reserves the right to reject all bids and proposals and to waive technicalities.
For additional information contact Lynn A. Conway, City of Romulus, Purchasing Agent, by calling (734)
955-4568 or by emailing
Publish: May 17, 2012
Officials ‘proud’ of reorganized department
Memorial dedication will be Saturday
Department is back on track and
nearly backup to full strength.
Nearly eight months to the day
he took the role of police chief,
Bob Dickerson said he and the
department have taken a number
of steps to improve morale,
improve the image of the depart-
ment and improve service to the
“In a short period of time,
they've done a wonderful job of
turning this department around
and making a department, once
again, to be proud of,” said
RomulusMayor AlanLambert.
Dickerson introduced five new
officers along with a new K-9 offi-
cer-and his partner, Aries-at a
study session Monday night in
which he also updated the council
about crime statistics and initia-
tives he had instituted since he
took over the department on Sept.
19, 2011.
Dickerson was put in charge
after former chief Michael St.
Andrewas suspended following an
investigation by the Michigan
State Police that he and other
members of the department had
misused funds.
A week after his appointment,
Dickerson suspended the five offi-
cers without pay pending the out-
come of the investigation and sub-
sequent court proceedings.
“We've been running short since
then,” he said.
The five new officers have a
variety of education and training,
he said. Sam Flannery and Brian
Perkins came to the force straight
from the academy-although
Perkins, whose father was a for-
mer director of public safety in
Van Buren Township, has police
work in his blood. Matt Miracle,
the top candidate of all 250 who
applied for the jobs, came fromthe
City of Oak Park, where he was
trained as a police officer and fire-
fighter. Andrew Carriger was a
police officer for four years in Las
Vegas and David Brooks is an
experienced police officer from
Belleville who also teaches at
Schoolcraft College
“He actually turned down a
couple of other jobs to come here,”
Dickerson said. “We think that
proves that this is a good place to
Darryl Nippes will be the new
K-9 officer; he and Aries are about
60 percent throughhis training.
The new hires bring the force
up to 43 sworn personnel, which is
down from the 75-member force of
several years ago. Three of those
officers are on long term medical
leave, according toDickerson, who
added that even with the new
hires, the department is saving
about $200,000 compared to the
2011 salaries. That's because the
new officers, who also pay more
for retirement and other benefits,
are not making as much money as
the senior officers who were sus-
Dickerson has implanted other
policies in the department, aswell.
There is a new Standards of
Conduct Policy, a newuniformpol-
icy as well as a documented chain
of command-all are designed to
ensure the staff looks and acts pro-
fessionally at all times. He's
implanted web-based training
where it is practical and worked
out an arrangement with the
Detroit Police Department to have
Romulus Evidence Technicians
shadow Crime Scene Investigators
fromDetroit to provide them addi-
tional hands-on training.
The department has switched
to 800mghz digital radios, too,
eliminating the 'dead spots' offi-
cers reportedwith the old system.
Dickerson and his command
staff worked out a deal with Glock
to replace the old firearms
Romulus officers were using,
allowing them to trade in their 20-
year-old weapons for a new one at
a cost of $100 each.
Dickerson said he plans to
engage the community more this
year, as well, through programs
like the Reserve Police Officer
Program, the Citizen Advisory
Academy and a Cops and Kids
Interaction Program. He hopes to
have reserve officers oversee the
closed parks at certain times dur-
ing the week, too. The department
evenhas a facebook page.
“Communication is the key,” he
said. “You've got to work with your
He said he's pushing for more
leadership training among his
command staff, too. Capt. John
Leacher will attend the FBI
National Academy this year, the
most advanced and recognized
leadership training in the nation.
As a result of the newprograms,
and push to ensure that officers
are out in the community respond-
ing to calls, Dickerson said crime
statistics are down and Romulus
has shaved about a minute off the
average response time.
“The police department is out
there working,” he said. “We've
shown them what's expected of
them and everybody has stepped
“It's not about me,” he added. “I
have a great staff from the top
down to the bottom.”
The council said they appreci-
ated the update and all the work
that had been done in the depart-
ment during the past eightmonths.
“I love recognizing all the offi-
cers and the things they do, but to
feel safe in our city is the priority,”
said Councilwoman Eva Webb.
“And the professionalism of our
officers is fabulous.”
Lillian Patrias