February 12, 2015
Calendar of events
Casting call
Open auditions have been scheduled by
Forever After productions for Beauty and
the Beast, Jr. The Musical from 5:30-8:30
p.m. Feb. 22 and 23 at the rehearsal studio,
50429 Independence St. in Canton
Performers ages 6-16 are being sought
for the production which is the story of
Belle, a young woman in a provincial town
and the Beast, who is really a young prince
trappedunder the spell of an enchantress.
Information and the audition packet are
available at www.iheartforeverafter.com.
Library programs under way
New programs at the Belleville Area
District Library began thisweek.
Monday Night Family Story Time began
at 7 p.m. earlier this month and will contin-
ue throughFeb. 23.
Tuesday Morning Terrific Toddlers
began at 11 a.m. this week and will contin-
ue through Feb. 24 and Thursday Morning
Terrific Toddlers began at 11 a.m. today and
will continue throughFeb. 26.
Registration for any of these programs is
available at the library circulationdesk.
The Write Stuff Writer's Group meets
from 1-3 p.m. the last Saturday of every
month. All aspiringwriters arewelcome.
Hygiene items needed
Plymouth Community United Way is
asking agencies, businesses, groups, and
residents of the Plymouth-Canton commu-
nity to donate new travel size toiletry items
shampoo/conditioner, soap/body wash,
deodorant, hand sanitizer, tissues, shaving
cream, feminine products, razors, combs,
and hair brushes. Donations will be used to
create hygiene kits for individuals and fam-
ilies in crisis.
Collections will be accepted through
Friday, Feb. 28. All donations can be
dropped off at Plymouth Community
UnitedWay, 960 W. Ann Arbor Trail, Suite 2
For more information, e-mail
randi.williams@pcuw.org or call (734) 453-
6879 x7.
Food drive under way
Plymouth Community United Way and
Chuck E. Cheese are sponsoring a month-
long food drive at the restaurant, 42001
Ford Road in Canton. The effort will con-
tinue throughFeb. 28.
Customers will receive 20 tickets for
each nonperishable food item that is
brought into Chuck E. Cheese. Tickets can
be used toward the purchase of prizes. All
nonperishable food items will go to local
pantries serving Plymouth, Canton and
WesternWayneCounty communities.
For more information, email
randi.williams@pcuw.org or call (734) 453-
6879 x7.
Tax preparation available
Tax return preparation will be available
from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays
throughApril 14 at theSummit on thePark.
The service is provided in cooperation
with the American Association of Retired
Persons (AARP).
Complicated and/or joint return
appointments must be scheduled for morn-
ing appointments. Schedule your appoint-
ment by phone at (734) 394-5485.
Chamber hosts legislator
State Rep. Erika Geiss will be the guest
speaker at the Greater Romulus Chamber
of Commerce luncheon beginning at 11:30
a.m. Feb. 16 at The Clarion Hotel, 8600
MerrimanRoad inRomulus.
Geiss is in her first term representing
the 12thHouseDistrict. Apublished author,
she is a small business owner and free-
Seating is limited and tickets are $20 for
chamber members and $25 for non-mem-
bers. Reservations should bemade no later
thanFriday, Feb. 13.
For more information or tickets, call
(734) 893-0694.
Free heart screening set
Wayne Senior Services will offer free
heart health screening for anyone 18 and
older from10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.
17 at the Wayne Community Center, 4635
HoweRoad inWayne.
Medical professionals will offer blood
pressure, cholesterol and glucose screen-
ing (no fasting required) plus a stroke risk
assessment. No pre-registration is
For more information, call (734) 721-
Sunken ships is topic
Sunken Ships of the Great Lakes will be
the topic of a talk by shipwreck hunter
David Trotter at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at the
Trotter will share his experiences
exploring sunken vessels of the Great
Lakes. Trotter is an avid shipwreck sleuth
withmore than 100 discoveries to his name
and he and his Undersea Research
Associates plum the depths of Michigan
waters in search of undiscovered craft.
To register for this free event, call (734)
721-7832 or visit theAdult ReferenceDesk.
The Wayne Public Library is located at
3737 S.WayneRoad inWayne.
High school hosts information session
Northville High School will host a
Community Information Session from 1-3
p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22. Visitors can tour the
state-of-the-art, technology-equipped high
school with student leaders as guides.
Academic department chairs and repre-
sentatives from athletic teams, student
clubs, and music and art programs will be
on hand to provide insight along with cur-
rent students, administrators andparents.
Northville Public Schools commitment
to excellence is evidenced in its Michigan
Educational Assessment Program (MEAP),
MichiganMerit Exam (MME), ACTandSAT
performance, where Northville students
consistently score well above state and
national averages, a spokespersonnoted.
While this information session is geared
toward incoming freshmen for the 2015-16
academic year, families with students of all
ages, as well as community members, are
Northville High School is located at
45700 Six Mile Road, Northville. For more
information, call (248) 344-3800 or visit
Historic lecture series planned
The Northville Historical Society will
present a lecture series at 7 p.m.
Wednesdays in the Old School Church at
Mill RaceHistorical Village inNorthville.
The lectures are free of charge although
donations to help offset costs are encour-
aged andwill be accepted at the door.
The 2015 lecture series is provided
through the generosity of the
KnickerbockerGroup of Raymond James.
The lecture schedule includes Feb. 25,
The Bay View Association: a National
Historic Landmark; March 25, When Mark
Twain Came to Michigan; April 22, Little-
known Facts About the Lincolns and the
Civil War and May 27, The Early Days of
Radio inMichigan.
Barefoot Productions will present Distracted by Lisa Loomer at 8 p.m. Feb. 13, 14,
20, 21 and at 2 p.m. Feb. 15 and 22.Distracted, a comedy/drama about Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADD) and the epidemic it has become, deals with the impact of
the syndrome on family, friends and education. The show was selected by a mem-
ber of the Barefoot Productions Script Committee who is also a retired educator.
Audience talk-backs will be facilitated by Kristen Wrase, Dearborn Public School
psychologist. The cast includes, from left, top row, Allison Thomas of West
Bloomfield; Kiersten Manifold of Ypsilanti; Christine Doulette of Northville and
Griffin Burke, also of Northville. In the bottom row are, from left, Annette Ripper
from Northville; Eric Bloc of Ann Arbor; Beth Duey of Northville and Samantha
Lowry from Livonia. Cast members not pictured are David Alexander of Redford
and Cole Haas from Inkster.