Art in the Park 2015 - page 16

Page 14
ber of women, we offer them a num-
ber of services which dive deep into
their lives to make a lasting impact.
These programs range from legal
advice, housing, financial manage-
ment, entrepreneurship, counseling
and lifewellness,”Rhodes said.
The jewelry starts with graffiti that
is collected after it has fallen due to
the weight of many layers of paint and
damage from Mother Nature. The
graffiti is worked with sterling silver
and non-toxic jeweler's resin to create
“Our pendants, which are our sig-
nature pieces, are all tagged with the
location of where the graffiti was
found inDetroit,”Rhodes said.
Prices for the unique art jewelry
range from$65-$175.
This is the first year Rebel Nell has
been at Art In The Park and Rhodes
said that she, Peterson and Russell
are looking forward to theweekend.
“We've heard great things about Art
In The Park and had several people
ask if we were going to be there. We're
very excited to attend,” she said.
Rebel Nell
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